Thanks so much for your note!! It's hard being a foodie and having the wrong assumption that I would be forever stuck eating yogurt and scrambled eggs forever. It seems like there is trial and error but that I can lead a normal life and enjoy some of the same things but at a MUCH smaller scale. I am ok with that. At dinner tonight, we split a meal and I told my boyfriend about my decision to talk to a Dr. He told me he loved me no matter what and would support me in any decision. With him for 7 yrs and seeing how amazing he is in tough times and even emergency surgery, I truly believe him. He said it would help him get healthier as well. One hurdle crossed.
Next up, my first orientation is Oct 26th and then my first Dr's appt is Nov 3rd. I have been reading SO much and feel so much better after reading personal blogs and tons of posts on here.
Congrats and good luck PoodleLover!! I would love to hear more of your journey since you are new into it. Also, LOVE the screen name. We are poodle lovers as well. I have had poodles my whole life and we currently have a 3 yr old little brat, who is the love of our life. She is Cafe Au Lait color with silver ears. Her name is Gypsy. So anyway, fellow poodle lover here too!!