Yes, I have had GERD for awhile now but didn't think it was serious enough to have the H. Pylori bacteria in my stomach. The test is really simple, you breath into a bag and then drink this white stuff , wait 15 mintues and blow again. The hosptial gave me my test results right away. I have to take the meds for 14 days and wait 4 weeks to be re-tested. If Dr were to do the surgery with positive test results then it could lead to having uclers or not being able to do the Lap Band because of the stomach being full of bacteria. So far with the meds all side effect I have had is a bad taste in my mouth and I am already doing pre-treatment to not get a yeast infection, do not want that! It is some strong anitobotics. I had Upper GI and gallbladder ultrasound done yesterday, waiting for test results. I fear that they are going to say ok,so now you have to have gall bladder taken out. Then yesterday my foot has been hurting, so now I have Plantar Fasciitis and now on meds for that. So, I am following apart now!!