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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MeMeMEEE

  1. I freak out every time I sneeze. Feels like when i sneeze something is going to fly out of my lower left wound. Ugh! Freaks me out!
  2. MeMeMEEE

    When did you feel good post op

    Lisa - I was the day before you and wow the drinking sure is a challenge! I want a nap but if I do I might not get all my fluids in, you know? I sure am hoping it gets better quick!
  3. MeMeMEEE

    All-Stars Preo-op diet thread

    Hi Kami - hang in there! what are you allowed to have?
  4. http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/22089-almost-four-years-sleeved-a-cautionary-tale/ here is her story
  5. There is a lady posting here, maybe in the Tell your story forum, who is a few years out and has gained. I can't remember her screen name but you may look there. It's recent, within the last few weeks.
  6. MeMeMEEE

    What was your funniest surgery moment?

    I think I had the heart rate deal - my kids kept waking me up because an alarm was going off every time I drifted off the first night. Nothing too funny!
  7. sending prayers to you all!
  8. i made it - surgery ran late and didn't get to my room til 6pm then my kids and friends stopped in. Just wanted to let you know all is well!
  9. MeMeMEEE

    2nd wave of All Stars!

    My Dr told me 64 oz a day and if I don't get it in I have to add it to the next day. It is hard.
  10. MeMeMEEE

    Leslie Sansone DVD's

    I enjoyed them too!
  11. MeMeMEEE

    I'm on the losers bench!

    MAKF, I am just taking Tylenol, very tender but no real pain, I tried the Lortab but it was nasty and made me sleepy. I have been watching TV most of the afternoon, I know I need to walk but do not want to put a bra on so waiting for the cover of night LOL I have 51 oz in so far, got to finish it up in the next few hours. So far not hungry thankfully! Have any of your steri-strips come off? I have one almost all the way off and it worries me!
  12. MeMeMEEE

    Sleeved and Smelly

    I bet you are right that it's the drain! I don't have one but can see where it would smell! I have the 64oz requirement too and was told 8 oz an hour for 8 hours and was waaaay overwhelmed. I just looked at my day and know what I need to drink - if I am awake for 15 hours I write it down and just keep a running total. On my second day of getting the 64 oz down!
  13. MeMeMEEE

    All-Stars Preo-op diet thread

    That's basically what mine was and I was Monday also. Hope all is well!
  14. I know you will do just fine and sounds like you already have a good plan! Be safe and keep sipping!
  15. MeMeMEEE

    Let's keep cheering our teammates on!

    yes mama thank you soo much! you are keeping us in line and our spirits up!!
  16. MeMeMEEE

    I'm on the losers bench!

    Sleep last night was great, probably got at least 6 hours. Heaven!
  17. MeMeMEEE

    **OFFICIAL** Team Line Up!!

    added! Thanks for the well wishes and prayers!
  18. MeMeMEEE

    Got a date!

    Congrats! Come join the August all-stars!
  19. MeMeMEEE

    5-day Update...

    Thanks for sharing! I am 4 days today, getting ready to get out of the hospital this afternoon I am feeling very similar to you!
  20. MeMeMEEE

    **OFFICIAL** Team Line Up!!

    all updated I think! I am still in the hospital, getting out later today
  21. MeMeMEEE

    Hello Everyone!

    Glad to hear all is well! I am so close to 200 also, hoping to be under it in 2 weeks or so.
  22. MeMeMEEE

    I'm on the losers bench!

    Day 4 I get to leave!! YAY! Got my 64oz in 24 hours so I am good to go. No real pain issues, just very tender on belly. Keeping track of my fluids by the hour so I know what I need for the rest of the day, Can't wait to be home in my own space, my dogs and husband - I miss them!
  23. MeMeMEEE

    2nd wave of All Stars!

    congrtats Jimmy!!
  24. great news on food and insurance!!

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