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Everything posted by Sassygirl06

  1. Sassygirl06

    One Day Post Op, Doing Pretty Well!

    wow! congrats and welcome to the other side! take it easy and dont overdue it.
  2. Sassygirl06

    Loose Skin

    not all of us get extra skin, it really depends on how you carried your weight, genetics, age, hydration and for some people just dumb luck! I dont really have any extra skin anywhere...except my horrible tummy, but that was from having 10 pound babies! lol make sure you drink plenty of water as this helps to hydrate the skin, as well as get rid of the fat. good luck!
  3. when I was on the liquid diet I was allowed no sugar fudge pops, sugar free pudding, and jello, as well as real liquidy soups....after the first week my doc said it was ok to have one string cheese a day and one egg a day as well. just do your best....and make sure that you do all liquids at least 2 days before the surgery so that you can have your poop shoot all cleared out...lol You can do this! best of luck and wishes! ((hugs))
  4. you arent a failure. we all lose differently. it is easy to get discouraged.....just look at how far you have come.....that is enough!
  5. Sassygirl06

    Finally! Under 200Lbs - 8 Mo Post-Op!

    way to go! you are doing terrific!
  6. Sassygirl06


    you can take gummy vitamins by day 3....if you can manage to tolerate them....just suck on them until they are disolved.
  7. I just feel full too, but it is really uncomfortable if I have that bite to many, and I too salivate uncontrollably, as well as get the hiccups....only like 2-3 right before I am going to be to full....so weird!
  8. Sassygirl06

    Century Club! Woot Woot!

    hip hip hurray! congrats!
  9. Sassygirl06

    Post Op 4 Days Help!

    you should call your doc for some pain meds if you dont already have some.....dont suffer through the pain, better healing occurs when you arent in pain. as for all of the sounds, that will continue for some time. I had the weirdest sounds coming from my tummy, and my whole family would laugh about it.....it will go away, just takes some time.
  10. Sassygirl06

    Breast Reduction Before Vsg

    I am actually getting ready for plastics and I am thinking about getting the lazer lift with some implants....was wondering if you could tell me more about your expierence with it?
  11. Sassygirl06

    In N Out

    I am so sorry that he is not being more supportive! It does take some time for them to come around. My hubby has got a lot better. I had to get on him because I am a private person and I didnt tell any one about my surgery...well if we were eating with people at their houses, or out at a resturant and I would gat up to go to the bathroom he would start talking about how I am probably throwing up in the bathroom! OMG I had a few times that he said this and the people looked at me like I had an eating disorder! Talk about being pissed off! I had to sit him down and tell him that this was not acceptable. He has gotten a lot better, but they are men after all.....they dont take change well, and they dont get a hint...you have to tell them straight forward! As for eating In N Out...that stuff is sooo good it hurts to think about! The good news is that you will be able to have that eventually....just not a double double, animal style with animal style fries, and the soda! Now that I am a year out I will occationally have a single cheeseburger from there, and I will finish about 2/3rds of it, I just throw the rest of it away.....got my craving over with and that is that. good luck to you!
  12. thank you for sharing. I had the same thing going on with my arms, and I am happy to report that it does seem to be getting better. I will even wear sleeveless stuff now too! good luck with your journey...it looks like you are doing great!
  13. Sassygirl06

    Twelve Weeks Pregnant, Four Months Post Op

    wow! your body will take care of the baby....you better take care of your nutrition! make sure you are getting good vitamins in and all the protein for your muscles and the babys. very happy for you, I would be pissed if that happened to me....only cause I am soooo done with having any more kids! I have 3 and the youngest is 9.....I have my tubes tide, so it better not happen...lol congrats, and like I said, your little bambino will get all the nutrition he or she needs from your body, so just make sure you are feeding your body enough....small meals all day long! good luck!!! and congrats!
  14. Sassygirl06

    Small Bowel Obstruction...not Fun

    that really sucks! sorry. it is true that no one knows what this surgery is. I have explained it to me primary quite a few times. oh well. im sure that it wasnt a complication of the surgery, as nothing is touched down there. you will show those nay sayers! good luck!!!
  15. I know that at first I tried to eat and drink at the same time, because I was addicted to it....It would cause the slims for me...horrible, and it hurt too. so I stopped for a long time. now I am able to drink a little bit with my meals, but only a sip or two.....it doesnt make me hungry faster at all.....but I definatly cant fit as much food in when I do sip on water. I dont ever drink anything but water with a meal or it makes me want to hurl....sorry so graffic, but the truth.
  16. Sassygirl06

    Missed Period

    yep, I was 3 weeks late for my first, then I didnt have one for 2 months...and then I went back to a regular schedule.....now I am like clockwork....for the first time ever!
  17. I love my coller bones! just noticed them showing through in a picture! hehe

  18. Sassygirl06

    Biotin For Hair Loss

    I lost a little more hair then usual for a few months. I am now a year out and my hair is just fine. no extra loss anymore. no one seemed to notice my hair loss, only my weight loss....so I was happy for the exchange. good luck everyone!
  19. that is wonderful! keep up the great work!
  20. Sassygirl06

    Bathroom Issues

    yes I had problems with going for a while. I wasnt eating enough to have any waiste. I would take a few days till I had to go. Now I pretty much go every day again. if you have pain from constipation you need to talk to the doc, because impaction is a deadly thing. I have had patients die of impaction.....dont freak out....they were mentally impaired and didnt know to report it to us. the pain meds that they give you can cause constipation, so if you are still on those you might think about taking some collase, also called dss....it doesnt make you go, it just makes it softer when you go, and is totally fine to take with your new tummy. good luck!
  21. Sassygirl06

    Idk I'm Gonna Ever Enjoy Food Anymore

    this is normal. you will be able to eat again. this is buyers remorse. once you are all healed you will be able to enjoy food again, promise. I love going to my old favorite places to eat again.....I just have a lot to go.....or I give some to the people I am with. it will get better! good luck!
  22. Sassygirl06


    I took it and had no problems. gotta make sure that you take it with a little food so that it doesnt irritate your tummy. there is a higher risk of bleeding with all nsaids, as long as you arent going in for surgery anytime soon you will be fine.
  23. Sassygirl06

    Question: Why Is Caffeine Off Limits?

    it is actually a hunger stimulant. I have it a little bit now, but I am a year out.
  24. Sassygirl06

    How Long Until You Ate Salad, Steak, Bread?

    it was really a trial and error kind of thing for me. I would try a little something and then wait and see if I could handle it. you will know really fast if you can. i really didnt have problems with anything, except when I tried to drink anything with food....big NO NO! good luck!
  25. mine was not being able to have the energy to do anything with my family. I was just sleeping my days away. problem fixed!

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