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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MeMeMEEE

  1. MeMeMEEE

    How is everyone doing?

    now I need to have a popsicle! LOL my dog has gotten part of my dinner broth 2 nights in a row so I am trying to add something more in to be sure I get all 64oz in. Hope you feel better!!
  2. thinking of you and sending wishes for speedy recovery!
  3. MeMeMEEE

    my surgery's tomarrow!!

    Sending lots of prayers! You're up for the team!!
  4. MeMeMEEE

    Thinking of you all today!

    Yes, moving down on the losers bench!! (hmm can we have a losers bench if we are the All Stars??)
  5. MeMeMEEE

    Vitamin Question

    My schedule looks like this - Vitamin/Mineral Schedule With Breakfast (i.e. 8 am): 1 Bariatric Advantage Tropical Chewable Multivitamin 1 Bariatric Advantage calcium citrate Lozenge With lunch (i.e. 12 pm): 1 Bariatric Advantage Tropical Chewable Multivitamin 1 Bariatric Advantage Calcium Citrate Lozenge 2 hours after Lunch (i.e. 2pm) 60 mg Chewable Iron Supplement (ferrous fumarate) With dinner (i.e. 5 pm): 1 Bariatric Advantage Calcium Citrate Lozenge Before Bed: 1 Bariatric Advantage Calcium Citrate Lozenge Sundays (or 1 day/week): 1 (1000 mcg) sublingual B12 tablet
  6. I don't have a protein requirement yet, we are supposed to trial them and if it doesn't sit well back off. Having said that, I have gotten 6 grams the first day home, 31,38, 36 and so far today I have 14 in. Milk seems to be bothering me so I am getting some almond milk or soy milk today to try. I am getting some in via Greek yogurt and jello besides the shake - which yesterday I did a half shake and will probably do the same today. Hydration is my goal until my first post op visit at 2 weeks. Hope that helps. Glad you are feeling better!!
  7. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way - I know there are lots of people here who have dealt with military, maybe someone has some suggestions!
  8. MeMeMEEE

    The need to chew

    I love having popsicles!
  9. yes some digital scales can be junk - I own two Tanita brand, they are awesome and always accurate - have had my oldest one for about 10 years I guess. Got the second one because it measures in .2 increments where original was .5. Tanita is the brand that weight watchers uses at their meetings.
  10. MeMeMEEE

    My surgery is Aug. 22th!

    you guys will do great - and the week will fly by!!
  11. MeMeMEEE

    Surgery Date

  12. MeMeMEEE

    How is everyone doing?

    I have to get 64 oz of fluid so my protein counts toward it. I have been getting to 64 oz since day 3, I have been able to get in one shake for the last 3 days, it sits heavy with me. Yesterday I did half a shake and half a greek yogurt (I can have yogurt right now - no fruit in it). That was my first yogurt and it was nice to have something different. I dreamt last night that I was at a party and stuffed myself, ate the whole time. I was so freaked out and sad, Glad to wake up from that! I got the ok to take chewable tylenol yesterday because I couldn't stand the liquid. They also gave me vicodin which I took one before bed - maybe that brought on my dream? I don't know if it made sleep any better.
  13. Finally a chance to sit down and do this - I started my pre-op diet on 7/25, had it easier than most as I was allowed to have non starchy veggies and a limited amount of more carby items such as hot Cereal, applesauce, v8, sf pudding and light yogurt as well as all the liquids. Had to drink the magnesium citrate on Sunday August 7th - not as bad as I feared, added a limeade mix in to it and was able to get it down. I had to do this at 4pm and was only allowed 1 Protein drink and Clear Liquids that day so there wasn't too much to "clear out." Monday August 8th I had to be at the hospital (Memorial Medical Center, Springfield, IL) at 9am. I was ushered in to the pre-op area pretty quickly by a girl I went to school with (nice to see a familiar face). Her sister was also a nurse in pre-op so another familiar face. Once all my registration info was taken I was brought a gown and pants to put on, Aunt Flow was visiting so they brought me their version of undies and pad. Once I was all prepared they began attempting my IV - first person tried once and the vein rolled, second person got right in and the vein blew but of course she had to shoot some stuff in to be sure and that BURNED. They then had someone come from Anesthesia to do it and they got one. My advice, don't let them "numb" you - that shot hurts more than the IV and it doesn't work that great. Of course they were running behind in surgery. My pick up time was supposed to be 11am but ended up being around 1pm. Got a short snooze in. I woke up in my room around 5 pm I think (first thought it was 6 but I believe I was reading the clock wrong). Not sure how long I was in recovery. Woke up with a second IV in on my opposite arm and a few more stick marks. The original held through the first day and the 2nd was bad before the first. More on that. I didn't feel bad, very tired and tender, my kids were there and kept waking me up when the alarm sounded - guessing low heart rate. Two friends stopped by later too. I had a young guy CNA to take care of me and he was fun - very talkative and told me why he thinks iPhone is better than android LOL. Walked several times throughout the night and apparently a lot farther than most, circling the floor a few times. Had some ice chips. Not much sleep that I remember, seemed like I would just doze off and they would come in for something. Used the pump that night, not morphine but I don't remember what it was, same sleepy side effects but didn't make me sick at least. Tuesday - The next day I lost my fun guy and got a crabby lady She was a little rough with me when she got my band to scan and I will blamer her for blow my IV, not sure if that is true but within a few hours I had a swollen arm of Fluid. Of course they didn't believe me and pushed some of the stuff in to prove it, ouch. And of course the 2nd IV was already bad too, I had thought so since almost the beginning but they didn't care. 2 more stick and digs before they called the PIC team to bring their ultrasound machine and find a vein - they rocked and got me one in my left arm bend - bad spot but it stayed good until they removed it after 2 more days! So day 2 was traumatic for me with IV's (yes, the one thing that I was scared of) and I was supposed to start drink 8 oz an hour starting at 4pm so I could get in 64 oz in 24 hours and go home on day 3. That didn't happen, I just can't do 8 oz in an hour. My air in my room also went out so it was 80 in there most of the day, after being 60 early in the day Wednesday - Day 3 at 7am when the team came in and let me know I wasn't going home until my 64 oz were in, I got smart and realized hey I am awake longer than 8 hours in a day and so I just began doing what I could getting 3 - 6 oz in each hour. It added up and I went to bed at 8pm with my 64 oz in. Thankfully they were in there fixing my air as well - the Dr said I had men crawling out of the ceiling to see me That day I gave up the pump, no way to get in fluids while you are sleeping because of pain meds. I did try the Lortab liquid and that was nasty (but counted toward my liquid ) . Told the nurses I wanted liquid Tylenol and they got it ok'd. At this point I am not sure I even needed it but just went ahead and took it as I could. They took me off the IV but left it hep locked. The team kept asking me why I wasn't using the pump and I let them know because it made me sleepy and I can't sip while asleep. This is the first day I showered and it was awesome. Slept great that night and walked short walks when I woke up. Circling the floor isn't fun when by yourself. Thursday - Day 4 the team came in at 7 and let me know I could go home that day. I was READY!! Got a shower, got dressed, packed up, worked on my liquids and left around 1pm. Didn't walk much after home that day - figured I was good after the morning! Spent my day and evening on the couch, in bed at 7:30 after my fluids were in. Slept great! Got up around 1am with hubby and drank some fluids and watched a few shows, back to sleep at 3 am and up at 7am. Friday - Day 5 I probably over did it. Showered, did laundry, went to a garage sale at my sis in laws (driveway on incline, parked at bottom), went to a restaurant where a friend waitresses (she had RNY 10 years ago) and she gave me a nice bowl of broth. That went down NICE!! Ran some Christmas lights to a friend getting married today to use. Went to Wal-Mart and Dollar Tree with my husband. Stayed up way later than I should of - but got my fluids in! Got to bed around 11pm I believe, after I read a little in bed. Much easier to get comfortable in bed last night. Saturday Day 6 TODAY Slept til about 7am. Got shower, loaded dishwasher, put a few things away. I have spent most of the day so far on the couch. That's it so far! I do have a wedding to go to tonight, skipping the reception though! A few other things that just don't fit in anywhere else - I did get Lovenox shots days 2,3,4 in my thigh, didn't hurt. My doctor does a scope while you are out to check for leaks, no separate leak test. I was not allowed to use Gas-X strips. I didn't have any gas pains to speak of though, guess walking took care of them. My hospital did not have heating pads but did give me heated blankets - not the same. I had my daughter bring mine from home and I did use it the second day some. My pain was never above a 4 mostly around a 3 the whole time on a scale of 0-10 (10=worst) - with exception of the IV digging. My driving restriction was only if I took Lortab so I can drive.
  14. MeMeMEEE

    B12 questions

    My program requires it just once a week as well. I have to take my first one today.
  15. My surgery was the day before you. I don't think I have had any real surgical gas pain but I have felt gassy from the protein. My NUT guidelines are that if we have gas with protein make it with water or soy milk as apparently there can be some lactose intolerance early out. I spend my whole day sipping as well, going to bed almost as soon as I have my 64 oz in. I can tell it is getting easier to drink but I still easily tired and my belly is tender. I just try to come here and read the threads of others and see when things got better. Hang in there!
  16. MeMeMEEE

    What did you tell work?

    I told my manager, I work from home and one day we were in the office and I was discussing it with a few of my other work from home buddies and she came in to the conversation - her husband had bypass about 10 years ago and she has been incredibly supportive. Just a few of my fellow workers know, the ones I am close to. I took FMLA as I only had about 4.5 days of time off to use. I am planning to take 3.5 weeks off to get settled in to my new way of eating and all that. You really don't have to tell them anything but I would say it should depend on your relationship, you certainly can tell them and may be surprised by their support!!
  17. When I first met my surgeon in April and asked how many sleeves he had done it was 12. He had been doing them just over a year. However he has done over 650 bariatric surgeries, 2/3 of his practice is this. He is specialized in laproscopic surgery and does NO open surgeries. I asked to meet someone in person who had the sleeve and they set me up with a mentor. She thinks she was 5th or 6th of his sleeves. She is now a year out and doing great, she has had no problems. I am not sure how many sleeves he has done between April and August but my NUT told me no one is going lapband and all want the sleeve now - problem is a lot of insurances still don't cover it so it is relatively low number for most doctors on experience . I think experience isn't just in the particular surgery but about techniques also. I stuck with my surgeon, had my sleeve Monday and am very happy - no complications and no complaints! Also my hospital's program is a Bariatric Center of Excellence.
  18. I was sooo good and didn't cheat at all but man did I want to 2 days before I went to a party! I had some green beans cooked with bacon (no bacon but still) and some of the onion/tomato/cucumber salad which I am sure probably had sugar in the dressing. Nothing was said at all about the size of my liver so I am guessing I was ok!
  19. It is soo important to take vitamins that are designed for bariatric patients - we don't absorb some forms of important vitamins like we used to. This woman is incredibly knowledgeable http://wlsvitagarten.com/ and has so much information - she is willing to answer many questions also. I hope that helps!! Also, I suggest emailing success@celebratevitamins.com and requesting samples - they send a very nice packet for free, takes about 3 weeks.
  20. MeMeMEEE

    Post Op Day 6

    I felt pretty good on Friday and did quite a bit - yesterday I was drained. I did leave the house a few times though - grocery store and small wedding. Planning very little for today, hoping I can get my daughter to go to Wal-Mart later for some meds. I can't tolerate the liquid pain meds, did get the ok today to take chewable children's Tylenol. They also insisted on calling in vicodin pills as well which I guess I will try at night. I have been sleeping in bed, lots of pillows piled around me and behind me. I am ok once I get comfortable but it does take a while. Walking is uncomfortable I think since the tummy is just hanging, pulling on everything. If I am around the house I support it. I can't imagine going back to work yet either and I work from home. I wouldn't be able to get my fluids in sitting at a computer working.
  21. When I first met my surgeon in April and asked how many sleeves he had done it was 12. He had been doing them just over a year. However he has done over 650 bariatric surgeries, 2/3 of his practice is this. He is specialized in laproscopic surgery and does NO open surgeries. I asked to meet someone in person who had the sleeve and they set me up with a mentor. She thinks she was 5th or 6th of his sleeves. She is now a year out. I am not sure how many sleeves he has done between April and August but my NUT told me no one is going lapband and all want the sleeve now - problem is a lot of insurances still don't cover it. He was asked in support group this month if he had a favorite surgery to perform and he said bypass. He didn't press me to do one surgery over the other and basically let me choose. I didn't have any co-morbidities and my BMI was high 40's. I think experience isn't just in the particular surgery.
  22. MeMeMEEE

    **OFFICIAL** Team Line Up!!

    I am on clear liquids, takes me every waking hour to get in my 64 oz.
  23. MeMeMEEE

    4 Days Post OP

    I'm on clear liquids until my first followup, the 23rd. Honestly not sure if I could eat anything, protein shake is the only non clear I can have and it sis like a brick! Some clears do too.
  24. Just a few more days !! and the 4 weeks off - aaahhh I am going to love it too!! My daughter goes back to school Friday so it will be some alone time for sure!

  25. MeMeMEEE

    **OFFICIAL** Team Line Up!!

    added you newlife!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
