I got my sleeve done 11 days ago, on September 19th. The weight already seems to be coming off pretty well. I did two weeks of Optifast prior to surgery, so between that and the 11 days since being sleeved, I've lost 36 pounds! I've been dipping into my "old clothes" bins to find pants that fit decently. I have a feeling this is gonna be a fun ride!
Not that it's all sunshine and kittens. I'm still bouncing back and forth between episodes of high energy and episodes of heavy fatigue. I'm also having some issues with foam. Just a whole lotta foam in my stomach sometimes. If I burp, foam. Sometimes I end up spitting it out. Nasty. I'm thinking the foam might have something to do with the Multivitamins I'm taking. I got them from Bariatric Advantage, so you'd think they'd be good Vitamins, but all cases are different right?
Anyway, for now I'm mainly living off proten shakes and gatorade. Doc's got me on a blood thinner called Lovinox or somesuch, but only 4 days left of that. In fact, this coming Monday I advance out of the all-liquid diet into the mushy phase. Looking forward to some real-ish food!