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Status Updates posted by banderman007

  1. Done and home recovery wasn't to bad and today i feel pretty good just a little sore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Today is the day i'm on my way

  3. I go in on nov 2nd how about You

  4. It gets easier you get less hungry, space your shakes out by four hours and soup and jello the opposite four hours this seems to be working for me im five days and today i skipped my soup and jello so far good luck feel free to vent thats why we're here LOL

  5. Fifth day of liquid diet and down from 237 to 232 :)

  6. Four days down and Two pounds and so far liquids aren't too bad !

  7. Hey i am also November 2nd started my 10 day yesterday for awhile i was to be the first in our group now i have company LOL

  8. Day two down this isn't so bad 3 shakes, 4 slices of turkey, one vanilla Greek yogurt and all the soup broth, sugar free jello,and Popsicles i can eat COOL

  9. OK day one of my 10 day down and in the books, weighed in this morning at 237 !!!

  10. OK Sunday the23rd is almost here my liquid diet starts in the morning !!!

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