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Everything posted by Sassygirl06

  1. Grrr! I can't say it enough! Stop weighing....it only makes you crazy. Everyone loses differently and you can't compare your weight loss to others. You have lost 16 pounds...think about that in terms of hamburger! That's a lot of meat there girlie! Be proud!
  2. Sassygirl06


    At a year and a half out I am able to chug water again...although it is not as much as I used to, like drinking a whole 16 oz bottle down at one time. However I am able to take several gulps of water at a time on an empty stomach.
  3. Sassygirl06

    Don't know what to do...

    I lost more then 30 pounds prior to surgery without very much exercise. This is what I did. 1) replaced my Breakfast with a Meal Replacement shake ( I used high Protein slim fast) 2) two hours after each shake I would have a 100 calorie or less snack. 3) dinner could be anything I wanted as long as it was under 500 calories. 4) one last 100 calorie snack after dinner 5) made sure I didn't eat anything after 7 pm. 6) I drank lots of Water, or crystal light, or tea sweetened with Splenda. That's it. I managed to lose all this weight from the end of may till my pre op apt in the beginning of August. You can do it! Don't get discouraged! Good luck and keep smiling!
  4. Sassygirl06

    Bougie sizes?

    It's how the doctor measures how big around or girth your stomach will be. All doctors usually have their own size they prefer to do.
  5. Sassygirl06

    I finally hit onederland!

    Isn't it wonderful?! Keep it up!
  6. Another NSV....ice skating with my kids! Never thought I would be able to do this again!

  7. Sassygirl06


    Sure can. I would wait till your at least 6 weeks out...but I do them all the time!
  8. Sassygirl06

    Feel so young here

    I only wish I could have been younger when I had my surgery. However age is just a number! I look and feel younger then I have in years.
  9. Sassygirl06

    New and frustrated

    That sucks! My gf has the same insurance as I do. I got approved for my surgery in about 3 months from start to finish... Well she waited about a month to long to go in for her approval process...took to long with the testing, and they changed the rules while she was in the process and made a 6 month diet required. She just finally got finished with the six month diet, and then they said she had to redo all of her testing again because it ended up being longer then a year. She lost about 30 pounds in the process....but since all of this has happened she had decided not to go through with the surgery! I was so shocked and saddened by her decision because she is so big. I'm worried she will never be able to lose what she needs to on her own. good luck with yours. Please don't give up!
  10. Sassygirl06

    Stuck for two weeks

    It's normal! Stop weighing yourself and driving yourself crazy! Put it away. Go by your clothes. Or even measuring tape. There are countless posts on this forum by people saying how they aren't the same weight as they used to be when they were younger, but they can fit the same clothes....same goes for countless posts about stalls. I know it's hard to resist the stupid scale....but for your sanity..just ditch it for a while. Good luck!
  11. Sassygirl06

    Progress at almost 9 months out.

    That is great! Keep it up!
  12. Sassygirl06

    TOP 3 THINGS...

    1) no longer have to cross my legs when I sneeze or cough! 2) I can have sex in any position instead of just doggy. 3) I get hit on again by men ( sometimes even women ) Sorry for tmi....but it's the truth!
  13. Sassygirl06

    jet blue

    Jet blue was by far the worst airplane I have ever flown! The seats are even smaller then any other normal airplane. I swore the time I used them I would rather pay more! Just my opinion.
  14. Sassygirl06


    I am a year and a half post op. yes I did go through some depression due to not being able to eat all my favorite foods. Now I have some time under my belt, I can honestly say I am so happy! As for not being able to eat what you want when you want, I am able to eat anything I want whenever I want to. Just not as much. I don't crave all the things I used to, and it is really easy for me to follow the plan now. When I see others eating those huge servings of food I used to eat it makes me want to hurl. I feel so much better all around!
  15. I got the hiccups as well as extra saliva. I could also feel my tummy getting hard when full. Actually manually feel a bump on the outside of my belly. Stalls happen for you when they happen. Best to put the scale away and forget about it for a while. Then maybe a few weeks check again. I can get full on liquids but usually only thicker ones. As for the sauce...just try a little bit at a time. You are gonna react differently to things that you loved before. You will over eat and overfill your stomach...all of us do. I threw up for about six months at least every other day...if not more cause I was stubborn. You will learn. The part that at least made it a little easier was there was never any stomach acid in it so the horrible throw up taste at least wasn't there. Good luck
  16. Sassygirl06

    24 Days Post Op- HELP!

    Your sleeve is still swollen. I had a very hard time getting anything down for the first few weeks as well. Got buyer remorse bad! There are protein shots you can buy at Walmart. They have about 25 grams of protein in them and its about 3 oz to drink. Make sure they are really cold....as the flavors kind of suck...fruit punch is the best one. Take a sip every few minutes till its gone. This will stop your muscle waisting till you can manage to get the shakes down. As for the water. You can get a medicine cup from the pharmacy. They are about one ounce. Sometimes 2. Drink one of those down every 15 minutes. If they are 2 oz and you do this for a period of 8 hours a day...then you will have had the required fluid. Fluids are so much more important at this point of your healing then food. Good luck girl! You will get through this! ((Hugs))
  17. Sassygirl06

    only 3 weeks out but so happy

    That's terrific! Gosh men can lose so much faster then women! Lucky! It took me like four months to lose that much! Keep up the good work!
  18. Sassygirl06

    Energy Shot

    Yes...I have had them several times. No sugar...no problems. Although the more weight you lose the less likely you are to need them anymore
  19. Sassygirl06


    Ok..just an opinion. It is really easy to get cross over addictions...of any sort if you were an emotional eater especially! As for drinking socially, I had my first drink way to soon...like less then 4 weeks because I was over at a friends house and they pored me a shot...which I would normally take, and she didn't know about my surgery. So I felt like she would know something was up if I didn't take it. I was drunk after the second one. I didn't drink again for a while...but since losing weight I have more energy, as well as self confidence, so I have been going out with friends a lot lately. It hasn't stopped me from almost reaching goal, but all I ever drink is shots of either tequila or vodka because there are no carbs in them, and I only need two to three and I am good for dancing! However I can tell you that I know that I could easily become an alcoholic if I didn't watch it. I can't have the food I was addicted to anymore, so if I wasn't careful I could see numbing my emotions with alcohol instead. Thankfully I recognize this and I will not ever buy alcohol for the home...and since my friends can only come out with me two times a week...I really am not subjecting myself to the addiction. Please just be careful! No matter what others say, it's only you that has the choice to make. It's also only you that has to live with the consequences of those choices. Good luck!
  20. Sassygirl06

    New found motivition !

    Yes I agree! It's hard to see it till you can compare the old Picts. I still have a really hard time thinking of myself as small! I still hold up my pants after doing laundry and think I must be folding someone else's laundry..there's no way these would fit me....and yet they do!
  21. Sassygirl06

    one week out n starting to worry

    Felt the same way...I ended up trying yogurt and pudding cause I was so hungry. Do make sure to take those meds, as some of that is the acid. I'm not recommending eating...but I know what you mean. I was lactose intolerant for the first two months after surgery and I needed to take lacy aid prior to having dairy. I ended up giving in at about 8 days post op.
  22. I went out dancing this weekend...two nights in a row! It was a real confidence booster when my girlfriend had to tell three different guys I was her wife and to back off! Lol love my sleeve!

  23. Sassygirl06

    Half way there!

    That's awesome! Keep it up!
  24. Sassygirl06

    Will the sleeve really help me?

    I am a year and a half out. I was over 300 pounds when I started. Never thought anything could help me. I was addicted to food. Never ate because of hunger...just because I couldn't think about anything but food. It took me about six full months post op to figure out when to stop eating. I was throwing up a lot because I was stubborn and didn't want to stop eating. Needless to say, it is a very good way to stop wanting food all the time when you are throwing up. I can honestly say that food doesn't constantly haunt me anymore. I am able to function without always thinking about what's going to be my next meal! It is so freeing! I still have major restriction. I am only able to eat about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of food at a sitting, depending on what the food is. I still enjoy food, but it makes me sick to think about all the food I used to shove down my throat when I see someone eating a big meal. As for my favorite foods... I can still enjoy, but some things like chocolate make me feel icky if I eat to much, so just a bite or two and I am over that craving. Good luck guys!

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