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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by p123160

  1. Try not to beat yourself up too bad over it. I was banded on 9/30/11 and between then and now, I have lost 32 lbs. I try to walk and exercise as often as I can, but my doctor is strict on the 4-6 weeks with no heavy exercising. I have not lost any in the last two weeks and I had my first fill on 10/27/11. I also feel like I am able to consume a little more than what I did before, but I am not worried because I am using my fitness pal and still falling way short of my calorie intake. Sometimes instead of seeing a change in weight, we may be losing it in inches. Make sure that you are staying hydrated and getting your Vitamins and Proteins. Everyone is correct in saying that it takes time for the green area of restricting. I am being patient and thanking my lucky stars for the weight that I have lost thus far.

    CMOM, I am in the "ready for surgery stage" having just met w/ my surgeon for the first time yesteday. Surgery date is Dec. 8th. I thought I was ready and after meeting w/ him, I am really nervous. Is vomiting going to become a way of life for me? How much trouble have you had since your surgery? What you've lost seems really encouraging to me although I know it will slow down after the initial weight loss. Have you had a really hard time adjusting to all the liquids/no food??? Any insight you can give is appreciated.

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