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Posts posted by Felicity2u

  1. Tina Marie,

    No, I have not had any plastics yet! While I was lucky not to have really big arms prior to surgery, I carried most of my weight in the middle of my body. I do have a saggy tummy and uppy tummy that I would like to get removed but until then I just put it all in some Spanx and go! LOL! I think I own the entire Spanx line! Hehe! I do exercise, I do arm and leg machines every day and cardio at least three times a week!

  2. Thanks everyone! Your sweet words keep me going and motivated. SleevyWonder, to answer your question, I really focused on carbs rather than fat count. I made sure to keep my calories while losing around 700-800 a day and never took in more than 45 carbs a day and not exceeding more than 15 carbs at each meal. If I did not exceed 15 carbs at that meal, I did not "bank" them. Say I ate 7 carbs for Breakfast, then for my mid morning snack I could only eat something that had 8 or less carbs. Think of 15 carbs as the button that keeps you from losing weight and that you don't ever want to turn the button on so therefore, never go over 15 carbs. Hope that wasn't too confusing, lol. I tend to ramble and make it more complicated, lol.

  3. Hello all,

    I can't believe that it has been ten months already since my VSG. I have had no complications and have no issues with food. I cannot say one thing that I regret about getting the VSG and would do it again in a heartbeat. I started this journey at 308lbs and am currently 172lbs as of this morning. I have gone from a 3x top to a large and a size 24 pants to a size 10. I went to Hawaii and got to zipline because I was now a weight that I could do it and also biked down the side of a volcano. My sleeve has opened up a new life for me and I thank God every day for seeing me through it. I wish success to all of you as well on your journeys to a new and healthier and happier you! The first picture is a before and after at pre op and at 10 months out. The second picture is of my husband and I in Hawaii, where I was happy enough with myself to get professional photos taken. I can finally admit that I actually love a photo that I'm in, never thought I would say that!



  4. Thanks to everyone again for all your kind words. Happy1957, yes, I did have hair loss. I started losing about three months out and now at seven months, it is finally starting to slow down. I just kept up my Protein, took my Biotin and got some Bosley hair treatment Shampoo and conditioner from my hair dresser. You can only get it from a certified retailer but I have alos found it online, you can check out their website and they will give you a list of people in your area that sell it. Hope this helps! And Mlord11, I am 5'7, give or take, lol!

  5. No tricks really, just follow my doctor's plan. I try to get in about 800-900 calories a day, 70+ ounces of Water, 80+ Protein and no more than 45 carbs a day and I never have more than 15 carbs per meal and I don't bank cards. So, if at Breakfast I have 6 carbs, then I can't bank the other 9 for lunch but I can have a snack that have 9 or less carbs in between. This is something the my nutritionist taught me and has worked well! I exercise no less than three times a week if not more and I usually take off from it on the weekends. I do arm and leg machines and do 30 minutes on the elliptical and 15 minutes on the bike. Sometimes I will do 30 on both. Like I said before, really no tricks, just follow your doctor's plan and the weight will come off. There have been weeks that I have lost nothing and then some weeks where I have lost alot. You will have stalls, they are a part of the process but don't give up. Your sleeve is a great tool and you have to trust in it! Good luck on your journey!

  6. Wow, where is the time going? I can't believe that I am seven months out already. This has truly been the best thing that I have ever done for myself and like I tell everyone every month, if you are on the fence or nervous about getting the surgery.... DO IT and don't look back! After 33 years, I can finally say that I have started to enjoy life and experience my life how it should have been lived a long time ago. I abused myself with food and found comfort in it but today, I look at back and think, what the hell were you doing. You ruined your childhood, your high school years and your college years because you were too obsessed with food and then too ashamed to go out in public. While yes, I was always the happy one on the outside, deep inside, I was not happy with my physical self. Today, because of this surgery, I can say I am truly happy. Yes, I still have a ways to go to hit goal but if I didn't lose another pound, i would be happy. I am down 112lbs and have hit onderland for the first time in 20 years and am weighing in today at 196lbs down from 308lbs and have gone from a size 24 pants to a size 14 and a 3x top to a xl or l top. I have had so many NSV's theY are hard to list. The best one though is that I can go out and live my life. That's my biggest non surgical victory! Thanks to all of you , I would not be where I am today withouth all of your kind words of support and also your encouraging pictures of your own success. Much love to you all and continued success on your own journey!


  7. Hey everyone,

    Just checkin in to let you know that I have now officially lost over 100lbs, l03 to be exact and I did it by my six month mark. I am so ecstatic with the results of my sleeve. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be this successful. If your on the fence about getting this surgery DO IT. I would do it again in a heartbeat!. I have gone from a size 24 jean to a size 14 and a size 3x-4x top to a l or xl. I feel wonderful and can't wait to keep losing to get to goal. Thank you for all of the support from this forum. Your kind words keep me going.


  8. Hi Kelly,

    My diet consists of around 800 calories a day, at least 64oz of Water and usually more, 80+g of Protein and limit myself to 45 carbs a day and I never exceed 15 carbs at each of my three main meals and if you don't use them all, you can't bank them. Just think of it as a switch that you can never turn on and if you go over 15 carbs at a sitting it turns them switch on. Regarding exercise, I usually go to the gym Monday thru thursday and walk or do the elliptical for 30 minutes and work on arm, leg and ab machine. There is no secret, I'm just following my doctor's orders and it seems to be working. I hope this helps! Good luck on your journey!

  9. Last Thursday I was three months out and down 61 lbs. I have been lucky and have not had any issues with my sleeve. I have never felt better and look forward now to waking up every day and seeing what's to come! For those of you on the fence about getting the surgery, just do it! You won't regret it, trust me! The first picture is the day before surgery of me at 308, then one, two and three month which of last Thursday I was at 247 lbs.


  10. Ms. Lady,

    You sound just like me one month ago today. I had the surgery on 3/3 at the young age of 33, just about a month after my birthday. I knew that it was time to do this as I had tried every other option and I can tell you today that it is the best thing I have ever done. I am a month out exactly today and am down 32lbs. I am starting to feel alive again and enjoying life. My clothes is starting to fall off of me and can't wait to go on my first shopping spree. I will tell you, the first two weeks are the worst and you will regret doing it every now and then when you can't have that big slice of pizza or that big piece of chocolate but as week three and four come and you can add normal foods, you start to feel human again. You will do wonderful and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. If you ever need anything or just need an ear for listening, feel free to send me a message. Good luck on your journey to the new you. Keep us posted!

  11. Well, today will be one month since I made the best change of my life. I am down 32 lbs and am feeling wonderful. I just wanted to let anyone who is thinking of having this surgery or on the fence about deciding if they want to or not, all I have to say is....Do it! I know it's cliche' to say this but the only thing I regret is that I did not do this sooner. i will say that the pre op diet and first two week post op are very hard and is the worst part of the whole thing. liquid diets are very tiring and had those same doubts as everyone else after surgery of, what did i do to myself. But as week three and four came and I could move into putting normal foods into my diet, it made me feel normal again and all those fears subsided. I have no had any bad reactions to any kinds of foods post op and even had a very spicy boiled crawfish(being from New orleans, this is normal, lol) and it didn't even upset my stomach. I have joined the gym and started working on my arms and legs and walking two miles on the treadmill as I have not yet been released for stomach exercises yet. Thanks to everyone on the boards for their continued support and encouragement. Have a great day!

  12. I went for my two week post op appointment today with my doctor and I am down 25lbs, 10 pre op and 15 since surgery two weeks ago. Before surgery I feared that I would be the one person that would get this surgery and nothing would happen but so far so good and I'm going to mention it anymore to avoid the three week stall, lol. Thanks again everyone for your continued support and words of encouragement.

  13. Hello everyone,

    I am one week post op today and can finally move from Clear liquids to full liquids, which means I can have cream Soups or Soups that have put through the blender. My confusion is about how much am I suppose to be aiming to get in. Am I suppose to meausure out a certain amount and only eat that? Or am I aiming to eat the can even though is may take three hours to do it? I am just confused moving from shakes to soups because I can get down an 8oz. Protein shake in about 1 1/2 hours but am I aiming to eat 8oz. of Soup? It is still all new and confusing to me. Any words of advice would be greatly appreciated and any ideas of store bought soups that you have found that have done well with your sleeve thus far would also be appreciated. Please don't pay attention to my ticker as I told myself I wouldn not be weighing in until my two week post op doctor visit. Thanks everyone!

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