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Michelle Grove Cozbey

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Michelle Grove Cozbey

  1. I had the band placed in Dec 2008,Removed Nov 2010-I had numerous surgeries and revisions in between those two dates-my incisions never healed from the original surgery-they thought it was a post surgical infection, i was packing wounds for 2 years before they decided to just take out the band.I never had the band filled.I had a serious erosion problem- but it was not discovered until the band was removed.then they only found 1 hole under where the band was.The lap-Band almost killed me-I am still recovering from that-I was in and out of the hospital for months-this last July i went to USC where they discovered several leaks to the back of my stomach-they had to remove the fundus of my stomach i also developed many other problems all stemming from the Lap-Band. The GI surgeon-specialist at USC stated that he would never place a lap-band in any one unless their life was seriously threatened-he stated that the gastric sleeve is a much safer way to go.Lap-Band is a foreign object and it can cause erosion.This is a long story but seriously shortened-I also had constant nausea and vommitting.I actually lost more weight after the band was removed, I only lost about 30 lbs with the band and no fills. I dont think i will ever be the same-it caused serious permanent damage. It just kills me when i hear that so many people are getting this done.Have it taken out don't delay-it could be your life on the line. I saw a Dr. Crookes at USC he and his staff were amazing-they saved my life!!

  2. I was banded July 30 2008. I've honestly had nothing but problems. I've blamed it on my own body and non-compliance. I've had constant pain, nausea, vomiting, reoperation and the inability to ever have my band filled amoung other problems. The last six weeks have been horrible, I've developed acid reflux, which I've never had in my life, I have nearly constant mild to severe abdominal, flank and back pain. I throw up and PB multiple times daily. My band has become so tight despite not having any Fluid in it that I can physically feel it wrenching my stomach when I make certain sudden movements. I've now developed gastroparesis and have severe chronic gastritis. The most I have lost is 50lbs of the 130lb I need to lose, and that was when I was at the gym 10 hours or more a week. I've gained back 30lbs in this past year.

    Even with all these problems I've been in total denial that I need the band out. I think I've finally come to terms that this thing needs to come out! I have no idea why I've let myself suffer for so long. I have so much scar tissue and my stomach is so terribly battered right now I'm terrified for the surgery. I had a CT and an EGD this past week and they were both abnormal. I had a diagnostic lap 2 years ago with my bariatric surgeon and i had such terrible scar tissue everywhere and especially on my spleen. He told me if he ever went in again he was going to have to take out my spleen! I actually work with my baritric surgeon on the inpatient side and I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly. While I know that he would take extra special care to do it right, I know what can go wrong and it scares me a lot.

    Well, I think i have a lot of discussing and thinking to do. I know in the end the answer is removal, but I just need to figure out the the logistics of it all and try to come to terms with it.

  3. I had the band placed in Dec 2008,Removed Nov 2010-I had numerous surgeries and revisions in between those two dates-my incisions never healed from the original surgery-they thought it was a post surgical infection, i was packing wounds for 2 years before they decided to just take out the band.I had a serious erosion problem-The lap-Band almost killed me-I am still recovering from that-I was in and out of the hospital for months-this last July i went to USC where they discovered several leaks to the back of my stomach-they had to remove the fundus of my stomach i also developed many other problems all stemming from the Lap-Band. The GI surgeon-specialist at USC stated that he would never place a lap-band in any one unless their life was seriously threatened-he stated that the gastric sleeve is a much safer way to go.Lap-Band is a foreign object and it can cause erosion.

  4. I need some advice and opions.

    I had the lap band back in 2005 I have the VG band. I went from 436lb to 239lb back in 2008 I stopped feeling restrictions. I started seeing a different doctor then the one that did the surgery and was determined there was a issue witht he band it took 2 years to convince the doctor that there was a issue it was thought to be that I had a leak. In December of 2010. They went in found that the port became unstiched and the port was reveresed. Since having this fixed I have been going in for fills and not feeling any restriction it was found that there is a leak again. I have now almost gained back 100lb. I went to Dr Barker and he suggested to have a revision surgery to the Gastric Bypass. Or if I want to keep the band to replace it. It did say that there is a 35% to 40% failure rate with the band of either the port or the band itself and within 5 years most people have surgery to fix the band or remove the band. I have read the same result from different medical websites.

    I have to admit I am scared of getting the gastric bypass because of complications and seeing other people I know having it and gaining weight back. Has anyone experienced the same issue? Have you had the band replaced and successfully lost weight again after it was replaced. The gastric bypass is covered under my insurance and the gastric sleeve is not. Not sure if the duodenal switch is covered. I know someone that has this and they have about 10 bowel movements a day. Not really interested in that.

    What do you suggest?



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