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Michelle Grove Cozbey

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Michelle Grove Cozbey

  1. Michelle Grove Cozbey

    Denial My Band Needs to Come Out

    so sorry about your mom-keep sharing her story and maybe it can save someones life-
  2. Michelle Grove Cozbey

    Denial My Band Needs to Come Out

    I had the band placed in Dec 2008,Removed Nov 2010-I had numerous surgeries and revisions in between those two dates-my incisions never healed from the original surgery-they thought it was a post surgical infection, i was packing wounds for 2 years before they decided to just take out the band.I never had the band filled.I had a serious erosion problem- but it was not discovered until the band was removed.then they only found 1 hole under where the band was.The lap-Band almost killed me-I am still recovering from that-I was in and out of the hospital for months-this last July i went to USC where they discovered several leaks to the back of my stomach-they had to remove the fundus of my stomach i also developed many other problems all stemming from the Lap-Band. The GI surgeon-specialist at USC stated that he would never place a lap-band in any one unless their life was seriously threatened-he stated that the gastric sleeve is a much safer way to go.Lap-Band is a foreign object and it can cause erosion.This is a long story but seriously shortened-I also had constant nausea and vommitting.I actually lost more weight after the band was removed, I only lost about 30 lbs with the band and no fills. I dont think i will ever be the same-it caused serious permanent damage. It just kills me when i hear that so many people are getting this done.Have it taken out don't delay-it could be your life on the line. I saw a Dr. Crookes at USC he and his staff were amazing-they saved my life!!
  3. Michelle Grove Cozbey

    Denial My Band Needs to Come Out

  4. Michelle Grove Cozbey

    Lap Band issue and possible revision

    I had the band placed in Dec 2008,Removed Nov 2010-I had numerous surgeries and revisions in between those two dates-my incisions never healed from the original surgery-they thought it was a post surgical infection, i was packing wounds for 2 years before they decided to just take out the band.I had a serious erosion problem-The lap-Band almost killed me-I am still recovering from that-I was in and out of the hospital for months-this last July i went to USC where they discovered several leaks to the back of my stomach-they had to remove the fundus of my stomach i also developed many other problems all stemming from the Lap-Band. The GI surgeon-specialist at USC stated that he would never place a lap-band in any one unless their life was seriously threatened-he stated that the gastric sleeve is a much safer way to go.Lap-Band is a foreign object and it can cause erosion.
  5. Michelle Grove Cozbey

    MichelleGroveCozbey's Before and After Pics

    My Before & After Photos!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
