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Everything posted by Sassygirl06

  1. Sassygirl06

    From Morbidly Obese To Overweight!

    well i hope the surgery goes well!
  2. Sassygirl06

    From Morbidly Obese To Overweight!

    Go for it! I love the micheal jackson's expieriance for the wii, and you dont use the board, so it doesnt matter how much you weigh. It is so much fun! My kids and I play it for hours and I am sweating my butt off doing what I love...dancing! It is great!
  3. we are all going to be able to fit different amounts in our sleeves due to the fact that different docs use different bougie sizes. on top of that the docs only change the width of our stomachs, not the length....and everybody has a different length. so that being said...i would definatly measure all of the food first for a while, till you get used to how much makes you feel satisfied and not full. as for me I have noticed that if I am eating meat I get fuller with way less vs eating cottage cheese or yogurt. take it slow and listen to your sleeve....lol.....it will let you know if you are eating to much good luck!
  4. Sassygirl06

    Mushies Tom

    I ate cream of wheat first...luke warm. It felt great! good luck!
  5. Sassygirl06

    Gain Weight Before Loss?

    you can easily go up 5-6 pounds in a week, and then lose it. I would totally do that and save yourself time. good luck!
  6. Sassygirl06

    Leak Question

    You just need to follow docs orders. Leaks are so rare. There are a lot of possible complications of the surgery, but if you let the worrying get to you it will drive you crazy. Think possitive! That is what got me through.... I am now 8 months out and I have never felt better! good luck to all of you future sleevers....this is the best choice you could make for your health!
  7. Sassygirl06

    Riding In A Car..

    I live about 200 miles away from my hospital. I was in the hospital for 2 days and then drove home on the 3rd day. As for the pain, I was good. We made sure to stop every 50 miles or so to get out and walk around. I would just be sure to stop often. I think you will be fine.....good luck to both of you!
  8. Sassygirl06

    From Morbidly Obese To Overweight!

    thank you all! I am so happy
  9. Sassygirl06

    Seriously Im Outta Control! This Might Be Tmi

    I already replied but I thought I would add in that the other night my hubby and I went out to a club....after we left....driving home I got way to horney and ended up unbuckling my seatbelt and started ummmmmm well you know....then we tried to go home but our teenage daughter was pulling in the driveway at the same time...so we drove off and went to the park! well lets just say we broke a few laws that night! hehe but it was increadable, and my nsv was that we fit in the backseat just fine together....if you know what I mean!
  10. Sassygirl06

    Male Nsv

    I wish my hubby would be ready for round 2 after a few minutes. when I am still ready for more loving he is sound asleep snoring! haha. good for you!
  11. Sassygirl06

    Regret? Maybe...

    remember that slow and steady wins the race! you will get there honey!
  12. Sassygirl06

    Compression Garments

    I am trying the tummy tuck garment. I just got it. it came with cream that you put on your tummy and then you put on the compression sleeve. Then you are supposed to do 2 minutes of tightening exercise with it on, and then wear it for 10 more minutes. I can say that I do feel it warming my stomach when I use it....it is supposed to tighten your stomach muscles and burn belly fat 4 times faster. I dont know if it really works or not, but I paid 30 bucks for it, and I figure its worth a shot....I have had it for 2 weeks now and I have lost 3 inches off my waist so far. Even if it doesnt burn the fat off faster the garmet does hold in all of my fat pretty well, so I guess I would have paid about 30 bucks for a good compression garmet anyways. I will post more after the 6 weeks is up on whether or not it really works.
  13. Sassygirl06

    Regret? Maybe...

    I am so sorry that all of this has happened to you! I really am praying for your speedy recovery. I do know that I was very tired for a long time after the surgery...about 2 months. I now am 8 months out as of tomarrow, and I can say that my energy level is threw the roof....way better than before. As for the weight loss, I only lost 18 pounds the first month, and then the second month only 4 pounds do to the 3 week stall that lasted about 2 weeks. Since then I have lost about 8 to 12 pounds a month, depending on how much I exercise and how well I stick to my eating protein and avoiding carbs. As for the blood clots, you definatly have an angel out there watching over you! Once you have lost more weight this problem of getting blood clots should go away, since being overweight increases your chances of blood clots. I will be praying for you! Best wishes and ((HUGS)) your way! I can tell you once this situation has passed you will be so happy that you did this to improve your health in the long run! again ((HUGS))
  14. Sassygirl06

    A Different Person

    I would say that you will feel more like you again soon, but the truth is that I still dont feel like the old me. I feel so much better! After about 2 months you start to feel completely better, but the old me is gone now. I feel so different on every level. This is a real life changing expieriance. I find myself discusted when I see other people eating so much. I was at a Dennys the other night and there was a guy sitting on the opposite side of me. I was able to see him down a whole basket of chicken wings, while drinking a soda. Then he got his burger and fries....the servings were SO huge. He ate the whole thing and I was feeling sick watching it. The really sad part was that before this surgery that would have been me, and I would have had a milkshake with it, as well as order some dessert. I would have also been staring at all of my familys food and waiting for them to be done so I could finish off their leftovers. I am soooo happy that I gave myself this gift.....that is truely how I view this surgery, as a gift. I no longer am haunted by food. I dont sit there and think about what I am going to eat next, and when I'm going to eat next. It truely is freeing. I was so addicted to everything about food, and now I view it as nutrition for my body. Sometimes I just dont even want to eat, and I have to force myself to get something so that I stay healthy. I still enjoy food...so please dont take it that way, but now it is no longer all consuming. It is so wonderful to be free! Sorry this is a book....but the ultimate message I am trying to say is that you will feel better soon, and then you will feel amazed at how you wonderful this gift is! I hope you have a speedy recovery! congrats on changing your life!!!
  15. Sassygirl06


    My husband has said that he supports me 100%. We have been married for 18 years. When we got married I was a skinny woman. Through the years I packed on the pounds, and he got comfortable with me not being hit on. Now that I have lost weight he is noticing that other guys are interested in me....and he really doesnt like it. He is a thin man, and very attractive, but for some reason he has very low self esteem. I have tried to explain to him that I love him and I am not interested in any other man. He loved me while I was fat, and at my worst, so why wouldnt I love him while I am thin and at my best? He is constantly getting pissed when he sees men checking me out, and now he wants to know where I am and who Im with at all times. He doesnt want me going out with friends any more, and is getting on my case for doing the same things I have done in the past when I was fat. I have no desire to leave him, but I dont know how to deal with his insecurities. I have been with him since I was 15 years old, more than half my life....and he means everything to me. I just dont want him acting like this. I dont know what to do. This is the man that I want to grow old with. Any one out there that has a suggestion on how to help him understand my feelings....guys I would love some input from you on how to communicate with him. He is acting like a stranger to me right now. Thank you for any input that could help.
  16. Sassygirl06

    Not At All What I Expected!

    every day gets a little better. I had a bad case of buyers remorse for about a month, then I finally felt better, and was happy that I gave myself this gift. make sure to take your pain meds, get your fluids in....and rest. you will get better. I wish you the best, and a speedy recovery!
  17. Sassygirl06

    A Little Unclear

    I had full liquids starting day 2 and then mushies starting day 7.....then at 2 weeks I was able to start on full diet. listen to your sleeve, it will let you know if you shouldnt have what you are eating.
  18. Sassygirl06


    I keep track on the Wii fit. It also graphs my weight and bmi, also allows me to set my goals....as well as workout. It has always been accurate, and weighs down to the nitty gritty as you put it.
  19. Sassygirl06

    I'm Alive Again!

    I love a man in uniform.... you look sexy! ;D
  20. Sassygirl06

    Seriously Im Outta Control! This Might Be Tmi

    same thing here. just be thankful you have a partner to help out ;P
  21. Sassygirl06

    In The Mood For Pizza?

    I use the low carb tortilla (garlic flavor) then spread pizza sause on top......top with my favorite toppings, and then cook it on the stove top for about 5 minutes on medium low heat......the crust is crisppy just like a thin crust...very yummy!
  22. So ladies....have you noticed that when your tom comes you are able to eat more? I have been sleeved for 8 months now and every time it comes I am able to eat more, and find myself craving junk food more. I really have a hard time saying no to the little voice in my head that say's come on lets eat some junk. Right after I am done with it I lose a ton of weight, and it doesnt come back....so that is good, but I am just wondering if it is all in my head, or are there other women out there like me?
  23. Sassygirl06

    Newbie Alert! Is This Thing On?

    congrats, and welcome to the site!
  24. Sassygirl06

    Reason For Time Off

    I told everyone that I was having gall bladder removed, which also explained why I had to change my diet. Good luck!
  25. Sassygirl06

    Silly Nsv!

    lol......that is wonderful!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
