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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MeMeMEEE

  1. MeMeMEEE

    Trying to PIck Insurance Plan at Work, HELP!

    Traveling outside your state with BCBS PPO and going to a different plan Washington is your home plan (assuming) so California would be Blue Card. You can do this. Some plans pay for Bariatric and some don't. Is the *** also BCBS? If so, it is possible your plan excludes Bariatric completely. There should be a number somewhere you can call with coverage questions - if you can't find it or aren't getting answers as you mention, ask someone in your HR department if you can see a benefits book. They may have one to look at but just don't give them out if you don't have that plan. You have to have access to what they cover - otherwise you can't make an informed choice. Many times your employer selects what is and isn't covered so the HR department may be able to just tell you. As far as covering complications? I have heard people say yes it was covered and no it wasn't so who knows. Also someone mentioned recently their insurance requires you have it for 2 years before it covers Bariatric, Vital info you need to know! Good luck!
  2. Someone along the way (Nutritionist probably) told me drinking with food is like pouring water on a clogged drain - that it will come back up, but the pushing it through makes sense to me too - but I do take my meds with water, no food, and my vitamins that way too - because those are NASTY and require something to wash the taste away lol! That is one of the things about the VSG though that our stomach still works as it always has so we shouldn't be pushing it in to our intestines - hopefully? I have been told too though to treat my protein shakes as fluids so I don't follow the no drinking rule with them, or with popsicles, jello.
  3. MeMeMEEE

    VSG Surgery vs. C-Section

    I would say the recovery itself as far as being another stomach surgery - yes the VSG is much easier - no large incision to baby. I will say I have a pain in my lower left side below my largest incision that even at 2 1/2 weeks that is still giving me fits if I lean or squat wrong. Now, mentally??? C-section was sooo much easier! You could eat just about whatever you wanted so you had energy and you had a cute little baby too. I have been suffering exhaustion from lack of calories - just finally got 465 calories in yesterday, before that I was averaging 100 - very hard to function physically and mentally on that!!! I would take sleep deprivation from a baby over how I have felt the last few weeks! LOL
  4. MeMeMEEE

    Missing work??

    I agree - I qualified, using my FMLA now
  5. So glad you are still around! Glad to hear you are doing good!! My doctor kept telling me "Sleeves have a slower start" as far as drinking and such - are you doing good on fluids? Any problems getting them in?
  6. I know she posted somewhere, it's something along the lines of What a Difference a Few Days Make - she had RNY
  7. MeMeMEEE

    Don't wait - be proactive!!

    yeah Monica!! I wish I could help you guys but my job is actually an International Claims Examiner! Not to mention I am still off from my sleeve - I took the 4 weeks my doctor recommends You can certainly still send Protein and flowers though!
  8. I was submitted on July 12 and got my verbal approval July 14 - my surgery is August 8th. If I waited for an approval letter? I would still be waiting! I work for my insurance and a co-worker told me the letters take 10 days to generate - who knows how long in the mail! I still don't have mine! So call your insurance and keep the ball moving - they can give you the approval verbally as soon as it is in their system! Don't wait for the letter - 2 weeks later and I don't have my letter but my surgery is a little over a week away! Glad I didn't wait for the paper confirmation!
  9. Only going to count the ones I gave a serious chance to - Dexatrim - 15 lbs in junior high Jenny Craig - have a lifetime membership (you know, the $350+ deal?) lost 30 lbs on that - who can afford their food? A program through my Doctor called limit the whites, leave a bite - lost about 25 lbs Weight Watchers seriously x2 - once getting to goal lost 75 lbs, (yes I made lifetime and I WILL be using my free meetings when I get back there) and then during my 6 month medically supervised weight loss period before sleeve and lost 21 lbs. A million times where it lasted a few weeks. I half way tried atkins, south beach, tried to be vegetarian (if that isn't code for CARBS ), tried exercise alone at least 2x, really don't lose much when you go to dinner with your exercise buddy when you are done
  10. MeMeMEEE

    Does anyone get the flutter?

    I have noticed it a few times, but also before surgery I noticed it some too. No idea what it is.
  11. Sometimes I think your body needs a shake up, just do something different. If you always do the eliptical change to walking for a week. If you eat high protein, throw in some carbs you wouldn't normally. I know in my weight watchers days (too early in sleeve) that when I had a bad day food wise or maybe a meal I knew was not what I should have ate sometimes I was surprised with my best loss in a while. It's worth a try.
  12. Congrats on being sleeved!! I am so glad you are checking in
  13. MeMeMEEE

    Don't wait - be proactive!!

    It is true it is worked in order received UNLESS you call in and the rep pulls it and routes right then to the department!! I would call the day after the surgeon submits!! ps. I work for BCBSIL
  14. MeMeMEEE

    Special Day today

    Congratulations and thank you for sharing your success with us as well!!
  15. So I got some real food yesterday. Tried scrambled egg at lunch and mixed some pouch tyson chicken with light mayo for chicken salad and had it with a few wheat thins. Today I have had a half of a cheese stick. 3 days ago or so I started having this nasty "taste" in my mouth, when I burp, just randomly like gagging when brushing my teeth and coming up with nasty phlegm, throwing up a bit in my mouth, etc. At first I struggled as to how to describe the smell or taste - but I have it now - like raw sewage. You know the smell you have when I drain backs up or you drive by the sewer plant? Yeah my body is producing this. I guess this is acid - I have no idea and consensus doesn't seem to be able to agree what it is. At first I thought maybe ketosis until I came across someone who said they "loved how their mouth tastes" while in ketosis. It would take a sick individual to love this. Dr says take ppi at night instead. Pretty sure I will taking one 2x a day and see what that does. Was really hoping throwing some food in the mix might calm things down and also give me some Protein because the shakes make me want to hurl. Tried the unjury chicken last night - not bad for the first 4 ounces, had to choke down the last 4. My heart was racing by the time I was done. Well no wonder with 780 sodium UGH. My hope was pinned on real food for so many reasons. Well I am allowed 20-30 mins to eat and let me tell ya that just is hard to do! I wanted to really get the whole cheese stick down today but I had to push it to get the 1/2 of it. If I could just take a little swig to get those tiny pieces of chewed up unflavored yuck left in my mouth it would be better. So then I sleep for 30 mins til I'm allowed to drink I am so sad!
  16. MeMeMEEE

    Missing work??

    I am taking the whole 4 weeks recommended by my Doctor. I have no energy right now at 2 weeks. I am using FMLA and short term disability. Alot of people go back alot sooner.
  17. The stress could be doing it - fight or flight sort of thing, your body knows you are stressed and is storing up for a fight?
  18. MeMeMEEE

    Sleeved August 8th

    I think ideally it would be best to be losing at the highest calories you can be just because it is what your body needs. I lost well on weight watchers around 1200 calories as long as I stuck to that.
  19. I'm 2 weeks out yesterday - I can tolerate very little protein, I was told yesterday I need to start getting it. The first few weeks your fluids are so much more important! I have found that Beneprotein mixes well in hot cooca if you can have that. It is only 7 grams a packet but it is something!! If you can handle the sodium try the Unjury chicken soup one - mix with water, it is pretty chicken-y. But above all get your fluids in! My proteins counted toward them.
  20. Hi Nicole - saw you are in springfield area! I am down the road in Taylorville!

  21. MeMeMEEE

    Is this full or sick?

    Maybe Almond milk doesn't agree? or its too sweet for your body? I know Protein shakes set very heavy with me.
  22. I'm so early out but I have heard others say they are swollen or tight first thing in the morning,
  23. I've been on the ppi since day of surgery so 16 days. I do think it seems a little better after taking two yesterday so I will do the same today and see how that is tomorrow. If it really does seem to help I will call the nurse and see if I can keep it that way for a while. I believe I am doing re-fried beans and cheese for dinner, missed lunch completely, having work done on the house and struggling with my fluids today. Looks like just 2 meals. Even ended up taking my vitamins the first time kind of late. Boo for today. Haven't had a shower in the house since last Thursday - running to my moms. Maybe it is all stress related. I can only pray something fixes it SOOON!!!
  24. usually empty stomach because I have to have a drink after them to wash the chalkiness down. If it was vitamin flavored burps it would be good - but alas it is sewage burps.
  25. Do you think it's possible my vitamins are doing this?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
