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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MeMeMEEE

  1. Like no Water? Or can I have my water while waiting? I just started food of any sort yesterday so the only thing that would have been in my stomach would be the water. Today I ate about 2 hours later. Yesterday morning it was 4 hours later easily. Definitely 2 hours after I ate last night too. Is gaviscon nasty liquid? I guess I would be afraid that would make me sick and gag?
  2. MeMeMEEE

    Sleeved August 8th

    ok I thought you were on myfitnesspal.com but your name must be different there? lol I looked at my friends before I asked!! I swear!
  3. I got to start some regular foods yesterday - trust me they don't make the world much brighter. Of course the small amount is what I expected - but when I plan to eat 2 tbsp of chicken and get down 1.5 or think a whole cheese stick !! and only half goes down in my allotted time for eating I am disappointed. I sure feel like if I could have a swig of water it might make these teeny tiny pieces go down and then I could eat more. I take a nap while waiting my 30 minutes to drink because it sure seems like forever. Am I just a big baby? I felt prepared darn it! And some say oh my third week was my turn around then I read some one say oh yeah didn't get better til 6 weeks or two months - OMG I can't do that! There is no way I can work feeling like this, loopy and ditsy!! I sure hope it gets better starting the 5th week when I have to go back to work!!
  4. do you suppose it is ok to go ahead and take a second ppi? I did have my follow up today and he told me to switch it to night, I already took one this morning. I had maybe a tsbp of egg and now I have nasty burps and yucky coming up. Is this the acid? yuck! Now I'm about afraid to try something else!!
  5. MeMeMEEE

    Sleeved August 8th

    are you sure you are eating that much? have you been weighing or measuring? Do you track anywhere? and above all what are your nutritionist requirements? Mine is no more than 1/4 cup but no calorie requirement. I can have 3 meals - this just started today for me. ps I would so give for some easy drinking and eating right now!!
  6. most people have mentioned a cot or couch in the hospital room in Mexico - don't know if all Dr's are the same
  7. MeMeMEEE

    Did I just blow it??

    I didn't have a puree stage, when from clear liquids + protein/yogurt to today being able to have minced/shredded chicken, tuna, eggs, soft lowfat cheese, beans/bean soups. No puree needed. It seemed that my doc seemed pretty conservative!!
  8. I think I have the pulled whatever you guys are talking about - leaning over to get a scoop of dog food about kills me! We have a stacked washer and dryer (front loads) and I squatted down one day to get the stuff from the wash to the dryer and just about died! I'm ok as long as I don't bend over or squat!
  9. Tomorrow I should be able to begin having some soft foods added in - thank GOD because I have no energy and can't drink the protein hardly!! I am worried about still being able to get in my fluids? Right now it takes me from morning til night and many times I fall asleep with a few ounces undrank. So are you just automatically more able to drink once you can have foods? My physical therapist said soft foods can help the sleeve swelling come down also. What's your experience? Were you struggling to get your fluids in and all of a sudden you could with food? 2 weeks out today...Thanks!!
  10. My physical therapist told me that they will help reduce swelling also so it must be true. I sure hope so! I know my tummy isn't as small as some because my Dr uses 40 Bougie.
  11. I guess mine would be 1 day clear 2 weeks clear + Protein shakes (2nd day to 2 weeks) 2 weeks soft high protein foods (2-4 weeks) 1 week adding in cooked veggies and fruit (4 weeks) 1 week adding in more solid meats (5 weeks)
  12. MeMeMEEE

    BCBSIL more info needed

    This sounds kind of mixed - comorbidity failures? A comorbidity would be like high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. The failure part to me sounds more like you attempts at dieting and failing?? Hope you are able to get them what they need!!
  13. MeMeMEEE

    Day 4 after sleeve

    yes it's normal, I showed a lost first on day 6 after surgery - remember they pumped your full of IV fluids. But make sure to try your darnedest to get in your fluids (64 oz and count your protein too) because you don't want to end up dehydrated and back in the hospital!! My Dr says if you don't get it in one day you have to get the 64 + whatever you missed the day before the next day - never ending.
  14. Lisa that sounds wonderful!! I hope it works the same for me!!
  15. I have been able to count my protein shakes as part of my fluid but I can't tolerate them - I am somewhat lactose intolerant now too - tried soy milk which seems to work but have vanilla which is too sweet on top the protein too. I had been told not to worry so much about protein now but that I have to get in fluids which I have daily, short a few ounces here and there. So can;t wait for soft foods!! My appointment is late in the day so I keep thinking of dinner...what to have!!
  16. MeMeMEEE

    2 years post-op

    Congrats! what a sweet baby girl!!
  17. MeMeMEEE

    Update on me..

    I am taking 2 weeks unpaid then will get 1 week short term disability - used FMLA. I sit all day and work from home but I can't concentrate!! my attention span is gone! I assume it is lack of calories and exhaustion - hoping it gets better!
  18. MeMeMEEE

    Fell Off

    I think I can eat anything after week 9 so my progression seems a bit slower - but not too off!
  19. MeMeMEEE

    Update on me..

    Oh you are a hero to be back at work!! I have been more tired in the last few days than ever. I know it is because I am lucky if I get in 100 calories a day and I too am having protein issues. I have found that beneprotein mixes well with diet hot chocolate so have been trying that. Greek yogurt is great too if I can eat it - seems like anything I eat takes away from my fluid time and it is so hard to get it in. I can start eggs/chicken/tuna and soft cheese tomorrow - looking forward to those calories!! Hoping I can get my fluids in! I can take a pretty big swallow now so it can be easier but I feel like I need to have an uncapped bottle in my hand the whole time!!
  20. MeMeMEEE

    Fell Off

    When do you get to advance your diet? I get to add canned chicken, tuna, eggs, soft light cheese tomorrow and so looking forward to it!!
  21. MeMeMEEE

    Things I now know

    mmm apple cider!! now I want some!
  22. MeMeMEEE

    Sleevers 15th-20th

    So glad some of you have checked in and all had good reports! I am still struggling with the liquids and today is 2 weeks for me - I know I can do it, just takes all day!!
  23. I know you all will do great!! Keep us posted!!
  24. I am ready to get in more than 100-300 calories I get to have some meats and cheese Tuesday - very excited!!

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