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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by M.C.

  1. I had a fill this afternoon of 1cc,when I left the dotors office I was fine, I drank a whole cup af water but about 1 hour later I had to throw up and havn't been able to have anything since. So I was wondering if anyone knows if I should hold of on getting some taken out because of the swelling and if so how long should I wait. I didn't lose anything my last fill of 1/2 cc so I wanna hold of but I'm a little worried.
  2. M.C.

    Over filled?

    Thanks everyone for your support i hope to feel better this afternoon.
  3. M.C.

    Over filled?

    Yes I really need to see my doc tomorrow a.m. because I still can not hold anythingg in at all, and feel if i wait im going to become dehydrated very soon. Im even vomiting my saliva. Iam miserable right now and according to the scale have lost 8 lbs. In two days.
  4. M.C.

    Over filled?

    Yes I really need to see my doc tomorrow a.m. because I still can not hold anythingg in at all, and feel if i wait im going to become dehydrated very soon. Im even vomiting my saliva. Iam miserable right now and according to the scale have lost 8 lbs. In two days.
  5. M.C.

    Over filled?

    Only water, I threw up the water that I had to drink in the doctors office about an hour later and can't keep down any liquids now, but I was thinking maybe my stomach is swollen so i don't know if i should call my doctor yet
  6. M.C.

    Over filled?

    I threw up the water that I had to drink in the doctors office about an hour later and can't keep down any liquids now, but I was thinking maybe my stomach is swollen so i don't know if i should call my doctor yet .
  7. I had a fill this afternoon of 1cc,when I left the dotors office I was fine, I drank a whole cup af water but about 1 hour later I had to throw up and havn't been able to have anything since. So I was wondering if anyone knows if I should hold of on getting some taken out because of the swelling and if so how long should I wait. I didn't lose anything my last fill of 1/2 cc so I wanna hold of but I'm a little worried.

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