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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by KatInFL

  1. My stats are a little off from yours but not drastically so. I'm just shy of 5'7", started at 252, and am almost a year post-op and weigh 155. I haven't tried a bunch of fancy creams or wraps or anything, as I generally think it's a waste of money for me.

    I knew going in I'd likely be looking at plastics and time has only proven that to be true.

    I'm just now starting to look at plastics and surgeons and consults, knowing I'm 6 months to a year away from actually having it done. My worst skin issues are my breasts and my stomach. I had a c-section and had the "flap" from that but weight loss has made it more pronounced. My poor boobs....they were once full and large but now look deflated and saggy. I'm still in the early researching part of determining what I'll actually want...but right now, I think it will be a breast lift with (maybe) augmentation and a Tummy Tuck. I'm hoping to avoid Lipo as I have nice definition of shape just lots of skin but I'm open to what the doctor suggest for the best results.

    I could absolutely live without surgery for skin removal and breast issues...but I'd rather not. :)

    Hi everyone! I'm not new to posting, but this is the first topic I've started, so please be nice!

    I am planning on getting sleeved in May, and other than the usual worries about the surgery itself, how much will I lose, etc. my #1 concern is the extra skin. I am scared enough to have surgery once, I don't want to have to go back under for a second time to have all the skin removed as well. My mom had gastric bypass a few years ago, so she's really the only person I know who's lost this kind of weight, and she does have a "flap". But she was also in her 60's when she had the surgery/lost the weight, and she lost well over 100 pounds.

    Here are my stats: I am 34, currently weigh about 230, and have a conservative goal weight of 160, with a dream goal of 135 (I haven't weighed less than 150 since the fifth grade, so that would be an extremely dreamy dream goal for me). Oh, and I'm 5'3" and a pretty good exerciser.

    So my question is specifically for ladies under 40, who have lost 100 pounds or less, and are at or near their goal. How well is your skin bouncing back? Did you do anything to help it, like weight lifting, or using special moisturizers? Where is it the worst, and have any of you had, or are considering having the "flap" removed?

    Thanks in advance for any help/reassurance you can give me. I know I am going to go through with this surgery, but I want to know if I need to psych myself up for another one in the near future.

  2. I'm 5 days out and feeling really irritable (I yelled at my dogs for barking, not caring that they are dogs and that is what they do). I think a small part of it is that my surgeon took me off my BC pills to reduce the risks of blood clots. But I've now started my period again, even though I had it a week before surgery. Small things are p*$$ing me off and I just want to scream and throw things. I'm not usually like this and I don't like being such a moody b*+ch. Anyone have any advice on how do deal with being so irritable?

    Also, does anyone know how to delete a post? I accidentally posted the same reply 4 times on another thread and I can't figure out how to delete them. Of course this doesn't help my mood and I want to throw my phone.

    Mood swings can be normal post-op. I'd venture to guess you've got some crazy hormones going on due to the lack of bc and possibly hormones that occur post-op.

    I hope it passes quickly for you!


  3. I was sleeved on 5/30 and as of today I've dropped 40 lbs.

    I'm noticing the girls are not as firm and full as they used to be and I'm freaking out. The last thing I want is saggy skin boobs

    Plastic surgery is an option for me but I just wanna know if its normal to lose them this fast...

    I lost band size pretty quickly. I need new bras but suspect I'm down almost a full cup size, too. <sigh> Not that I couldn't stand to lose some boob (I totally can) but I seem to be losing volume...which I can't afford to lose.

    I tell ya, I'm certain there will be plastic surgery in my boobs' future. I am not too picky...I just want my nipples to be in the same place they were when I was 20.


  4. Going through a very stressful time at work and am falling back into old coping habits...Food

    Can't seem to stop shoving crap in my mouth and its killing me. Not a complete off the wagon gorge myself, but I snack on "stuff" all day. Very down on myself about it. Just felt like telling my friends.

    I can relate! It's tough to not slip back into old habits and comforts.

    I think acknowleding that bad day or week or whatever and then moving on is important. I mean, you can't take it back so there's no point in dwelling on it and letting the stress compound. Tomorrow is a new day! Start over and work your Snacks into your daily intake in a way that you are still doing what you know you should or exchange the Snacks for something that is what you should be eating. And be kind to yourself....no one is perfect.

    I'm glad you shared. :)


  5. Did you have your gall bladder out separately from your sleeve? As in, you've had surgery twice in about two months?

    If that's the case, as long as you are eating according to your surgeon's plan and tracking your intake, I wouldn't worry too much about it. If you've had surgery again recently, give your body a chance to recover from two big events.


  6. I have a question about staples. I have 5 incisions and the one on my side and near my bra line are bothering me more then the others. My doctor said it was ok to not put bandages or band aides on them, but I'm nervous. Has anyone else left theirs open?

    The one near my bra line really bothered me, too, and seemed to take longer to really heal than the other incision sites. I left it alone, no bandage or band aid, and it was fine. It's still the biggest scar I have but not bad, by any means.


  7. I'm just frustrated I was at 261 last week and now I'm back at 265!!! I'm just frustrated and I'm doing really good on logging every little thing I eat and drink on my fitness pal and I'm working out everyday. Im doing 1000-1200 calories everyday

    Weight loss plateus are really, really normal! Everyone experiences them. It doesn't make them less frustrating, for sure.

    For me, hormones can add a layer to the fluctuations in my weight. When I'm ovulating and then the week before my period are times I just know I'm not losing. I started keeping an eye on my sodium intake, as that can be a factor, too.

    Butterthebean has a great link in his signature that talks about plateaus post-op.

    Since you're still pre-op, here is the link to an interesting article I read recently:



  8. Thanks for the response Kat! I will pick some up. I am on liquids for 3 weeks. Gonna need some variety :)

    I would also suggest some sugar free coffee syrups...some brands are Da Vinci or Torani. Some stores have their own brand, which would be comparable, I'm sure. Just make sure you get the sugar free! I bought some small bottles at World Market...vanilla, caramel, raspberry. They have some flavors you can buy online, too, creme d'menthe, s'mores, etc..I'd love to try the s'mores one. You could also use extracts, like you'd use in baking.

    That way, you will have plenty of options to mix it up!


  9. Wow, no kidding? I think I'll call his office tomorrow, I haven't actually talked to anyone over the phone yet. That's so cool that he does that. Maybe if my dad hears from the surgeon himself that his patients indeed make it safely to the operating table he'll feel better. Of course, I can hear my dad now, "well, sure, anyone could buy a lab coat off the street." :P But it will make me feel more comfortable, so that's the important thing.

    Ha! I should have read ahead. :)

    Yep, Dr Illan will Skype and did so with my boyfriend and I. It helped to hear about his training, the mechanics of the procedure, how he was going to handle my particular situation, etc. I know you said your Dad isn't computer savvy but many newer cell phone are capable of Skyping, so you could do it from your phone with your Dad.


  10. I think that's his main problem. He's disabled and can't make the trip, but he's said several times that he wishes he could go. I kind of wish he could go with me because he's a pretty big, strong guy and I've always felt safer around him, but my mom is making the trip with me so that helps. Of course, he and my mom have been separated since I was 4, so that doesn't make him feel any better.

    I wonder if he might feel better if he could Skype with the surgeon and ask any questions he might have directly? If it's that important to you that he feel comfortable, there's no harm in asking!

    My boyfriend was extremely skeptical but a Skype conversation with my surgeon, where he was able to ask questions directly about qualifications, training, potential complications, etc., made him feel much more comfortable. I think seeing the doctor as a real person rather than some generic entity helped as well.


  11. My GNC store sells this and a chocolate one! I think I may try it. On the full liquids stage could you at it to a Protein shake or is it considered food?

    I would think that it'd be fine in the liquids stage, as long as you are adding it to a Protein Shake. It would be reconstituted in whatever liquid you are using (milk, Water, whatever) and become part of the liquid.< /p>

    PB2 is a brand, when you are looking for it. I have that and another brand Just Great Stuff..and there is no difference in taste IMO. I found it locally in a health food store. Fair warning...it's not cheap. I think I spent like $8 for a jar, but it lasts a long time when you use it a tablespoon or two at a time. You can find it at netrition.com and Amazon.com, if you are willing to pay shipping. For me, what I'd have saved in the price of the product would have been spent in shipping so it was a wash.


  12. I miss Moscato D'Asti but I fear carbonation discomfort. I'd hate to end up wasting a bottle.

    The moscato doesn't seem to bother me. It's a teeny bit bubbly but not really carbonated. I took a sip of Diet Coke not that long ago (oh, how I *still miss my Diet Coke) and it immediately made my diva of a sleeve upset. But the moscato? No problem. Of course, I can barely have a couple of ounces...but it's enough to make me feel like I'm not missing out on anything when everyone else is drinking a glass of wine or otherwise enjoying a drink.


  13. I was done by 10 this morning. My surgery took a little longer and gave my surgeon a run for his money because I had a ton of abdominal scar tissue but it was a success.

    I am tires, a little sore, a little gas pain but feel amazing :) so glad I did this!!!

    Height 5'11"

    Highest weight 322

    Starting weight 307

    Surgery weight 296

    Goal 176 maybe

    Congrats! I'm glad you're feeling well.


  14. Boo, if feel ya.

    You know, we are all just work in progress. Just like our weight, we didn't get these body/weight issues overnight, and were aren't going to emerge as the rocking, cool, sexy people that we want to be overnight either. The biggest hurdle, and you know this, is between our ears. We have to break those chains that we aren't where we want to be or we don't look like we want to look, just like we have to break the chains that food has on us.

    This! I need to work on acknowledging this. :) Very well said, John. I think sometimes we are just not as forgiving of ourselves as we can be of others.


  15. I'm a glass into some 7 Deadly Zins.. affordable deliciousness. I love moscato too.. wine that tastes like dessert... my two favorite things all rolled into one!

    Ohh...yummy...I will have to look for that one! I actually had a glass of moscato out somewhere not long ago and was pleasantly surprised to find that one of the best rate affordable moscatos is *extremely affordable...like $6 a bottle! It seems to just jump in my cart, when I wheel down that aisle in the store. :D


  16. First of all I did not mention anyones name but you and Susan obviously know who Im talking about and apparently so do alot of others cause its amazing how many private messages I have received from people agreeing with me, and all in a matter of minutes. Seems people are just to scared to say it for fear of being brought down. Seems their is one rule for certain people and another for the rest of us. GOOD DAY!

    I have never seen this dichotomy of rules, which you seem to think exists.

    If one person attacks another, like you just did, it's removed...regardless of who does the attacking. You were purposefully ugly and it wasn't warranted. You are welcome to block people's posts if you don't care for them. The internet is no different than real life...some people you interact with just won't be your cup of tea. That's fine. Accusing people of being crazy and other things that have no basis in fact is not the accepted way to handle differences of opinion, in any social circle I've ever seen. Frankly, it just undermines your point of view when you can't back it up intelligently rather than attacking.


  17. As a matter of fact, I sure would have known about Mexico and finding Drs is not a problem either its just a matter of a google search for mexico gastric sleeve surgery. I did not need to come to this forum to to find a Dr or a cordinator either. I had already found plenty of Coordinator/Dr web sites! I came here to get honest opinions from people who have had good and bad experiences there and from what Drs they had used. I have had some PM message conversations from some really nice people and I apologize for using the word "all" in reference to the crazy people on this site. I do not think that everyone on here is crazy but let me tell you one thing, it is quite obvious that there is in fact a great deal of craziness going on around here. !

    You've crossed a line here.

    As far as I know, there is nothing that prevents any person from posting on any forum/thread, with the exception of the vet's forum. That boundary exists for a reason. Namely, because people who post frequently and have been post-op for a while have and need different interactions than those who are say, new members or newly post-op.

    Just like those of us who are post-op respond to threads in the pre-op forum, women post in the men's room, etc., people are welcome to post where they find interest. We are all here on this forum because we ultimately have something in common.

    I don't think you are you qualified, after 19 days of membership, to say that anything about anyone here with any certainty.


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