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Everything posted by Sassygirl06

  1. I am not 5'11", however I am 5'9" which is on the taller side for women. I started out at 315 pounds...maybe more because I stopped weighing after that number. I lost a little more before I went into see the surgeon. I am now at 170 plus or minus a few depending on the time of day, and time of month. I am 36 years old. I am currently a size 10-12 pants and a large shirt. I believe I would be in smaller clothes if it weren't for my excess skin on my tummy (from pregnancies not weight). I wear baggy clothes to cover it. I will be having a tummy tuck in September and a breast lift with augmentation in October. I consider my weightless a success story even though I did not make my original goal of 150, because I look good at the weight I am (minus the tummy). There are before and afters on my profile. I am about 10 pounds lighter now then in the after pic on there....but I can't really see much of a difference. I feel happier, healthier....and sexier...soon to feel even better after I get rid of the Freddy Kruger clawed tummy look good luck!
  2. I was sleeved on August 16 2011. I have been sitting at around 170 pounds for about 4 months now, and I feel very comfortable at this weight. My surgeons goal weight for me was 190, however I had set my own personal goal for 150. I have tried to lose more, however I a lot of excess skin on my stomach. I have finally made the decision to get plastics. I was originally going to go to a surgeon that I had found in Beverly Hills who was going to charge me $14500 total for breast lift with gummy implants, and a tummy tuck...however he wanted to do an anchor incision for my tummy tuck. Not wanting that added scare going up the middle of my tummy I sought out another doctor for a second opinion. I have had many recommendations for the doctor I went to next, and when I met him and saw his before and after photos I knew I had found the plastic surgeon for me...bonus, he never even mentioned having an anchor incision! The only thing is that he will only do the two procedures separately. He explained the mortality rate for plastic surgery is 1 in 40,000, however once you combine surgeries like the two I am having the mortality rate goes up to 1 in 4000. While that is still a low rate, he doesn't feel comfortable with the number. So long story short, I will now have to have two separate surgeries, and it will be costing me an extra $3000 because of it....but like I said, this guys before and after pictures, along with the scars were amazing! My surgery dates are set...September 10th, the day after my birthday, for my tummy tuck. October 22nd for my breast lift with implants! I am so excited to finally get to my ultimate goal!!! Being healthier, happier, and sexier! I will post before, during, and after pictures on here once I get closer to my surgery...I know how curious I was when I was just beginning this process...and all the pictures and posts helped me make so many decisions in this long process. Wish me luck! oh...I will not be showing my face as no one knows of my vertical sleeve surgery except my husband and daughter.
  3. Sassygirl06

    Unexplained bruising 5 months out

    Iron levels make a lot more sence then anything more drastic....remember...you had all your levels and blood work....and probably a whole lot more pre op testing prior to surgery. If you had something like leukemia they would have found it then. I would go have blood work done, but it is likely just needing more iron!
  4. Now if this would have been done post op I would yell at you. You are fine. Just get back on the horse.
  5. Sassygirl06

    pizza anyone?

    I used low carb tortillas...usually the flavored ones like garlic. Put it on the stovetop in a skillet, with a little oil in the pan. Then smear some sauce on....and then cheese and then favorite toppings. Cook on low heat for about ten minutes. The tortilla crisps and it is like a thin crust pizza....FYI my children loved these too.
  6. Sassygirl06

    Mommy make over

    I'm having mine on September 10 th. so excited!
  7. Sassygirl06

    Saggy butt

    Btw...the one thing on my body I can't complain about is my ass...hehe
  8. Sassygirl06

    Saggy butt

    If you are doing it right....you get that done with sex...lol
  9. Sassygirl06

    Saggy butt

    Sex....lol it worked for me!
  10. I was where you were 2 years ago. In ever thought something like this surgery could help me. I didn't have anyone I knew to base my opinion on. I can tell you that if you use this tool like you should then you will have better results. I was well over 315 pounds when I started...I was afraid to step on the scale after 315 pounds...so I don't know how much I really weighted when I started....I know that I was a size 24-26... And I couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without taking a minute to recover. I now am at 170 pounds...and if I don't lose a single more pound it still was worth it. I am so much more healthy, and happy. I can keep up with my kids...and they can wrap their arms around me again. I feel like someone they can be proud to call their mom. If you use it...you will lose it! Good luck!
  11. Sassygirl06

    Post op gain

    I also want to say....stop weighing!nobody listens to this...but really..once you just stop and rely on how you feel..and how your clothes fit...it really is freeing!
  12. Sassygirl06

    Post op gain

    Ups and downs are your new way of life...so are stalls. Don't sweat it! It will come off!
  13. Sassygirl06

    Sleeve vs. other WLS

    I didn't even think twice about anything that involved malabsorption...not for a few extra pounds lost. I am thrilled with my sleeve results. I am healthy again...that was my goal!
  14. Sassygirl06


    I make sure to eat even when I'm not hungry every three hours or so. If I don't then I sometimes get sick or light headed. It doesn't have to be a full meal. Just a light snack, and I feel great!
  15. Sassygirl06

    5 days post-op and very dizzy

    The can be a few things...or a combo of them. First...if you are on any blood pressure meds they can be the culprit, and I would recommend seeing your doctor right away about titrating off or stopping them all together. Second, it could be something called ortho static hypotension, where upon standing you get very dizzy due to your blood pressure dropping very quickly...easy remedy is to dangle your feet for a minute and take it really slow getting up. Some people suffer from this for a short time post op, and it should go away within a few days to weeks. The third could be to do with your pain medications if you are still taking them. The diarrhea is a completely normal thing post op as well. I would recommend taking a few extra days off from work until you have these issues under control. As always...keep your surgeon informed of everything you are going through, especially if it doesn't feel right to you. Good luck! And welcome to the losers bench!
  16. Sassygirl06

    Drinking amounts

    Yes.it gets much easier the further out you get. I can drink a normal 8 to 16 ounces like a regular person now. I can even gulp water when I need to really quench my thirst.
  17. I had a really hard time seeing my weight loss too. When I would pick up clothes to put on I couldn't believe that they were mine. I would find myself going to the stores to buy clothes and automatically going to the plus size section. Even now, at almost two years out I still find myself putting my clothes in my oldest daughters piles because they don't seem like they could possibly fit me. It does get easier...but I think I will always have a mind set that I am a bigger girl. I am able to finally see the loss in the mirror...but when I see my shadow I still can't believe it belongs to me. It is also very hard to accept compliments about my weight loss, or how I look. I have learned just to say thank you finally...and not say things like...haha yeah right...and such. We are all a work in progress. Good luck girl....you look fabulous by the way
  18. Sassygirl06

    Medications post surgery?

    At first you aren't supposed to take a few meds post op....after recovery is a different story. Best thing you can do is talk to your surgeon. I am a year and nine months post op and have been able to take ibuprofen for over a year now without any problems as long as it isn't on an empty stomach.
  19. Sassygirl06

    What do the scars look like?

    My surgeon made five small incisions. 3 of which I can no longer see. One is so hard to find it will surely disappear as well. The main one, which they pull the actual stomach out of is about 3/4 of an inch long, about half a centimeter wide. It is still light pink, but fading very well. My stomach looks like Freddy Kruger clawed it from stretch marks so I'm not going to post a pic, but I will be getting a tummy tuck this summer, and I will post Picts of before and after then. I have talked with my plastic surgeon and he says that where the main scar is is perfect for my new belly button location, so hopefully that scar will be gone as well! In all I am very happy with the scars. Good luck!
  20. Sassygirl06

    No more weight loss?

    No. They go off of the weight you were prior to dieting.
  21. Yes, this is normal. It continued for me until about 2 months post op. my sleeve was a talker. Drink slower, this will help. I would like to say that your stomach will sound normal again...however mine still makes some really loud noises if I get to hungry. Doesn't make them when I drink anymore though. Nobody has ever said to me, um what the heck was that though...I just usually laugh and say...wow, I am really hungry. Good luck.
  22. It's just the dissolvable stitches poking out. You can either go to the doctor and he will snip it off for you or you can sanitize some scissors or nail clippers and snip it off to the skin. You could also just leave it alone and it will go away on its own, but mine bugged me till I just snipped it off.
  23. What a great success you are! Good job!
  24. Sassygirl06


    I did not have a hysterectomy...I had a tuba ligation....and the pain from that was worse then from the sleeve. You are right..everyone is different. Make sure to advocate for yourself. Don't be afraid to ask for more, or different kind of pain meds if what you are on doesn't help. Once you have the right ones pain will be so little that you will be able to get up and move, which means you will heal faster, and feel even better. The doctors and nurses don't want you in pain, so just remember to ask for what you need! Best of luck!

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