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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kimmel

  1. Hi, i had my lap band surgery on Aug 30, 2011. I think i have been doing ok for the most part, I didn't have any problems and adjusted back to eating solid foods fine. The first week after my surgery i felt restriction but after that first week i haven't felt any restriction. I had my first fill on Oct 4th of 5ccs. I felt restriction the first two days and after that i haven't felt restriction. I feel like i could eat how i use to. Is that normal? I don't see my doctor till next month and don't know what to do? I am really struggling with my diet and knowing what and how much to eat? I don't feel very supported by my doctor or his office. I feel completely lost and confused. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  2. I got banded on 8/30/11 and i feel the same exact way like i can eat anything and there is no restriction. I felt restriction after the first week of surgery but after that it went away. I had my first fill on oct 4th and i felt restriction for two days while i was on liquids and then it went away again. They gave me 5 cc on my first fill. How much did they give you on your second fill?
  3. kimmel

    Hi new here and have question

    Hi Melissa, I am 30 yrs old and i got banded on aug 30, 2011. I have diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea. I didn't have any complications at all. Let your husband know that with any surgery there is always going to be risk but my best advice is to do your research. Not only research on the band but the doctor that is going to be doing your surgery and ask as many questions as you can. Also if you can have your husband go to your appointment to see the doctor so he can feel more comfortable with who will be operating on you. I hope this helps. Good Luck! Hi i am melissa new to this site and lapband. Considering getting the surgery very soon.I am in wisconsin green bay area.The problem is my husband is very scared for me to do it.He says too many risks. The thing is i am prediabetic and i know the risks of diabetes and its much worse then surgery.Anyway and advice i can tell hubby? I am 100 pounds overweight and 34 yrs old
  4. Thank you for the words of encouragement, i'm glad to know i am not the only one that has experienced this. I will try to relax but it's frustrating. For me, that is what happened. I was banded October 25, 2010. I was able to eat normally for the first few fills. I didn't get any real restriction till the 4th fill. You will get restriction, and then it will loosen up again as you lose weight. I promise, I was feeling the same way you were. You will go through losing and then not for a couple weeks. Don't get discouraged. The time will come when you are a year out and you will be celebrating I started at 216 and now I am at 164. Just relax and enjoy the ride. It'll happen. I promise!
  5. Thank you so much for responding. To answer your questions: 1. I don't know how big my band is, i just know that i have the realize band. 2. I'm not sure if i am taking a full 20 mins but i am chewing my food thoroughly. 3. no i was never told anything about food journaling. 4. i do follow the rule of not drinking 30 mins before or after eating. 5. I do take in 64 oz of water daily I'm sorry you are feeling frustration. I have a few questions for you and then I may be able to give you some answers. 1. How big is your band? 2. Are you taking a full 20 minutes to eat every meal or snack? 3. Do you food journal? 4. Do you follow the "don't drink anything 30 minutes before or after eating"? 5. Do you intake at least 64 oz. of water per day?
  6. Thank you for responding, this whole experience has been very different then i thought it would be. I thought there would be a lot more support and more structure but it seems once you hit solid food that's it. My Dr. is a good doctor it's just that i don't feel that supported from him and the rest of his office or staff just forget it. When i go into his office for an appointment there is such a disconnect and weird silence. It's very strange but i will take your advice and give them a call and let them know that i don't feel a difference. Thank you again! So sorry to hear this. I was banded one day after you. I am going for my second fill this Wed. I only have 2 cc in mine right now and am hoping he will put at least 2 more in. I feel like I eat less than I did before the band but still more than I should. I feel bad that your Dr.'s office isn't being supportive. I would die because I just love everyone in my Dr.'s office including the Dr. I guess I would say that you are the one who went through this surgery and you know your body and if you feel you need another fill then call before your next appt. My Dr. said that if I felt like I needed a fill before my next appt. to just call. I hope everything goes well for you and don't let them give you any crap!

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