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Everything posted by Sassygirl06

  1. Sassygirl06

    no Ibuprofen after surgery?

    After you are healed there is no reason that you can't take them. You have to take it with milk or with food, but that is the case with everyone. I take Motrin all the time and have never had an issue.
  2. I haven't tried the Zumba...but I did try the Michael Jackson's experience. It was really fun, and I would get lost in doing the game...before I knew it I would be covered in sweat.
  3. Sassygirl06

    Give it to me straight!

    My doc expected me to stop losing at 100 pounds. I have lost more then 140. If you are willing to put in the work you will get better results.
  4. Sassygirl06


    The sugar. I still can't handle much sugar.
  5. Sassygirl06

    I need your wise words

    My relationship with food is so different now. In the beginning it was really tough. I used to watch others eating and was envious. I would want to have more, but just couldn't do it. I even ended up making myself sick from forcing that last bite, that I shouldn't have. Now I do enjoy eating again! But instead of being envious of people who can eat more food then they should it makes me sick. I can't get over how much they eat! Lol! That used to be me, or even worse. My husband and I went out to dinner last night...our whole meal cost 9.60! He doesn't have any issues with weight. He loves taking me out now, calls me his cheap date, plus whatever I don't finish he gladly takes over for me. Lol there are plenty of other things to do that doesn't involve food. I set up a rewards program for myself for meaning all my short term goals. Every weight goal along the way would get something special that I had always wanted to do for myself, but always felt unworthy of because of my weight...like a full body massage! Hehe it was so amazing the first time I got one! FYI I am a year and eight months post op now. I have never been happier! Good luck!
  6. I've messed up plenty along my journey..only human comes to mind in these situations. I've had times where I am shaking my head at myself for the decisions I have made. The best thing to do is not beat yourself up about it. Except that you will make mistakes, but try to avoid the temptations. I always make sure to eat in three hour intervals, avoiding being hungry helps me stay away from temptations. Also making sure to have plenty of good food choices available. When I am shopping at the store I try to stay on the edges and avoid the middle. All of the produce, meats, cheeses and fresh product are always set up on the ends of the stores, and in the middle are all the things to avoid, such as cookies, chips, and crackers. Always make sure to go shopping just after you finished eating...this helps you to buy better foods, and less as well. Try to reward meeting your food goals with non food rewards. Ie....if you make it your goal to not cheat on your eating plan for 3 days or maybe even a week treat yourself to something you enjoy that doesn't involve eating...movie, or getting a facial, or having a pedicure. It doesn't have to be huge, just something you enjoy. Then repeat. Also, allow yourself to "cheat" every once in a while. Never say that you CAN'T have anything, because this makes your mouth water for them even more. If you have an obsessive thought about a food that can't be quenched, then have a little bit of it, then throw the rest away. Sorry this is so long, but you should know you're not alone...we all have times where we slip. You got this! Good luck!
  7. My biopsy results were negative. This girls boobies are all good!

  8. i keep hearing about the 3 week stall. i am at 3 weeks now and i noticed that the weight isnt coming off. so i guess my question is how long does this first stall normally last?
  9. Sassygirl06

    I need some help!

    Yes. I have had stalls last for months at a time. You get used to them as you get farther out.
  10. Sassygirl06

    am I being naive? ?

    I didn't tell anyone because I feel like my body is my business. Also I get the question about once every couple of days...what's your secret? Once I tell them they usually start in with...oh I'm so glad you didn't have surgery...you did it the right way, or those people that have the surgery are so sick looking....blah blah blah.... Those that say that they support you no matter what sometimes aren't telling the truth to you.
  11. I have bc in California, but it's an ***. Didn't have to pay a dime out of pocket.
  12. I totally agree with gmanbat. You're exchanging fat for muscle. Measure yourself...see how your clothes shrink. Stop weighing!
  13. Sassygirl06

    Stomach bug...is it possible?

    Yep...I got it twice since I was sleeved. Good news is that it isn't as bad as they were before surgery. Even if you do get it your sleeve should do just fine. Hope you don't though!
  14. Headed in for my biopsy today. I'm so glad to get it over with! :)

  15. Both. I have been married for 18.5 years...with my husband for 21 years total. Before we had children I was extremely thin...and he was very jealous. Once I got heavier he was no longer jealous. Now that I have lost the weight he is more jealous again. I kind of like it because he is doing more for me...like being more romantic, and helping a lot more around the house. As for the really good part, he looks at me with those eyes again....the ones that tells me he is really attracted to me again. Our sex life has never been better, even then when we were teenagers. We also do a lot more activities together outdoors which I really missed. This surgery can be really hard on couples....but I would do it again and again and again...because I know that we are in it for the long hall. Communication is key! Good luck!
  16. Sassygirl06

    I got my first...

    I'm so sorry! That is horrible. Remember that the human body is an amazing thing...and very good at recovering. I know they say that you're not supposed to be able to stretch out the sleeve, however when swelling does go down you should be able to fit more in. I sure pray that this will be the case for you! Swelling can take a very long time to finally go down...so don't give up hope! Good luck! You are in my prayers! ((Hugs))
  17. Sassygirl06

    I got my first...

    I'm so sorry you had a bad experience with your surgery, whatever it might have been. I can say that for several months I regretted it to, because it took me a while to get the hang of it (eating and drinking) I am very stubborn and would always believe I could have that last bite, and would usually end up throwing up or feeling horrible! Now that I am a year and 8 months post op I have this shiznet down! I feel completely normal when it comes to eating again, except for now I have control, and can only eat like a small child. I truly hope it gets better and better for you too...like it did for me! Good luck!!
  18. Sassygirl06

    Please Keep Us Posted

    Thank you! It's very rewarding when I can help others that are just starting out on their journeys, even in small ways like this. I know when I was just starting I couldn't read enough about it! Lol good luck to you on achieving all your goals! Also,as a little advise to you all just starting out...make yourself little goals that you want to accomplish along the way. Small milestones like reaching a 25 pound loss or even for 10 pounds (for those with a little more money..lol). Make out a list of things you would like to reward yourself with along the way. For me, when I would lose 25 pounds I would do one of those desired things on my list. For example; the first 25lbs I went and got a pedicure, for the next I got acrylic nails, then I got a new hair style at a salon, after that it was my first massage ever....things like this helped me keep motivated to go to the gym everyday, or at least do some form of exercise. It also gave me more self confidence....and overall a feeling of accomplishment! Keep smiling! And welcome to your new life!
  19. I have to eat every 2-3 hours or I get sick. You are waiting way to long between meals...and then you can't resist the temptations of bad eating. Keep good snacks redily available....and don't have any of the crap in your house! Makes it a lot easier to avoid those temptations if you are already full on good stuff...and you don't have the bad stuff around! Good luck!
  20. Sassygirl06


    I have had those stalls a lot along the way. It sounds like you are doing everything right. When the weight stops falling off try to remember that it's your body adjusting to everything. Keep measuring your inches, because when you are working out you may be replacing fat with muscle and muscle takes up less space...and looks much better so the scale might not be moving, but that doesn't mean you aren't getting smaller. I know that right now I weigh 170 and can fit a size 9-14... And the last time I weighed 170 I didn't work out at all...and I was in a size 14-16 then. Working out makes a lot of difference! Keep smiling! You will get there!
  21. Sassygirl06

    Please Keep Us Posted

    I am one year and 8 months post op...I'm still here! I have been doing great! My hair stopped falling out at about 7 months post op....it is shinier then even before...my skin has cleared up...and is so soft now! I have gone from 315 pounds down to 170! I went from a size 24-26, and 3x to a size 9-14, and large tops....all of my back, knee, neck and any other aches and pains have gone away. I can walk up a flight of stairs without stopping to catch my breath after....I can wear makeup again because I don't sweat it all off anymore! I used to be covered in sweat all the time! My shoe size has gone down....so now my feet can fit into cute shoes again! I can have sex in any position now ! My cholesterol, lipids, and all other blood work are within normal ranges! My youngest daughter can fit her arms more then all the way around me! I can fit on all the amusement park rides my confidence and self esteem are booming! Hehe.... My husband looks at me with THOSE eyes again . I like my picture taken again. I am able to eat anything with my sleeve....but I don't really like sweets anymore. I can drink whatever I want, and as fast as I want again. I am excited for life again! I love going out and doing things, instead of sitting on the couch all day long. Seriously.....the list goes on and on....I'm sorry this was so long....but these are some of the most important things to me that have changed since being sleeved. The only problems I have right now are; my boobs went from being really full and bubbly to way smaller, and floppy...my tummy looks like it was a full balloon and someone let all the air out, and these last 20 pounds are hard as hell to get off! The sleeve was the best decision I could have ever made for my health! I would have never been able to reclaim my life without it! Good luck! Hope this helps!
  22. Sassygirl06

    I got my first...

    I heard this a lot before I had surgery. I didn't tell anyone about having it though...so I haven't had this asked since I have lost weight. What I do get all the time is asked how I lost the weight....what's my secret? I tell them most of the truth....I eat way less...I follow the Atkins diet, and I work out a lot.
  23. I see the biggest difference in your face so far. I love it when the weight comes off the face first because people notice it faster. You look beautiful! Keep up the good work!
  24. When I was first starting out my RN gave me the riot act over having surgery.told me that I would most likely become a drug user or an alcoholic. They do only see the negative parts....but remember a DOCTOR is doing the surgery! If they didn't think it was healthier for you then being obese then they wouldn't be doing the surgery in the first place!
  25. Sassygirl06


    It will get better with time. I am a year and 7 months post op. I really enjoy going out with the girls. You will get there...just be patient!

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