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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Thane

  1. Thane

    Newly Banded & HUNGRY!!!!

    I got the band one day after yours and I have lost 20 lbs since then but the first three days all I had was broth! My stomach didn't like me at all. It was so loud you could hear it accross the room. I wish I could eat some chicken by now but today was the first day I ate green beans. I have been eating protien shakes and jello. I go in the same day for post op as you. I just remember how much pain it was and tell myself that I didn't go through that for nothing. That is what keeps me eating right and less. Hang in there.
  2. Thane

    Positive Energy

    I was in a motorcycle accident and I should of been killed! I couln't walk but I taught myself how to walk again and I even look at life in a different way! Each day for me is a blessing and I live happy just to be here! I even look at nature and everything else because before I never ever stop to just love life! Life is to short to be pissed of or be unhappy about the stupidest things. Now I am 4 days of post op and loosing weight!!
  3. Michael, I love reading stories like yours because I am 4 days post op and I am already loving being 20lbs lighter. 10 before the op and 10 after. I started at 335lbs and I want to get to 190. My story is I was in a motorcycle accident and I was paralized and had to learn how to walk again. But I had nerve damage and the pain pills where leaveing my system to fast and so they slowed down my motabalisam. I aslo wasen't walking so I gained 200lbs in two months and that also messed up my liver by taking on that much wait in so little of time. Now I am 4 years of my accident and I am ready to loose the weight! Thanks for your story
  4. Thane

    How was your first fill?

    Thanks for sharing because I am 4 days of post op! My stomach is still hurts and I am still on light stuff! How did you know when you where ready to try harder food?
  5. I just got my la band on 4 days ago and I still have pain in my stomach! When does that go away? Are you on solid food yet?

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