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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MeMeMEEE

  1. Do you have any higher calorie shakes? I have some I got as samples and have been trying to put one in a day just to add a little calories. I have also heard of people adding some pudding mix to them or fruit blended. How about drinking things that are higher calories - what are you getting 64 oz in? Could you make decaf tea with regular sugar? Just any little think you can change might help up your calories. I am so sorry you are going through such a tough time but remember you need to take care of yourself too - for you and your kids
  2. MeMeMEEE

    Just had Sleeve Surgery 8/9/11

    Thanks for asking this question - this is how I get too! I assumed "full" due to swelling right now. The pain is like when before you took a big gulp that didn't sit right - very odd to me and I hate it, even though it does pass quick.
  3. all you can do is try!! Have you met any deductible already this year? Can you change to a lower deductible plan starting January? Just a couple thoughts!
  4. MeMeMEEE

    An NSV I may never top!

    That is so awesome - and him being a teen makes it soo much better!! It is great when our kids are proud of us!!
  5. I was sleeved Monday and I have felt very tight and it takes me my whole day to get in my 64 oz of fluids, I am still working on about 4 more ounces right now and very ready for bed (been up for 15 hours now). I have to dink slow, it is a good hours to get in 6 oz but it is usually much less - more like 3-4 oz. SF popsicles seem to be easier (maybe helps the swelling?) but so does the broth. All sweet things make me very phlemy so I try and avoid them. I have gotten 1 whole shake down the last two days but before that it was maybe a few ounces of them. My Dr uses a 40 Bougie. Do they have you on a PPI? I can tell it helps some for me. Hope your swelling goes down soon!
  6. My surgeon(s) was Dr Max Hammer and co-surgeon Dr Orlando Icaza in Springfield IL. Dr Hammer only does laproscopic surgeries and has performed 650 bariatric surgeries. I was very happy, no complications and they seem to be very proactive!
  7. MeMeMEEE

    Got My Date!!

    I'll add you to our "official" list -see the top of this forum! Can't remember if there is anyone else on 8/30 yet!
  8. MeMeMEEE

    Day 6 update

    Hi Tammi! Just coming here to do a little recap of my days! I did the same yesterday, a little too much, not sore so much as very tired. But I slept good! Very achy when I woke up - like I had a good workout with sit ups LOL Ps. today was the first day I was below my presurgery weight - and I counted it
  9. MeMeMEEE


    added to calendar!!
  10. MeMeMEEE

    The day I woke up

    Congrats on your "wake up!" WTG on the quiting smoking!!! Weight loss so far is awesome!! I will be 40 this year, married my first daughter off on 1-1-11 and my youngest just turned 16 and of course is so adult LOL I decided this year was for ME! I started the process in January and was just sleeved Monday. Someone posted this on facebook a week or so ago and it really hit home for me - The one person I can truly count on... that I want in the front of my cheering section... that I must love above all others... that I know is going to pick me up when I'm down... that is going to be with me until I die... is me. Basically it says what you realized, no one is bringing anything to you on a silver platter or white horse, you have to love yourself enough to take the steps to get what you want!!
  11. I had my surgery Monday so today is 6 days for me. My belly is still swollen but I don't think as bad as even yesterday. I haven't tried anything besides stretch pants on, have a wedding to go to today so I will have to - anxious myself to see how that goes!
  12. MeMeMEEE

    First Day Home

    Glad to hear you are home and doing well.
  13. MeMeMEEE

    Moving up to August

    Congrats - we've got a calendar at the top of the forum here - I will add you to it!
  14. I can't take the calcium chews until a month out but am taking huge ones right now, I won a bottle of cinnamon ones at my support group and I like them so much better than the berry flavored ones.
  15. You said it!! It's is hard to have that taste and blow it!!
  16. MeMeMEEE

    yesterday & today's lineup!

    How is everyone doing? I have seen a check in from a few of you!
  17. MeMeMEEE

    I must be crazy

    You can do it! My hospital has a walk for Obesity in October to benefit the food pantry - I am planning to do it!
  18. That's what I have heard,
  19. I have felt the same, about 8 years ago I went on weight watchers at work and in the end got to goal, 75 lbs lost. I was so proud, everyone was proud of me. We moved to FL the year after I made goal and I gained 20 lbs. Still not a bad weight for me, size 12. I was so ashamed when I came home for visits! Then we moved back to IL about 4 years ago and complete failure - gained all back plus 35 lbs. Even more shame, So when I decided to do this I only told people who were like minded - wanting to lose weight, struggling, etc. I had my sleeve Monday and pretty much the cat is out of the bag - read: facebook and anesthesia don't mix LOL Well I just simply asked for prayers around my surgery time, nothing specific. I was so worried someone would try and talk me out of it (my mom and husband already tried). I have only run in to one naysayer as of today and she just "could never do anything that drastic" - I understand, I said the same for years. I'm not even 40 (this year) and when I noticed myself getting winded or breaking out in a sweat doing simple house work, I knew it was time for drastic. I have found support from people I would never has guessed and this thrills me. I have had people ask me how much I have lost and I simply explain to them they advised me not to weigh until my post op visit due to IV fluid retention. I peeked and I have gained a few pounds from that but no worry. I have put them off for a few weeks anyway!! Maybe by then they won't bother to ask and my success will speak for itself. I believe there isn't really failure at this, more just the levels of success. Doctors consider less than 50% excess weight lost a failure but I would be thrilled if I lost only 45 lbs. I would be better off than I was. That is success to me.
  20. MeMeMEEE

    All-Stars Preo-op diet thread

    the sugar free popsicles are great to just crunch on for a snack. Also can you make your shakes with milk?
  21. I think you can do that! Have you mixed in any sugar free syrups or yogurt? Or maybe fruit?
  22. sounds like we are feeling the same! have a headache too - boo!

  23. MeMeMEEE

    Day 2 after surgery

    Hi guys! I have day 5 today I guess - ended yesterday with 100 calories - seems pretty bad! I really liked the broth in the hospital, it said vegetable consomme when they brought the ticket. Looked that up - sounds like alot of work. I had a can of Progresso french onion in the cabinet so I have made that and strained it. The sugar free popsicles go down well. I would love a nap but then afraid I won't get my fluids in. Got up for a couple hours around 1am with my husband and got 8 oz in then so felt a little ahead so far. Really need to try some protein again today, had maybe 3 grams yesterday and maybe 10 the day before, a few on Tuesday. It just sits so heavy. I am just on the Tylenol liquid, Lortab was just too nasty sweet for me. No real pain, just tender from the surgery sites. Went to my sis in laws today because she was having a garage sale, got my walk up and down her lane. Now ready for that nap I mentioned No real hunger thank God! Supposed to go to a small private wedding tomorrow - not sure I will have anything to fit my big bloated belly

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
