I had the lap band put in 4 years ago...It became my best friend and the best thing I could do for myself. I am 5'2" and weighed 210 lbs. I was happy in my happy fat (as I called it). However my Dr. said my happy fat was killing me, what with the high blood pressure and high cholesterol, After a year of the lap band I was down 80 pounds, I was off of the blood pressure and cholesterol meds. I was a happy, healthy girl. Then I slowly started to have the acid reflux...and then it became worse and worse. I would go months with no fill and I took medications that helped with it but it would be so bad I would have to sleep sitting up on the couch. With no fill I slowly started to put the weight on. Then it was baby steps, try a small amount of fill, then a little more, then acid reflux and all the fill out. Then last month, the pressure in my chest was insane. I ended up in the hospital and had a mild heart attack. I was still having the acid reflux when they found out that the band had slipped and was causing me all kinds of problems. I had to have surgery to remove it. I am quickly putting the weight on and find myself in a funk because I am no longer happy in fat. I go in my closet and find all my fun little outfits that I can no longer wear. Back to wearing big flowing things. I am back on cholesterol medicine and blood pressure. My Dr. said I should do the sleeve. I would like to because I do believe it could work for me but I am terrified I will have the awful acid reflux again. Then I think that is better then putting on more weight, causing more of a strain on my heart etc. etc. Any thoughts would be helpful.