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Everything posted by Butterthebean

  1. Butterthebean

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Get him one of those doggie back packs and make him carry 2 gallons of water. Yours and his.....that'll slow him down.
  2. I'm about to eat a whole piece of pecan pie right now. Technically, I haven't eaten it yet so I'm still perfect......but not for much longer. I seriously doubt tomorrow I'll wake up at my highest weight again because of it......but that is the fear for most of us I think.
  3. Butterthebean

    100 mile challenge

    Glad you're gonna keep it going next month. You'll be running marathons before you know it.
  4. Butterthebean

    100 mile challenge

    Sheesh...Lyon deserve to take a break. You've done terrific.
  5. Butterthebean

    100 mile challenge

    Nice job fitness freaks. Way to rise to the challenge. I'm proud of all of y'all. I did a short run this morning...3.2 miles.....putting my total at 140.7. That nearly doubles a typical month for me. I will admit, I was a little bummed knowing I won't be running again for a while. Frankly, I've been dreading this day all month. But the run was magnificent. A great trail with my loyal dogs....we just trotted along in no hurry with no great need to set any records. We just took it all in....all the fresh air and greenery.....and at the end the dogs jumped in the pond. I stayed out of course....I have an allergy to snapping turtles. I surprised myself with how many miles I did total. I'm not tired, I could go on. My body has really responded to the increased demand....but in fairness, I've learned some lessons this month to help it out. In the last few weeks, I've gotten very disciplined about going to bed as early as possible, rather than staying up for no reason and ending up with late night munches. I've also learned the true meaning of eating for fuel. I always thought I did before, but this month has forced me to fine tune my diet to the point that I feel I can run everyday. I've also gotten better about foam rolling and stretching....I don't think my body would have responded so well without it. Lastly, I've learned a very valuable lesson about setting concrete, measurable goals. Not those old vague promises to do "more"....or eat "less"....but an actual goal which seemed questionable to me at first. But having that finish line spurred me onward all month. I can't wait to draw another goal and shoot for that. I hope by November I'll be doing it. Thanks to each of y'all for joining in. And please do keep it going next month. I'll be cheering for you all.
  6. Butterthebean

    100 mile challenge

  7. 8 days post op I licked the seasoning off some wheat thins...I think it was the sun dried tomato basil flavor. f**k it was good. My sweet dog Wrigley ate the licked crackers afterward. She was all too happy to dispose of the evidence for me. Also.....I parked in a handicapped space at the dollar store while on my 2 week pre-op diet. I was running in real quick to get a Kit Kat which I may or may not have eaten. Honestly it disappeared so fast I'm not sure where it went.
  8. Butterthebean

    Laundry NSV!

    You're dressing like an athlete now. I hope you jump in the 100 mile challenge next month.
  9. Butterthebean

    100 mile challenge

    Uh....my advice? I told you to send me cash....not buy something for you.
  10. Butterthebean

    100 mile challenge

  11. Butterthebean

    100 mile challenge

  12. Butterthebean

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Great. Welcome aboard. Good luck.
  13. Butterthebean

    100 mile challenge

    I am thrilled that so many of y'all have made it, or are right in the verge of it. But as I've said all along, no matter what you end up with, the point is to push yourself just a little bit. Next month, try for a little bit more. That's growth. It's never easy or comfortable, but it pays off huge. Who here doesn't feel a swell of pride at the total you've put up so far? I know you all do....I do to. Next month will be even better, and hopefully we'll have more folks joining in. By November hopefully I'll be able to get back in and get some serious walking miles on and maybe a few light jogging miles by Thanksgiving. So this morning I took a ridiculously long trail run....... 9.2 miles. I'm pooped to be honest, but it felt great knowing I could do it. Just a month ago those miles would have killed me, now it's just another day....not an easy day, but manageable. Tomorrow will be my last run, I need a day of rest before Mondays surgery. Day 29...9.2 miles.....137.5 total.
  14. Butterthebean

    Non believers

    That's pretty much how I identify myself....a non believer. Not an atheist, not an agnostic.....those terms seem like "labels." I've been meaning to post in this sub forum for a long time, but never got around to it. It needs the dust knocked off of it. I can see why it doesn't get used much. For me, my non belief has absolutely nothing to do with my WLS or my weight loss. It hasn't contributed....it didn't play a role....it damn sure didn't help. It didn't stop me either, any more than my non belief in the tooth fairy. It's just a lack of belief, not a lack of faith BTW. I have faith...just not in religion. I read an article recently about a group of atheists down in Florida who erected a statue to atheism on public property as a sign of their right to freedom of expression. It was a park bench BTW....which I think shows at least they are practical. But I can't quite get behind the whole act of it. After all, from the outside looking in, erecting the bench is kinda like celebrating their non belief. Making a statement about it. A demonstration if you will. Personally, I don't make statements about my non belief of religion anymore than I make statements about my non belief in Santa Claus....which I put both on the same level. They are the same thing, are they not? Isn't Santa keeping a list of who's naughty and who's nice.....yeah....same thing. My non belief is just not a factor. Plus...there is no doubt I have a king size problem with authority. I find it hard to accept the rules of it all. The threats and the guilt. The manipulation. The "live this way or else" sense of it all. I don't need it. I can be a moral man and live by my principles without the threat of eternal damnation hanging over my head. Or the promise of the pearly gates...... I don't need to be bribed to do the right thing. So yeah, I don't have a very high opinion of religion, but I did not start this thread to criticize people who do or debate the merits of atheism. But rather just to dust off the cobwebs of this sub forum and say hey....it's possible to lose weight, get healthy and lead a decent life without the "assistance" of a higher power. Out of respect for the many believers out there, I posted this in the "atheist" sub forum so you would not have to read it. I'm happy for your response though. However, like I said, to me it's not a debate. Thanks for listening to my ramblings.
  15. Butterthebean

    Non believers

  16. Butterthebean

    I did a bad bad thing.

    See....I knew I could be wrong. And that was me for years...heading right for the sugar when my blood sugar plummeted...I didn't know better back then. I spent 25 years living from one blood sugar crash to another. Bad way to live. I thought snickers bars were medicinal.
  17. Butterthebean

    100 mile challenge

    Keep going. You're too close.
  18. Butterthebean

    Non believers

  19. Butterthebean

    Non believers

  20. Butterthebean

    100 mile challenge

    Wait.....riding in the Porsche with the top down and too much eyeliner....trying to pick up single dads at the student drop off ....does not count.

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