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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by fitfrlife

  1. fitfrlife

    Dayshelly's Before and After Pics

    My Before & After Photos!
  2. Hello all my fellow lapbanders!!! It's been awhile since I have posted. I hope each and every one of you are doing spectacular!!! I just had a general question. I am 6 months post-op, down 60lbs (woo hoo!!!). So far every doctors visit I have had a fill and after the fill, I'll say within in 2 weeks I lose the weight and then nothing. This last visit I did not receive a fill and I am worried that since I didn't I will not be able to lose weight. I am doing everything correct, measuring eating wonderfully, exercising but am not sure what else to do. Any help or experience would be awesome if you could share it with me. Obviously we as lapbanders can't get a fill every 6 weeks for the rest of our lives so I am kind of at a loss. Thanks for anything you can share!!!!!!
  3. Everything posted makes sense. Your right when you say that the lap band doesn't make you lose weight, I just associate my weight loss with my fills because that is when I see it come off. Everytime my weight stalls for a period of time I go into hyperventalation mode thinking "he we go again, I am failing at this too". Unfortunately it is this feeling I always revert back to because before it is all I have ever known. I am trying to reprogram myself but it is really really hard. Something else that I have been challenged with is getting rid of the clothes that do not fit anymore. It is like I haven't came to terms with my weight loss being permanent. It's really scary for me, the future that I am heading towards is completely unknown to me. All I know is being overweight. I wondered if anyone else has felt the same through their journey towards healthiness. I thank god for this website because for once in my life I belong to a group of people who are just like me and who can give me wisdom and advice. God love you all!!!
  4. fitfrlife

    Help! Fill Question!

    I had lap band surgery on 3/12/12. At first I felt like I had some restriction. I lost 20lbs. Towards the 6 week mark I was able to eat bigger portions and I felt like I didn't have any fill at all. I went to the doc and received a 4cc fill in a 14cc band. The first day I noticed restriction, when I got full I wasn't able to swallow anymore. But that is the only time I felt restricted. I did the 10 day special foods diet as instructed. From that point on I have started to feel like I haven't any restriction again. I am eating larger portions and I stop when I am full. I also notice that without the feeling of restriction I am wanting to eat bad foods I don't usually eat. I have lost 5lbs. I didn't know if feeling this way was normal or not. Any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated!
  5. I am 2 days post-op and feeling wonderful. I do have some soreness but other than that everyday gets better! So far I have tolerated everything. No nausea or vomiting. I am walking, taking my supplements and getting my meals and protein shakes in. I am right on track. Just wanted to give you all an update. Good luck to all having surgeries coming up!
  6. I was banded March 6, 2012. Since the surgery I have lost 25 lbs. I get my first fill in 2 weeks. The reason for my post is that I can feel myself slowly slipping into old habits. For instance tonight I had chinese. Not a large portion, but I had it. At this point in time I feel no restriction in my tummy. So of course along with that came my guilty feeling and the thought that I hadn't changed. It was sad. I just wondered if anyone else could relate to this and maybe could give me some advice or words of encouragement. It has only been a month and I should be patient but my fear of always being the way I was overwhelms me.
  7. It has been 11 days since my surgery. I physically am doing wonderful. Mentally - not so good. I am finding that I am feeling lost. My life used to be filled with snacking and eating out with family and friends, and now it's not. So, really I don't know what to do with myself. This change is a wonderful and healthy one but I feel secluded and alone. I have a best friend that I loved to go eat with, and when we would hang out at her house we would always order pizza and have some wine. This past week I hung out with her at her home and I found it difficult. She asked me several times out of habit if I wanted to order pizza or go eat Mexican. It was awkward. When I left, I got the feeling that she felt differently about me and our friendship. It has been the same way with my family. My mom asked me to go to lunch, obviously forgetting that I can't. It's different, so much of my life revolved around food and good times that now I just kind of feel blah. I definately could use a little lap band forum love. Hearing from someone else that has felt like this would be awesome!
  8. Hey everyone. I just wanted to touch base on a few things I have been feeling to see if it's the norm or not. I'm a week out post op and doing awesome!!!! But for the past few days I have noticed that I am a little weak and dizzy in the morning. I am eating correctly, drinking my shakes, and taking my Vitamins. It does pass after I eat Breakfast. Any info would be great! Thanks and have a lovely day!
  9. I was banded this past Tuesday and I have itchy belly also!!!! Man does it ever feel good just to scratch it!! And I'm a scratcher at that, I am not one of those people that don't itch if something itches. I go to town! lol
  10. fitfrlife

    70 Lb Down In 6 Months

    OMG! How wonderful! It is an awesome feeling isn't it. Keep up the good work!
  11. I had my lapband surgery March 6th and I am doing wonderful! I have quite a bit of pain on my left side but nothing I can't manage. I am eating my 3 meals, drinking my protein shakes and taking my supplements all without nausea! So far I do not feel hungry and I keep moving which helps the soreness. I am so thankful everything went okay and I am looking forward to my journey! Just wanted to update everybody, thanks for all of your support!!!
  12. fitfrlife

    I Had Surgery On March 6, 2012!

    Honestly I wasn't hungry. When it is time to eat I don't feel like I'm starving at that point either. It will pass, your body is adjusting to your band and your mind just needs to catch up to your body. Day by day you should start to feel better. Keep me posted and we will go through this journey together! Also I eat 3 meals a day and 3 protein shakes in between along with water. Make sure you're getting the shakes in maybe that would help with the hunger.
  13. I am getting ready. My surgery is Tuesday March 6, 2012 @ 10 am. I can't believe it! When it was scheduled I thought it would take forever to get here but it didn't. I have done my shopping and have everything I need. I still need to pack a few things and then I am done. Lately I have had a few people try to talk me out of the lap band and into the RNY. I just tell them nicely, that they need to save their breath because the lap band is what I have chose and it is what I am sticking with. Me and my lap band are going to be a team! It is going to work for me and I am going to work for it! There's no stopping me now. Lookout world here I come. Good luck to all of the others getting banded soon! Stay positive.
  14. fitfrlife

    Getting Ready........

    Thank you for replying! I will let you know how it went. Also how do I get a weight loss ticker? I tried in the past to get one but I couldn't get it to show on my posts. Any help would be awesome!
  15. fitfrlife

    Post- Op Day 10- Complaints And Whines Enclosed, Beware...

    Hang in there. Losing 20 pounds before surgery is awesome! Keep in mind that you still have some swelling and fluid retainment. I bet you will wake up one day soon and you will have lost several pounds. Be patient, by having the surgery you have already made a change in your life for the better. Everyone is different. Good luck, and keep your chin up!
  16. fitfrlife

    March Bandsters!

    My surgery date is March 6, 2012!!! I am super excited!!!! It is time for the new me!
  17. fitfrlife

    Wanna Be My Mentor?

    Hello every one. I am in need of a buddy or a mentor for my weight loss journey. I will be banded March 2, 2012 and would love to have some support and also would love to provide support as well!!! Give me a holler if interested. Thanks!
  18. Thank you all so much for replying!!! I valued every response I received, there was so much useful information in those replies!!! I am set on getting the lap band and in my heart I know that it is the best option for me. I am not scared to exercise or work for my weight loss. Part of the reason I chose the lap band is because my mind needs to be reset. I need to learn how to eat healthy for life. I don't want a quick fix, that has been my problem in the past. All of those fad diets are developed to help you lose weight fast so that you see that it's working quickly. Well, I need something that is gonna work for the rest of my life. And all of you are right in saying the lap band is a tool. It isn't going to do it for me, it will just help me. As for the support group I went to, I plan on going back. I want to show the ones that were negative that the lap band is a useful tool and when used right the weight loss can be amazing. I would also like to say that from this point on this website will be my lifeline for the rest of my journey. Thank you all so very much. I look forward to joining you on this life changing journey.
  19. Hello everyone. I need a little encouragement. I am scheduled for the lap band on March 2nd, 2012. I recently attended a Bariatric support group and when I left I was scared. There were 3 women in there that had been banded. Everyone else had the roux-en-y done. One currently had the lap band and the other 2 started out with the lap band but at some point ended up having a roux-en-y revision. None of the 3 women had positive things to say. They all hated the lap band (even the one that has it currently). And so during the entire meeting I heard negative things and I felt like I was being pushed to do the roux-en-y. They could not understand why my doctor would do the lap band procedure on me, apparently they thought I weighed to much for it (I weigh 312lbs). I want the lap band. I am doing the lap band. I am young and enjoy exercising. I am also scared to go through this procedure and fail. Any thoughts or info would be great, I love you all.

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