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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Brewa2000

  1. Brewa2000

    24 pounds in 10 days? whaaat?

    I lost about 20 lbs during my pre-op. If you are real concerned, call your doctor. Munchkincan- A liquid diet is not practical for the long term. It gets real old after a few weeks. Even if it sustainable, statistics show that 95% of those who lose will gain it back. Keeping the weight off is the main reason for me getting the band. I can't go back to our old ways and expect to not gain weight. Good luck! Bruce
  2. Hi Tammie Congrats on being banded! Calories- most common range is 1200-1400/day. I really don't count, I just try to make good choices. Protein- A range from 60-90 grams (not milligrams). Bending over- Check with your doctor. I'm shocked you can't bend over now being banded a month ago. I was pretty much at 100% at 6 weeks out. PB- "Poductive Burp" which is actually upchucking food when it isn't chewed well enough or too dry. Experience and a proper fill will greatly reduce these occurrances. NSV-"Non scale Victory" i.e. fitting into a size smaller jeans. Good luck on your journey! Bruce
  3. Brewa2000

    For Just Us Guys

    What a surprise this morning! Our own section! Good to see a good response. Let's keep up the posting... I think my VG band does it's job (when properly adjusted) very well. It's me that screws up every once in a while. It is nice to see more products become available. Jack- good to see your post! You are so right about eating when not hungry. I fight that "dragon" every day, especially evenings. Stand Strong!
  4. Brewa2000

    For Just Us Guys

    Andrew(aka $16,000 man)- I think it's a great idea! My only concern is we need more guys to post more often. BTW, your doing great! You have an excellent chance to meet your July goal. I want to be below 200 by September (6 weeks to lose 12 lbs). Dakota- Congratulations! Let us know how you are doing... DBA- I agree, the only way to lose is eating better (less) and getting sweaty regularly. Bruce
  5. I love your attitude! You will do well! Bruce
  6. Brewa2000


    I think they are until you get to solid foods. They are hard to digest. I love 'em! Bruce
  7. Brewa2000

    Just beginning....

    I think it will help greatly to go at it together. My wife and I were both banded last winter. I've lost 75 lbs and she's lost around 50. She isn't quite as motivated as I am and eats more of the junk foods. But all in all, I'm glad she's doing it. We're saving a lot of money in groceries! Good luck! Bruce
  8. Brewa2000

    Nervous but Hopeful

    My advice is to get all the information you can. This site has tons of information to help you decide. I tell people, I will give you all the information, good or bad, that I know. I will not tell you it will work for you. That part is up to you. The band is not magic. It's worked for many of us, but it definitely works better when the bandster does his/her part. The band has been part of a big change in my life and has the potential to do the same in yours. Good luck! Bruce
  9. Brewa2000

    What happens in 20 years.....?

    I honestly did ask that question 6 months ago. Then, I started asking "What if I DON'T go through with this?" That changed my way of thinking. I like my chances to live a healthy life now a lot more than 6 months ago when I was close to 300#. Bruce
  10. Good job Tom! 90# and 19" is awesome!
  11. Brewa2000

    For Just Us Guys

    I used to BREW beer and being WAshington, I contracted the two, hench "Brewa". With the determination you have expressed, I'm sure you will succeed. Law- Your doing great. Eventually I will be able to do the weights. I have a Crossbow, it's a knockoff of a Bowflex by Weider. Right now I'm having shoulder issues. Damn arthritits... Everyone have a great weekend! Bruce
  12. Brewa2000

    For Just Us Guys

    Welcome Bud! Congrats on your date. My before stats are similar to yours ('cept I have a couple years on you). I'm 5'8" and started at 288 on 1/15/07. I tend to lose weight in bunches. Won't lose anything, then, boom, a lb. a day for a week. My rate of lose has slowed which is not totally unexpected. I have arthritis which makes vigorous exercise very difficult on some days. I still try to hit the recumbant bike 3 times a week. The 40-50% concerned me too. Then you consider that those stats include all people. Some aren't motivated (lots of threads at this site prove that), some aren't able to exercise, some have "head issues", etc. I will lose if I follow these rules: 1. Don't drink while eating and for 1 hour after eating. I do drink right up to the first bite, however. 2. Avoid the high calorie/ high carb stuff. Breads, rice, potatoes, sugars, and starches fit into that catagory. I follow kind of a loose Atkins program. Not as strict, but definitely low carb. When I low carb, I find my cravings are not nearly as high as when I don't. 3. Put my food on a small plate (~4 oz meat and ~1/2 cup veggies), eat it and that's it, no more. Remember to take small pieces and chew it well or it will get stuck and it WILL hurt. 4. Keep your band adjusted. This is important because it will help a lot with hunger. Some one said follow most of the rules most of the time and you will be OK. I think that's true. I'm sure I'd be at a lower weight if I followed all these rules all the time, but I'm human too. I've had ice cream a few times (maybe 5) and I've had a couple drinks maybe an equal number of times. But I also remember I paid a lot of money to have this operation, so I damn well want it to work. I'm sure you've heard most of this before, but the band will work for you if you work with the band. It can do little on it's own. Good luck and maybe some of you other guys can "weigh in" (pardon the pun). Bruce
  13. Brewa2000

    For Just Us Guys

    Welcome 4RE4ME! There really are a few of us out there. Why there isn't more, I don't know. Bigshow- your doing great! I'm a little "old school" on putting pics out there in cyber space, besides the younger bucks take a better picture than an old fart like me... What's everyone doing tomorrow? My wife is out of town, so I think I'm either going to a baseball game or a BBQ competition a couple hour drive from here. Last year I judged a BBQ event, can't eat enough this year. Can still sample some of it... Have a great 4th!! Bruce
  14. Brewa2000

    Aleve & Advil: DO NOT try this at home!!!!

    Good discussion! I have Ankylosing Spondilitis (type of RA). This was the major reason for being banded. I wanted to take some weight off my joints. I used to take Aleve before being banded. My doc now has me take Prevacid then Celebrex. The thinking being the Prevacid would protect my stomach. So far it's working fairly well. Some days are still a bear, especially early morning and evenings. The two meds cost me $70 a month with insurance picking up the rest. Bruce
  15. Brewa2000

    For Just Us Guys

    Congrats bigsexy! Glad your scare wasn't seroius. The treadmill will do wonders for the gas. It will get better each day. zinthar- guess I was lucky to have a supporting wife (she was banded 2/22/07). The band is not the easy way out. You will still have to watch what you eat and drink as well as excersise. The band will help suppress your appetite. Good luck in winning her support! I think the key to the band working is portion control. My wife and I use small plates. Put the 3-4 oz of protein and the 1/2 cup (or so) of veggies on it. Eat very slow setting your fork down after each bite and chew. When you finish what's on your plate, don't eat another bite for 20 minutes. Most of the time, you will have satisfied your appetite. If you are eating out, get your "to go box" as soon as you get your food and only leave the proper portion on your plate and take the rest home. My band doesn't all of a sudden say "Stop!" (well maybe it does immediately after a fill), but it's more of a subtle feeling. Another thing I do is drink water right up until I start to eat. As a matter of fact, I make it a point to drink some water just before eating. Stand Strong Brothers! Bruce
  16. I still have a shake every morning (just can't handle food in the AM). We're going on a 10 day road trip, Magic Bullet is coming with us. Also great to make fresh salsa when you get to solids. Bruce
  17. Brewa2000

    For Just Us Guys

    Atta boy- it gets easier after a couple days. I really enjoyed the way the weight came off when I was on liquids. I've started some cardio on my recumbant bicycle on a regular basis. I try to do it every other day. Us old farts gotta start slow... Bruce
  18. Edie I hear ya! A customer and friend of mine had RNY a couple years back. This guy has lost more weight than I have ever weighed. Before I had surgery, I asked him about RNY and weightloss surgery in general. He answered all the questions I had. He said that however before you have any surgery make damn sure you WANT to lose weight and are willing to do what it takes. Since I've had my LB I have been of the same belief. I will answer any question that I can. I will NOT however try to talk some one into surgery. They have to decide it's time to do something. If losing weight is less important to them than eating "normal" and you keep needling them, you become an Amway salesperson to them. Bottom line, you are doing the right thing. It's real hard sometimes, isn't it? BTW I'm a dog lover too. Two golden retrievers and a saint bernard. Bruce
  19. Brewa2000

    For Just Us Guys

    Bender-Getting through all the hoops takes time and a lot of patients. I hope it goes smooth for you. Bruce
  20. Hi bestarcher- I think your correct on both accounts. There are a few of us, although I think the ratio of females getting banded to males is about 5 to 1. Just a very unscientific poll (asked my doc). I think ladies, in general, are more inclined to do something about health problems than guys. I also believe women will be more apt to talk about it. I invite you to join our "guys only" thread going in the general discussion area. We talk about guy stuff. Good luck! Bruce
  21. Brewa2000

    Lap-band and your significant other

    My life USE to "revolve and eating" and drinking. Ballooned me up to almost 300 lbs. Your health is alot more important than a non supportive friend.... Bruce
  22. Brewa2000

    For Just Us Guys

    bigsexy- Your feelings are normal. I remember laying there before going into surgery thinking, "Jeeze, I volunteered for this??". Then the wanting to lose overpowered these thoughts. After surgery, I have not looked back. On PBing or throwing up, I've done it twice. Both times eating some smoked salmon. It was a little dry. It's not a big deal, I did it once while talking business on the phone, didn't skip a beat. My wife, on the other hand, has had some problems learning to quit fighting the band. I think you will have no problem with throwing up if you: 1. Eat small pieces, chew, and eat slow. Set your fork down after taking a bite for maybe 30 seconds. Force yourself to not "Dig In". 2. Stay clear of tough, dry meats. If your going to have a steak, eat a filet mignon or rib steak. Fish for the most part is friendly. Dark chicken is OK. Dry meats need a little help. I make a low carb/low calorie sauce. I use 1 carb ketchup with some garlic power, chili powder, onion powder, etc to doctor it up. 3. Some foods will cause problems (sticky rice, bread, buns, pasta). This is trial and error. I can eat a little toasted bread once in a while. Maybe the bottom half of the bun on a burger (can't eat the whole thing anyway). 4. Learn from your mistakes. I'm sure others can add more and I hope they do. As far as words of encouragement, that is something you have to decide. You have to decide if you want to lose back enough to change your lifestyle. I think MOST of the people having problems aren't really committed to do what it takes to lose weight. It's not a quick fix. It's not the easy way out. It will require you to pay attention to your food intake and exercise. But the band will help you along the way. Good luck! Bruce
  23. Brewa2000

    For Just Us Guys

    Congrats BigJake! You should be feeling a lot better by now. I had the egg drop soup a couple times. I also had the hot and sour soup. Both were a good break from chicken broth. bigsexy-one of the guys in our group turned out some great rye beers. That's the fun thing about homebrewing, you can let your imagination create some inovative beers. I've decided to try a little wine making this fall. We have tons of wine grapes in the area and one of the guys in our group said he'd help me out. Now I need to decide what style... Welcome Manatee. Let us know how your progress goes. Bruce
  24. Brewa2000

    My personal Update.

    Great job AZPete! Your's is an amazing story. I hope your success continues. Love your can do attitude! My knees can't do running anymore. My recombant bike more arthritis friendly (getting old, I guess). I'd rather be outside thou. Keep up the good work! Bruce
  25. Hi Josie from Central WA. I didn't have Dr Neal, but have heard good things about him. The two tablespoons is a new one on me. I ate ice shavings and drank that sugar free stuff that tastes like Tang (Yuck) by the medicine cup (they keep track of your intake) immediately after surgery. You will be sipping Water until the swelling goes down. Good luck! Bruce

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