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Everything posted by Butterthebean

  1. Butterthebean

    Its Always A Good Day

    So it's not just me then? Thank goodness. I thought I had fallen out of my chair.
  2. Butterthebean

    Its Always A Good Day

    When I inbiggen the pic it's upside down. And yes, inbiggen is a word. I proclaim it.
  3. Butterthebean

    Pre-Op Diet

    Mine was 5 days of nothing but protein shakes and soups with 1 can of tuna or small piece of grilled chicken per day, and then the next 5 days nothing but the protein shakes and soup. I lost 15 pounds and was remarkably never hungry, but I had no calorie limit.
  4. Butterthebean

    Stalls, Fact Or Fiction?

    True story. Before surgery, my wife bought a bunch of candy to take to work for the community candy jar. She wisely hid it fom me because I was a chocoholic. I tore the house apart looking for it, then finally went to the store and bought my own. A week after surgery I was weighing myself every five minutes for some reason, so she hid the batteries to the scale. I tore the house apart looking for them, then went to the store and bought some. Compulsive behaviors die hard. I guess it's better to weigh yourself than eat candy though. These days my only compulsive behavior is exercise.
  5. Butterthebean

    Drinking With Meals.

  6. Butterthebean


    I started eating lettuce wraps at about 2 months post op. I now eat a salad 3 or 4 times a week, but I add meat to them. I use very little dressing now, not like before. They are very filling, I can't eat much. As long as you get your protein in, I see nothing wrong with eating some salad.
  7. Butterthebean

    Why, I Am Loosing So Little?

    I came home from the hospital 15 pounds heavier than when I left the house the day before. They pump you with a lot of fluids. It took a few days for that to even out. Keep in mind that most people aren't even losing fat the first week after surgery anyway. They are just burning glycogen stores. Once those are used up, then the fat burning starts.
  8. Butterthebean

    It's Official

    I'd get a second opinion.
  9. Butterthebean

    What Food Do You Miss?

    Food has become nothing but fuel to me. I enjoy what I eat, but I don't eat for enjoyment anymore. But it's weird, when I walk through a store and go by the snacks and candy, I can feel my arm trying to reach out and grab what I want....not because I'm hungry, but just out of habit.
  10. Change the font size from smallest...to largest......no difference. Man my eyes ain't what they used to be. Does changing the font size work for anyone else on the mobile app?
  11. Butterthebean

    Getting Too Much Protein?

    I get at least 125-150 grams of Protein daily. I am also a big guy and I do a lot of exercise including strength training. Typical bodybuilding and strength training doctrine has always been 1 gram of protein per lb of body weight. For obese individuals (us) it's 1 gram per lb of ideal body weight. I don't know if I believe that much is necessary, but from what I've read too much protein is only a problem in people with unhealthy kidneys. Here's an excerpt from an article I found.... "Is it OK to eat a lot more protein than the minimum recommendations? This is the crucial question for people on diets that are higher in protein than usual, as low-carb diets tend to be. In a review of the research, the National Academy of Sciences reported that the only known danger from high-protein diets is for individuals with kidney disease. After careful study, they recommend that 10 percent to 35 percent of daily calories come from protein. They point out that increased protein could be helpful in treating obesity. There is also accumulating evidence that extra protein may help prevent osteoporosis. Extra protein can be broken down into glucose in a process called gluconeogenesis. On low carb diets, this happens continually. One benefit of obtaining glucose from protein is that it is absorbed into the bloodstream very slowly, so it doesn’t cause a rapid blood sugar increase."
  12. Butterthebean

    Web Sites To Purchase Food

    I get emails all the time from bariatricchoice.com all the time. The have meals and supplements for WLS patients. I've never used them myself, but they are out there.
  13. The Protein shots are a waste of effort. They won't satisfy your hunger and the protein is giving you no nutritional value whatsoever. The protein in them cannot be absorbed by the body. Please start eating dense solid Proteins. Also, don't discount what a little roughage will do for you if you are still hungry. I sometimes wrap my meat in a lettuce wrap and it's surprising how much more satisfied I am as opposed to just eating the meat alone.
  14. Butterthebean

    Diabetic Sleevers

    I'd question that opinion. It's not what they do with the scalpel that cures the diabetes, it's the weight loss, exercise and high protein low carb/low sugar diet. Either surgery helps with the weight loss, you have to do the rest. As has already been said, eating low glycemic foods will go a long way to controlling blood sugar.
  15. Butterthebean

    May Sleevers How Much Have You Lost So Far?

    I do the same thing. But I go from 6'1" to 6'4". My wife noticed that I don't stare at other women, but I do straighten up when they're around.
  16. Butterthebean

    How Do You Make The Time Go By?

    I bought a house and moved the day I started my 10 day preop diet. That kept me occupied. Don't go on a junk food farewell tour. Instead use the time to break your addiction to caffeine if you have one, practice chewing properly and not drinking with your meals, and start getting used to Protein shakes. Find some you like and drink one a day. For some people they are an acquired taste. They get easier to drink but a lot of people don't bother until they have surgery and then it's really difficult. Also start exercising, the better shape you're in the easier your recovery will be.
  17. Butterthebean

    I Need To Hear Sucsessful Stories....

    116 pounds down in 4 months. No vomiting, very little pain, able to eat anything, do anything, go anywhere, fit into smaller chairs.....life is good.
  18. Butterthebean

    Question About Hunger

    If you are hungry when your sleeve is full, either you are a physical anomaly or it's head hunger......the latter being far more likely. Many people want to deny head hunger but it's difficult, if not impossible, to tell the difference. The only way to tell the difference is using your reasoning skills....the sleeve is full so real hunger cannot exist. Again, I know there may be a very few physical anomalies out there whose synapses don't fire correctly, but for the great majority of people it's head hunger. The good news is, after you start eating full foods again the head hunger dies down in most sleeve patients if you're eating right (protein first, low sugar, low starches).
  19. Butterthebean

    Houston Sleevers!

    Where is that? I would love to find a gym near me but haven't found one. My best option is 24hour fitness in Baytown just because it's on my way to work.
  20. Butterthebean


    I read this same comment over there about eating mainly slider foods to avoid meals getting stuck. I never thought of that before but it sounds awful. Was it caused by the Band being too tight?
  21. Butterthebean

    #@$& And Other 4 Letter Words

    Read the link in my sig. It's a great article about stalls.
  22. Butterthebean

    Any Suggestions For A Good Shaker Bottle?

    I found some at Walgreens. They are everywhere now. Way easier than a blender.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
