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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by amercer

  1. I am looking for opinions and not rude ones. I am 20 soon to be 21. I am about 205 lbs (its been a while since i was to the doctors and my scale is like 30 yrs old) I am about 5 foot 6 inches. I know i having an eating problem, but i am not sure what it is. I have tried tons of stuff to lose weight, but with a bad leg its hard to do all the exercising i need to in order to lose the weight. I was told by a friend about another friend who had gotten this done and it worked wonders for her. She began to lose weight then started doing the exercises that she could. Every doctor or pa i have seen about my leg tells me to lose weight. I have tried many things, i recently tried ally and it was ok but i cant stand having to be hear a toilet all the time. I did lose a few lbs but i gained it back easily. i have had a weight problem for a few years, since the leg got bad. a lot of people tell me that i look good but i dont see it and i can tell most others dont see it. especially when i go to the doctors and i asked about a diet, they gave me a strick menu with salad...once you get to know me you will know i cant stand the taste of plain lettuce it makes me want to vomit. I am ready for a major change and i need to lose this weight so i can become more active and less of lazy so i can do what i want to in life. I dont have an appointment scheduled or anything, i am doing my research before I go to the doctor and ask for a referral Thanks for ur ideas.
  2. amercer

    bad knees?

    Does anybody hate the bike for their knees? It gives me hell and I am looking into getting banded and I could also use suggestions on what works forthose with horrible knees
  3. amercer

    thinking about the band

    What's the worse part about getting the band? Would you still do it knowing what you do now?

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