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Everything posted by Sassygirl06

  1. Nothing you take will stop the process. The fast weight loss is a shock to your body, just the same as chemo is a shock to the body and the hair falls out. (No you won't lose it all like chemo though ) my hair was defiantly my security blanket. Always had lots of thick beautiful hair. Even after the hair loss that I had no one could tell but me. My hairdresser only noticed when I had a lot of re growth. I did go with a shorter hair cut after it started coming back in...but by then my face was so much skinnier that the shorter bob cut looked fantastic on me....I no longer needed all that hair to disguise my fat face!
  2. I have my hair done with highlights and lowlights all the time. Never had a problem with it since surgery. My hair did start falling out at around 3-4 months, but it was just gradual, not all at once. The only way I could tell was because my hair was always everywhere on my clothes...not because of actual noticeable thinning. Then a couple months later re growth began showing everywhere, so I had a lot of shorter hair...so I ended up going with a short bob cut for a while, which looks way better on me anyways. Good luck!
  3. Sassygirl06

    Period at time of surgery?

    I would not put a tampon in...just a pad. Inform your doctor and nursing team that you have your period. They may chose to not do the catheterization as it requires a sterile field....they may chose to just place you under a chucks (like a big padded disposable blanket) good luck.... Btw, I did not get a catheter, even though they stated that they would.
  4. Sassygirl06

    Totally inappropriate question

    Haha! Totally hilarious! I never thought that gagging would make a guy feel good! I guess it would...they always over estimate size anyways!
  5. Sassygirl06

    Tears of joy...

    So much fun every time the size ball drops a little more!
  6. Sassygirl06

    Pre surgery eating

    I was truly addicted to food! I wasn't an emotional eater...I was just addicted! Now when I see people eating a giant cheeseburger.....or a huge plate of food....I seriously want to gag! I still enjoy food...don't get me wrong...but It just makes me sick to remember how much I used to eat....and knowing now I was killing myself by overdose of food! To answer your question...yes it is possible....a very good example of this is I used to LOVE chocolate! I could eat 5 candy bars straight....and love every bite. Now if I eat it...although it tastes good, I just can only handle a little piece and then it is really just to sweet for me, and I lose the desire. Good luck with your new beginning!
  7. Sassygirl06

    Totally inappropriate question

    There is actually some stuff you can buy at sex stores that is meant for your throat to stop the gagging...don't know about the anal stuff...anyhow...if you are worried about the swallowing part....totally never had an issue with it hurting the tummy...lol And as far as gagging....that has happened to me for many reasons...including the stomach flu since being sleeved....as well as going to long between meals and eating to much. It has never hurt my stomach. Don't worry though...you will learn how to stop eating before you get to full! I never over eat anymore!
  8. Sassygirl06

    Leak Test Question........

    Yes terrible taste...but only a small medicine cup full....plus totally worth it! Put my mind at ease! I recommend having it...not all doctors require it before you leave though.
  9. Sassygirl06

    What's the deal?

    In the beginning when I was hungry it was due to to much acid in my tummy. Once I realized this and took my meds when I was supposed to that extreme hunger feeling went away. As far as head hunger goes...yes it does exist. I see things all the time that make me salivate! I want it bad....but if I eat it I will feel down after...so I don't. I am now 18 months out and I still do get hungry....but not where I am eating all the time...every 2-3 hours I have some little snack...usually a piece of cheese, or 2-3 slices of deli meat. That's all it takes to fill me up, and then food is no longer on my mind. Don't let your mind talk you out of this....having this surgery has changed my life! I am so thankful for the sleeve!
  10. Meant to say pound of fat and pound of muscle...hehe
  11. Yes! It's due to the high protein. Exchanging fat for muscles. You don't lose weight, but you get smaller..muscle takes up less room then fat. That old saying that muscle weighs more then fat is not true...a pound of fat and a pound of fat are both still a pound...but it sure takes up less room! Lol
  12. Stalls will happen...make sure to measure during them. I had a long ass stall...just don't give up...it will happen!
  13. Sassygirl06

    fruit craving help please

    You should be totally fine. By four months you can eat pretty much anything but celery and coconut. Go for it! Make sure to savor every bite!
  14. Looking pretty sexy! Way to work it! Good job!
  15. Sassygirl06

    GAINED 6 lbs in 2 days ! ?

    Sorry so long to respond. I had my surgery in August 2011. I was a size ten by January 2012. I kind of stopped paying attention to what I was eating, and how many calories I was eating, so I stopped losing weight for a long time. But I have been back on track, and I have actually lost 18 pounds since January 1 st. I haven't gone down in pants size yet, but shirt size is smaller now. I still have weight to lose in my belly. I won't stop till I get there! Just don't give up. I bet since the last post you made those pants are loose now! Lol
  16. Sassygirl06

    GAINED 6 lbs in 2 days ! ?

    You can gain and lose up to about 5 pounds in one day. Defiantly ditch the scale. Go by your clothes. That's how I did it. I weighed only once a month after I figured this out. On the clothes I know that when I started I was a size 24-26 and now I am in a 10! Don't need a scale to tell me that I lost a person! Lol
  17. Totally normal. I know you won't listen...as I didn't listen when I was in your shoes...but I will say it anyways. Don't get on the scale everyday...or even every week. I weigh myself once a month now...and I am usually happy with the results...but when I was in the beginning I would lose...then go up...then down then up...it would drive me nuts. Weight can go up or down by five pounds a day. You will lose...just stop watching the scale and pay attention to all the clothes you shrink out of! Good luck!
  18. Stalls happen to us all...I miss the days when a stall was a week or even a month. I am now 17 months out and I was in a stall for 3 months the last time. Just stick with it. You might want to consider upping your calorie intake so that your body knows its not starving. Good luck...you will get there!
  19. Sassygirl06

    Vertical Scar For Tummy Tuck

    I haven't had it yet, but my doctor says I need it. You can check it out online. Go to google images...type in lateral incision tummy tuck scars. There is also another name the doctors call it, which I can't remember....but it is the same name as the symbol that New Orleans uses. My doc said it was up to me, that he could do either surgery, but if I just go with the normal tummy tuck I could still have an indent down the middle of my stomach....I think I would rather have the indent after seeing some of the scars...it looks to much like they were all hacked up to me. I want something I can cover up easily with a tattoo.
  20. Sassygirl06

    Basic Plastic Surgery Research?

    I would defiantly get a consult. They are free usually. I just had mine the other day...found out that some of the things I thought I needed I don't, and other things that I didn't think would be that hard...like the tummy tuck ended up needing a lateral incision! Totally sucks. My doc said he won't lipo my thighs because it is just loose skin there, not fat.....as well as my back....I am not going to be getting those areas fixed....my arms faired well, so nothing needed there, but the girls are in horrible shape 8) It was really great to be able to talk with the doc and get all my questions answered. I would suggest checking out the doc that you plan on seeing online for any complaints....or malpractice. As for being less scarred for plastics...I think it's our frame of minds going into the two surgeries.....for the sleeve we go into it knowing that our precious food will be taken away...and we all absolutely love our food......but we don't love our body's. once we get over that hurdle, I think it's our brain working the opposite way. We hate our body image and plastic surgery will help us to feel more normal In our own skin. Still all the same risks with the two surgeries, just different ways our minds think.....that's my opinion anyways. Good luck!
  21. Sassygirl06

    Tummy Tuck Scar

    The scars suck, but I am planning on having mine disguised with tattoos. It will be a bright belt of flowers.
  22. I had my plastic surgery consult today. Good news and bad news...good news it is only going to be 15,000 for all the procedures I want...tummy tuck, breast lift with implants, and chin lipo....bad news; my tummy tuck has to have a lateral scar and vertical scar because of the amount of skin in the middle. Looks like no bikinis for me in the future...ever! Oh well I will take the scars over my apron of skin any day!

  23. I have my first consultation with my plastic surgeon on the 15th! I am so excited!!! I can't believe that I have finally arived at the point where I can get my tummy and boobs done! :) I am on top of the world!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
