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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MeMeMEEE

  1. oh trust me you are so not alone!! I had to change my calcium/vitamin D to one my program is trialing right now because I just couldn't stomach the approved ones!! I am getting somewhere between 0-38 grams of protein in a day I just can't stand the taste - too sweet. Milk is bothering me so I tried soy but I guess that is all flavored so even sweeter. I am working on my last ounces of liquid now.

  2. MeMeMEEE

    Protein and Purees

    I am hoping the same thing because I just can't do the protein drinks!! They sit so heavy and are sweet. I get to start some foods Tuesday (chicken, tuna, light cheese, eggs, beans) really looking forward to get more than 100-200 calories in a day.
  3. my bday is the day after Christmas so maybe I will just pretend all the Christmas partys are foe my birthday too LOL

  4. MeMeMEEE

    When did you feel good post op

    Protein drinks can be powder or ready paid. They need to be whey protein isolate. I am a little confused by everyone taking childrens chewables or gummies as I have been instructed to take only those formulated for bariatric patients (brands I use are Bariatric Advantage and Celebrate). The only things I can take that aren't are after 1 month I can take calcium citrate (citrical is one brand) and my B-12 as long as it is sub-lingual. I am 2 weeks out tomorrow and taking my vitamins since day 5. Drinking my fluids takes all day long and I am scared to start food - will I be able to get my fluids in?? I'm so full with just fluids!
  5. I hit my blip today, up .4 and 2 weeks out tomorrow.
  6. MeMeMEEE

    Very easy, sedentary job

    Just know you will be very easily tired the first few weeks, I will be 2 weeks tomorrow and still take naps. I am sure this has to do with no calories - if I really push it with yogurt and protein I can get 300 in. My shower and running a few errands uses that easily. Just listen to your body!
  7. MeMeMEEE

    Body Signs

    I can't have anything besides yogurt and clear liquids until 2 weeks. Then the only bread sort of item I can have are small healthier crackers like a few wheat thins and those are sparingly. At week 9 I can have flatbread. That is the only mention of bread in my plan.
  8. MeMeMEEE

    Telling your children?

    4 is very young. You can always say mommy had surgery on her tummy to help her eat healthier/better. I probably wouldn't go in to much detail.
  9. MeMeMEEE

    Exhausted and Dizzy?

    I try not to beat myself up about the protein - it takes me all day to get my fluids right now and that is so important. I know I need to find a way to work it in but it makes me not want to drink if I think about the protein. I get some meats Tuesday, really hoping I can tolerate them because I know I need them!
  10. I use myfitnesspal. What are you having issues with? There are alot of things you can adjust but not always easy to figure out how.
  11. Yes the energy zap SUCKS!!! Walking around the grocery store wears me out!!
  12. MeMeMEEE

    Things I now know

    Haha sooo true!! And hiccups HURT!
  13. I've been told no 81 mg asprin or NSAIDS - after a year they will make exception for short stints of NSAIDS if needed. I think it could be that it is so new that they just aren't sure? We are mostly lumped in to RNY in my program at this point.
  14. MeMeMEEE

    4months out 50lbs down

    Congrats - that is a huge accomplishment!!
  15. I had one the day I came home and pretty much every day since, took 2 stool softners in the hospital and thats all so far.
  16. Oh I know - me too! Looking forward to the family I only see once a year at Christmas and my 40th birthday and celebrating both lighter!!!

  17. MeMeMEEE

    learning that my stomach is different

    hiccups are killer! I have these little dainty ones and OMG they are awful!! I drink when I am sitting down no problem then when I stand up I get these hiccups! what the heck!
  18. MeMeMEEE

    A Fresh Look....

    I am so glad it is all working out so much better for surgery.
  19. MeMeMEEE


    they consider failure losing less than 50% of excess weight. I have heard a few with regain but no true failure.
  20. I'm so glad to hear things are going well! I will be 2 weeks Monday and I am around 7 lbs lost so pretty close.

  21. I was sleeved on the 8th, I have lost whatever it says in my ticker ( 7 ish lbs I think) which seems to be pretty slow but I have just been weighing around a week now so pretty good for one week. I will take it! I have been pretty exhausted with so few calories - on a good day I hit 300, highest I've reached protein wise is 38 - it sits so heavy right now. Can't wait till Tuesday to get the OK to eat some meats and eggs and get some protein in that way. I imagine that will help a lot. I did lose 28.6 pre-op and have under 100 to lose now but I am short at 4'11'' so I think might % is probably similar to a lot of others.
  22. MeMeMEEE

    aug 12 sleevers

    Hi Ladie - I'm not an August 12 but I am hear to tell you the liquids are kind of rough. The problems I am having are it takes all day to get my fluids in and I am very worn out from lack of calories. I can have yogurt without fruit and my protein also but they sit very heavy.
  23. MeMeMEEE

    surgry aug. 16t

    Glad to hear things are going well!
  24. MeMeMEEE

    Mexico Surgery

    Best of luck tomorrow Beach Baby!!
  25. MeMeMEEE

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    I'm really enjoying having sleeve friends there and so I am bumping this in hopes of more interest! I love to be able to see what everyone is eating and get ideas!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
