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Terri Coon

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Terri Coon

  1. Check this site http://www.delsolmed...ht-loss-surgery They also have a westside hospital called Las Palmas.

    I live in Albuquerque NM and started my lapband journey with Del Sol located in El Paso. Shortly after I found out that a Bariatric clinic existed in Albuquerque and at the same hospital my insurance allows and had it done locally. I attended Del Sol's WL seminar and met 2 of their doctors. It was all a very positive experience. Hope this helps.

    What is the clinic in Albuquerque called? Can I get a website or a phone number please?

  2. I am glad that you have had better luck with Dr. Clapp than I have. I moved to El Paso from Little Rock, AR, and went to him and was not at all happy with him. He was very degrading and told me that he would never have done the surgery on me and that I was not going to be successful. At the time, I had lost 87 lbs and have now lost 116 lbs so far, I think that is pretty successful. I am still looking for a fill doctor in the area, or even as far as Albuquerque, NM if anyone knows of anyone besides Dr. Clapp.

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