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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs.Prisses

  1. Mrs.Prisses

    A Litte Discouraged...

    HONEY LOOK HERE- I came home and had GAINED weight! Your all swollen and retaining all kinds of gas and fluids. Don't sweat it. Just walk as much as you can and sip on your water and protein. Once you *gross* all that gas out, that scale will move! DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF! When you don't eat then your body doesn't have the fuel it takes to BURN FAT! If you want to BURN THOSE FAT CELLS you HAVE TO EAT! You may not be able to take in all that they recommend that you take in, but you need some calories *those are like little power pellets* They give your body the heat energy it takes to function. GET MOVING! Then post again in a few weeks and tell us how great it feels and how you will never ever starve yourself
  2. Mrs.Prisses

    Seven Weeks Out

    WAY TO GO! You should get a ticker at tickerfactory.com I really like watching my ticker move. It is great motivation.
  3. Mrs.Prisses

    Its Your Period Dummy!

    Yep...it's not the most fun side-effect. I have NEVER cramped like this...or been this cold...EVER. But, dang, I am cuuuutteee lol! AND feeling energetic and healthy! I do get tired spells still but that's when I am not keeping up with my protein and vitamins like I am supposed to. When I am doing those things, plus drinking my water and working out, cramps and a rusty brown flow don't seem like a bad trade off
  4. Wow...working out and counting calories...obsess much lol. Loving my healthy mentality.

  5. Mrs.Prisses

    I Just Need To Vent...

    Yikes! Glad to see you being so strong. God never brings us to a place that HE isn't prepared to get us thru. BTW- I see you 1908 (1920) here
  6. Mrs.Prisses

    So Excited!

    YAY! I am excited for you! I hope that you remember to keep your enthusiasm thru all the challenges. It makes the small victories that much sweeter! Best wishes to you.
  7. Try to make your goal based on your health, not on a number. I know we all have to have that 'number' we strive to see on the scale. But, you did this to get healthy and have a longer, fuller life. Whatever 'number' you reach, you will have gained healthy lifestyle habits that will carry you into having a fuller life overall. Don't get caught up on the numbers.
  8. Mrs.Prisses

    Tough Days

    I understand entirely. I found that my motivation comes when I am like Nike...Just do it! Once I get to moving, I feel those endorphins, and I can't stop! I love seeing what the WiiFit thinks my Fitness Age is and it makes me want to move even more.
  9. Mrs.Prisses

    Its Your Period Dummy!

    Girlllll....don't I know it! :incazzato: Just sticking to regular now
  10. Mrs.Prisses

    Its Your Period Dummy!

    HECK YES! I didn't even HAVE one for like 4 years until the day of surgery. This week I was having the same issues; back pain, nausea and vomiting, and gained 2 pounds! The doctor said it was my cycle...not sure if I am happy its back...
  11. BIG meeting toady at work... with a TACO BAR...going to face many questions regarding my eating habits I am sure. Also, people are starting to notice the change in my 'figure' so...should be an interesting blog tomorrow :)

  12. Mrs.Prisses

    I Hope This Works...

    This is an awesome link a friend sent me. Mathematics http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=h60r2HPsiuM&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  13. HEY! Post something already! Hope all is well!

  14. How's today? Better, I hope! *huggs

  15. Mrs.Prisses

    Different Kind Of Full

    I feel that throaty full as well. And the old hunger feeling, like the hunger pangs now happen when I am digesting my food. At first I thought it was hunger because that's what hungry used to feel like. But, I figured out that its just digesting food. Its weird tho because it makes you think its time to eat...but you can't because you will be SICK!
  16. Haven't been able to keep anything down since early yesterday...what's up with that? Just able to take in and retain protein drinks.

  17. Mrs.Prisses

    Keeping It Real

    Yea, I thought the same thing! I shared my information with 4 "work friends" (2 of which are outside work friends as well). The other was my boss (for FMLA) and a lady who is going thru a band to sleeve revision. Soooo....I was like "SOMEBODY has a mouth on them!" And perhaps I am too passive about it but I feel like if someone else asks me I would be lying if I didn't tell them EVERYTHING I am doing to get healthy.
  18. I am reading along and noticing the VAST differences in everyone's loss. I had my sleeve done on 12/26/11...and have lost 36 pounds now. I have to honestly say that it seems like so little when there is so much that I need to lose. My clothes are all too big and that's kinda fun. Plus I can touch my toes and I can run (not simultaneously). My surgeon said that I should expect to lose about 20-30 monthly. I sure hope that is not lofty because I still have such a long way to go. Where were you at this time? When did you start REALLY seeing a difference? When will my chins consolidate ?
  19. Mrs.Prisses

    How Much Did You Lose In Month 1

    You guys are all awesome. Thank you for the encouragement. I know that I want to get rid of a whole bunch more weight and its so cool to know that this kind of support is available. My family and friends are great and all but they just don't "get it". I can touch my toes again, you know? Its laughable to so many people and such a topic of gossip at work. But I don't care because I know that I am not going thru this alone. I'm proud of you guys and to anyone trying to make the decision to get sleeved just remember that even when it gets hard SOMEONE is out here who understands.
  20. No make up today...I'm keeping it real :)

  21. Mrs.Prisses

    I'm Bloggin, Ya'll!

    Alright so now I am officially a blogger, right? First things first, I will map out my journey; October 5, 2011- I attended a seminar about weight loss surgeries at KC Bariatric (which is far off in Lenexa Kansas) October 20, 2011-I had my first meeting with Dr. Kowalski (that's my surgeon) October 25,2011- I had my EGD which was required pre op November 2, 2011- I went to the nutrition class, the physical therapist, and took the post op education class November 7, 2011- I had my physical which was also required November 18, 2011- I paid my program fee to the surgery center (skipped the cable bill, too) November 19, 2011- I had my psych eval...they found out that I am only a little nuts November 21, 2011- I had my f/u psych consultation where the previous findings were confirmed December 12, 2011- I got insurance approval (and I was glad it was on the phone because I would have kissed the lady December 14, 2011- Started my pre op hell diet December 18, 2011- Had my pre op labs done December 19, 2011- Met with Dr. K a second time (decided that I will call him Dr. K because he will be looking all up in my guts, may as well be friends!) December 26, 2011- HAD MY SLEEVE INSTALLED That's it. Here I am January, 20, 2012 36 pounds lighter and ready to blog about it!
  22. Mrs.Prisses

    How Much Did You Lose In Month 1

    Yea I have like...A LONG way to go...Everyone keeps telling me that I will NEVER be at my ideal body weight. My doc wants me to be 140lbs @ 5'6. With so much to lose it's like 50 is a drop in the bucket. I swear I hope I can lose another 130lbs. Skeptical, but optimistic. I hope that this month is an indicator but it seems like it slows down the further out you get. Thanks for the kudos, guys! That's why I love VST!
  23. Mrs.Prisses

    The Perfect Body

    I often day dream about having "the perfect body". But, as I am losing, I am finding that I keep finding things wrong (when I am looking). I think that even if I get that body...there will be SOMETHING for me to pick at myself about if I am looking for it. For me, at least, I will settle for "the perfect body with clothes on" :blush5: Then go from there!
  24. Emotional Roller Coaster Day- Happy to be losing, Sad that its taking so long...Happy that its Friday, sad that I can't got out and play in the cold...just an emotional up and down day. But, God is still on the throne. I have heard that these things happen with the sleeve. I will be fine. In His will.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
