I hate it! but thats only becasue theres somany things that I'm not going to go to right now becasue if I went I'd cheat! I didn't go to my families thansgiving dinner this year becasue I wouldnt be eating and they would want to know why, or I'd cheat so its best to just stay away. Nobody in my family knows other then my parents, I dont think I'll ever tell them becase I find that they are very judgmental. I have 3 sisters who are in amazing shape and have been their whole lives, and my 3 brothers would make fun of me sooo bad! I also have to miss my nieces first birthday, my sister's baby shower, and I wont get any "good food" on my 19th birthday! . I'm ok with two weeks of this I guess, becasue the rest of my life is gong to be sooo much better!..... sorry I just wanted to vent a little