Ok, before my surgery back in May I was taking nexium for what I thought was for my upset stomache issues, the doctor said the nexium would help and I wouldn't be in the bathroom all the time, well it did work. BUT my surgeon said nexium is for heartburn or acid reflux and I have never had either of those.
Anyway, I am 5 months out from my surgery and as of last week I started waking up with bad pains in my chest, which I was told sound like heartburn or acid reflux and like it hurts to eat or drink stuff, I don't throw it up, but it does hurt. I wake up in the morning with bad pains, as I type this, it hurts.
I saw my doc this past Tuesday and he said he isn't too concerned, but he wants me to have an upper gi, but I am not having that done for 5 more weeks, so apparently he isn't all too concerned.
Question is, has anyone experienced these pains? Is it normal?