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Everything posted by Sassygirl06

  1. Sassygirl06

    Which Scale

    good idea. I love being able to look back and see how far I have come.
  2. Sassygirl06

    Which Scale

    just stick with the same one every time you weigh to measure by. I use the wii. I have been weighing myself on it for 2 years now so it tracks it all for me....I can see the graph and everything.
  3. Sassygirl06

    Nosey Rosies

    I didnt tell anyone but my husband, daughter, and my best friend. I have people everyday ask me how I have lost so much work to which I am honest in saying.... a lot of exercise, diet, and hard work. They do not need to know anything else. As for people asking me if I had surgery I simply reply no. There is a reason why we have hippa regulations now..../because it isnt anyones business. I am really glad that I have kept it to myself because after people ask me that they usually follow it up with comments such as.....oh Im so glad you did it the natural way, those people that get the surgerys are cheating....and other negative comments. as for the time off I told them that I had my gall bladder removed, also explained my diet change. good luck!
  4. Sassygirl06

    Hurts To Move.

    I had tons of pain.....I made sure to tell the nurses and doc. be your own advocate....tell them you need more. they will give it to you. they had me hooked up to morphine...which only helped for a few minutes so I told them I needed more and they ended up giving me another med to go with it which was a dream. you heal the best when you are not tensing with pain....plus you are more willing to get up and move around when you are not in pain (which also promotes healing) so they are happy to help you. good luck....it does get better though....PROMISE!!!
  5. Sassygirl06

    So Discouraged ....

    there are a lot of great doctors out there that will take the time with you to go over everything that you need to know. I would keep looking....you need to feel comfortable with him. I lucked out and the first doc that I chose was wonderful. you will need to lose some weight with any of the docs that you chose, but that is also the best thing for you to do for the surgery to be safe. I was able to lose 47 pounds before my surgery on slim fast. I just followed the plan that they tell you...2 shakes, a meal under 500 calories, and 3 snacks under 100 calories a day. i did it in 4 months. you can do this! change your life! god bless you and good luck!
  6. Sassygirl06

    Help With Firming Legs

    my suggestion is to take the stairs where ever you go, and do it slow and easy, not fast. my legs are the one thing on my body that I am so happy about. I do kickboxing too, but that isnt for everyone. good luck!
  7. Sassygirl06


    I did try drinking soda once since surgery. I burped it right back up. it was a definate no go for me. I have never been a soda addict, just needed something to drink and that was the only thing available. learned my lesson, dont want it again.
  8. Sassygirl06

    Post-Op Gag Reflexes?

    you can look up your medication online and see if the med can be crushed...or call the pharmacy and ask them. if you can crush...then add a little to some applesause and try it that way to get rid of the acid. I have had some problems with my gag reflex still....but not so bad that I am upset about it. ususally mine happens when I have eaten to much, or if I havent eaten in to long. hope you feel better! good luck!
  9. Sassygirl06

    Will I Forget To Feed My Kid?

    haha...that is so funny. there are some days where I have no desire to eat at all, and my kids are like.....mom whats for dinner? the good part for me is that my kids are old enough to cook some things on their own. most of the times I manage to feed them just fine. the thing that is really hard for them to deal with is that I am not buying junk anymore. they are going through withdrawls. haha I used to spend about 600-800 a month on food for a family of 5....now I spend about 300! my grocery bill is definatly better now, but they are like.....we dont have anything good to eat. I say....um yeah there is tons of good stuff to eat, just none of the junk anymore. my husband has involuntarily lost 20 pounds since my surgery. lol he was not overweight at all btw, but now he is at the low end of healthy weight for his height. my kids are not losing any weight though...as a matter of fact my son has put on 30 pounds this year! he isnt fat, but i am always on him about how much he eats, and exercising because i dont want him to have the same problems with weight that I did. he is 13 now and going through puberty, and that is the only reason im not totally freaking out about his weight gain. good luck in making sure your kid doesnt starve lol
  10. Sassygirl06

    I Rather Fat Than Skin

    I started at 315...way bigger then you...of course I am tall (5'9") so it streched out good. I dont have any hanging skin...you can check out my pictures on my profile. my belly is loose...but it was like that after I lost the weight from pregnancy's.....my tummy got streched to hell from my babies. my arms are fine....my legs are great (in fact I can wear a mini skirt now and it doesnt look bad!) I think it has to do with genetics, age, nutrition, and luck! I am gonna have a tummy tuck in 30 more pounds to get rid of it....I cant wait! good luck
  11. Sassygirl06

    Not Exercising Yet....

    yes, the fluid intake can affect the blood pressure, and when you have dips in blood pressure you can have dizzy spells.....im sure you know this as a nurse...... but as a patient it can be a little scary to think that it will never go away. I know you must be running around taking care of patients, and it can get hard to remember to hydrate yourself....believe me I KNOW! lol just make sure to take a sip everytime you pass by your station! good luck dont worry about not getting in exercise until you feel up to it. I am sure that you running around on the job is burning all the calories you are eating in a day anyways. you will know when you can handle more
  12. Sassygirl06


    i dont have any trouble with fruit...except that an apple is a full course meal for me now
  13. Sassygirl06

    When Do You...

    im nine months out and when I eat to much i can feel my sleeve. it is like a hard little golf ball inside my abdomin. it is really weird.....it doesnt hurt, im just uncomfortable from eating to much....gotta watch that!
  14. that is so wonderful! keep it up!!
  15. Sassygirl06

    Flaking Skin?

    most likely dehydration.....you gotta up that water intake! my skin has never been softer and more radiant then now...and I know it is all attributed to drinking my weight in water (not really that much..lol) I love it!!! especially since at my heaviest i had these little pimple like bumps all over my arms, legs and butt. I am sooo thankful to report that all of those nasty bumps are gone!! good luck.....and drink drink drink!
  16. Sassygirl06

    100 Lb Reward?

    I have been rewarding myself every 25 pounds. I need it! my next reward is going to be a full body massage. I have never had one because I have felt to fat to do it...it would be so embarresing....but now I am feeling more comfortable in my own skin and am looking forward to it when I lose all the way to goal my reward is going to be a lot of stuff! #1 will be a tummy tuck and a boob lift/augment #2 will be a whole new wardrobe and #3 is going to be an ankle tattoo of my kids names. you definatly need to reward yourself! you deserve it! congrats!!!
  17. Sassygirl06

    Guilty Feeling Never Ends!

    I am almost 9 months post op. I still have a hard time getting all of my protein in. dont beat yourself up. just try to squeeze in those extra things when you can. I add egg to everything, and I use protein powder in a lot of my cooking. sometimes it is hard to do....you arent going to drop dead if you dont get every little bit of protein in everyday, so stop stressing....start being clever, you might find it fun good luck!
  18. Sassygirl06

    Negative Mother

    moms can be stubborn.....I didnt tell mine or my mother in law. ( I actually didnt really tell anyone except hubby and 1 of my 3 kids) I dont feel the need to explain how I am losing, its nobodys business. hope your mom comes around!
  19. Sassygirl06


    my hubby was in the Army and got deployed when our son was 3 weeks old. I felt soooo horrible! I must have looked a sight, cause I was crying so much that snot was running down my face. I was so thankful that they waited to deploy him until after I had the baby....which they didnt have to do, they were going to deploy him when I was 8 months pregnant but our son was supposed to be downs and so the Chaplin stepped in and got his deployment delayed. thank god our son was not downs, and his deployment seemed like forever at the time, but then it was over before I knew it......wow that was over 12 years ago now! he has been out for 11 years now, thank goodness! military family was wonderful to us, but you are constantly affraid that they are going to send them out I am so sorry that he had to go....make sure to keep that military family close to help you get through this time! Good luck!!! dont forget that there is a ton of support on here for you too!
  20. Sassygirl06


    the headaches can be caused from the pain meds too. the pain meds they give us can cause a thing called rebound headache. I got that a lot when i was on them. hope you feel better
  21. I am almost 9 months out and I still have this happen to me if I eat to fast. .... if I dont pay attention to how fast I eat I can get sick super fast. I also have the ability to vomit without sticking my finger down my throat....this sounds bad, but I find it very helpful when I feel like I have overfilled by accident. I just squeeze my stomach muscles together and out comes the food that is causing the trouble. there isnt any stomach acid mixed in thankfully so it tastes the same as when it is going down, and doesnt burn my throat. sorry if this is tmi for anybody, but I tend to tell it like it is. truth is my tummy is still a baby and I am just still learning what I can and cant do. I also continue to suffer from the desire to eat just to eat, and not because I am hungry. this surgery isnt a magic trick, I totally understand what they mean by it is a tool to help...not a cure. I'm not sure that I got that before surgery and I am still kinda figuring that out now. Still have the overeaters mind but I am in no means saying anything bad about the sleeve.....it definatly has been doing its job well. good luck on feeling better soon. definatly talk to the doc
  22. Sassygirl06

    Husband's Sweet Words

    my hubby says that all the time now! haha even when I wear just a tee shirt and jeans he says it.....im like...um really, im just in my normal clothes. he is so jealous now too....driven me nuts. he at least recognizes it is a problem, and he is trying to work it out. he said he is just a little insecure now since I look so 'HOT" haha
  23. Sassygirl06

    Fyi, A Pound Of Muscle.....

    yeah, it weighs the same, but one pound of muscle takes up a whole lot less space then one pound of fat...thats for sure....and the muscle sure as hell looks better blackberry----this definatly applys to you....look at all that muscle, if those arms were filled with fat they wouldnt be looking so great
  24. Sassygirl06

    Make Ur Own Jello Protein

    sounds really yummy, I will have to try! thank you!
  25. Sassygirl06

    Very Saddened

    that sucks, but the good news is that you had the surgery that can help fix this situation. The liver is an amazing thing, it can and will regenerate healthy tissue. you just need to do your part, which is making sure to optimize your weight loss while you are in the prime time to do so. My girlfriend had gastric bypass because she had cirrhosis, and now 3 years out she has no signs of any liver damage. you can do this! get moving! good luck!

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