Hey everyone! This is my first post in the forum! Where to start? I am 26 years old, with a BMI around 29 or 30. To look at me you wouldn't think I am obese or anything, just overweight. I grew up as an obese child and have since lost 50 lbs, but keep on putting back the same 10, 20, 30 lbs back on my body. ITs so frustrating. To lose I feel that I basically need to starve myself and I gain back so quickly. Even though I'm only 26, I bet I have gained and lost 250 lbs over the course of my life! I have been dieting since I was 9, and thoughts of my weight, food, and how my clothes will fit consume my thoughts everyday. I feel as if I am insane sometimes. I can literaly gain and lose 20 lbs in a month. I can't imagine what I'm doing to my body, and I just can't diet anymore.
I am consdering getting the VS survery. My dad had it as a severely obese man and is doing amazingly, but I am afraid to talk to my parents about it. I know they think I am not overweight enough. Has anyone else been in this situation? I know I'm ready, and I want to better myself and my life. I know this will just be a vicious cycle that will continue for the rest of my life. I need some guidance and thoughts.
Thanks so much, and I look forward to getting to know some of you!