I used the Muscle Milk Light- Especially the "Cafe latte". The best part for me was that there is caffeine- I use it at breakfast ill have one cup of coffee then i have the Cafe latte- I used to drink almost a pot of coffee- I was worried about caffeine withdrawal so I cut down slowly and this works for me. Sometimes I get a shot of espresso and mix ice, the shake and the shot- It is like a frappucinno!
Anyway I also really like the atkins too- strawberry-
I bough mostly Ready to Drink- I kept a couple in the freezer - if I was going out for the day I could grab one so I would have it when I was hungry and by then it would defrost but stay cold.
I have also used the unjury unflavored - not bad- just put a scoop in a glass of milk, or mixed with a carnation instant breakfast (sugar fee) and milk.
I was genuinly shocked how much easier the liquid diet was then I expected- I will be honest I took dexatrim appetite suppressant the first 3 days but on the 4th day I forgot and realized I wasn't as hungry as I thought- I just missed "chewing" and grazing all day (which is why I need the band...)
I just got my band Nov 22nd- I am at the "mushies" stage but aside from cream of wheat and mashed pots I dont really like many mushies so I still use the MMLs.
So far I have lost 32lbs (since the 1st doctor visit
Anyway good luck to you!