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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MeMeMEEE

  1. Someone mentioned sharing a meal - around here they have a "surcharge" for sharing 6.95-10.95 to share - for that you can get your own meal. My plan is to take it home leftover for my husband. Most appetizer options we have are fried so I would never do that. And unfortunately many nice restaurants have spicy soup options so that isn't an option either. Work with what you have - I sure wouldn't have a problem whipping out my card for that $40 seafood buffet!!
  2. I am 4 weeks out on Monday. When I breathe deep it hurts in my left shoulder all the way down the left side of my abdomen. It has been this way for a good 2 weeks, maybe longer. I know it isn't pneumonia as I did go to my Dr this week for coughing and drainage and he listened to my chest and it was clear. Has anyone else experienced this?
  3. I got mine at discharge from the hospital. It is supposed to allow you to eat off a senior or kids menu, I haven't tried it yet. I understand some places are ok with it and others aren't, trial and error.
  4. Thanks - it seems worst when I first wake up and as the day goes along it gets easier and easier until it goes away. I will go with this! My biggest concern was pneumonia or bronchitis and with that ruled out nerves sounds right!
  5. The breathing tub is put in and taken out while you are asleep. My Dr doesn't use a drain for the sleeve (only for RNY). The catheter goes in while you are asleep and doesn't hurt coming out, as someone else said it is odd. They took mine out the second day. Expect an IV and oxygen. Hope that helps!
  6. MeMeMEEE

    Post op help pls!

    I had diarrhea which I figured was normal being all I am putting in is liquid. If it concerns you though check with you Dr. The first few weeks fluids took alot of time to get in, I could take about 3 sips and the 4th would make me miserable. I didn't have a phase with soup other than broth so I can't help there. At 2 weeks I went to soft Protein which is where I am now and let me tell you I wish soup was on the menu because I don't consider tuna soft! I didn't have a drain so no help there. The dizzy/lightheaded could be from so few calories. Also if you are on any meds it is possible they already need reduced - talk with your Dr.
  7. Previously my program didn't have them listed anywhere but they are revising everything right now to include them. I am curious when you were able to include them?
  8. Thanks Meg that's where I am at I can't tolerate the shakes they are making me feel nauseous and heart racing - a no carb, no sugar one even.
  9. MeMeMEEE


    I know a big concern with caffeine at this point is the fact that it is a diuretic and can really dehydrate you which wouldn't be good this early out.
  10. I would say exhaustion would be a big deal. Definitely have an eating plan together. Lots of laying in the sun would be nice!
  11. MeMeMEEE

    HOLY COW!!! I'm in One-derland!

    Congrats!! Big accomplishment!!
  12. MeMeMEEE

    It's official. I'm sick.

    Feel better!! I have been having allergy issues since surgery - so sick of the drainage!!
  13. MeMeMEEE

    Update on me..

    a chicken leg sounds good! From KFC and maybe a side of potatoes LOL
  14. The first week I lost maybe 2 lbs because of the fluids. I am 3.5 weeks out and down 16 now.
  15. I'm going back Tuesday after 4 weeks off and worried about the same thing. More than anything I am worried about my concentration (or lack of) and fluids.
  16. I am at 16 lbs lost since surgery. Sometimes I am disappointed by it but it isn't shabby! I certainly wouldn't be down that much without the sleeve!!

  17. MeMeMEEE

    Update on me..

    I'm eating darn little and wish I could get in 550 calories! I have had Tuna salad 2 days in a row for Breakfast. Cottage cheese is bitter. The Protein shakes too sweet. I like egg drop Soup and split pea soup. Cheese sticks are good. That's about it. I can have cream of wheat, pudding but I barely have room to eat the protein so I have yet to try those things. I have some sort of allergy drainage that isn't going away that makes me cough all day long and of course worse when I eat. They gave me nasal spray which doesn't seem to help - I swear I feel like my mom who has COPD coughing and hacking all day. Haven't lost in 2 days but feel like that is my low calories. Wish I had a pep talk to give you! What are you eating?
  18. MeMeMEEE

    over eating

    I don't know how far out you are but I am on soft food at 3 weeks and my instructions say 4 tbsp or 1/4 cup max. I can do about 2 tbsp.
  19. I'm so excited for you!!! Update us as soon as possible!!
  20. Great question! I am new with my sleeve so I am interested in this answer!
  21. If you do and need any nectar protein they usually have a deal if you use syntraxdeal at check out
  22. MeMeMEEE

    how the heck????

    I feel for you - thankfully my Dr didn't allow me to leave the hospital until I could get in 64 oz in 24 hours. It is hard - I still drink from morning til night and I am 3 weeks out. I can take bigger drinks now but it still takes a while. I can do protein shakes every few days and thats it. Hang in there!
  23. I made it to goal on weight watchers once, I moved 1000 miles and no one knew I used to be fat! My life was normal, all my new friends thought the new me was the only me. I put on 20 lbs but maintained that for 3 years and still felt so much better than I had! Let me tell you coming home to visit at 20 lbs heavier was hard though - I felt like a failure and that everyone was looking at me. I think most didn't notice. Life just seems to go on! When we moved back to "home" I promptly gained all my weight back plus 35 lbs. Yuck. Here I am today, on my way to goal again, hopefully for the last time!
  24. I feel like I am losing slower too - I am 3 weeks out and down 16 lbs - I see people who seem to be losing 2 lbs a day - I bounce between 1/2 to 1.5 lbs a day and had one day where I went up .2. No way without the surgery would I have lost this. So I am happy. I have a touch of the lactose intolerance - seems to just be with milk, I can tolerate cheese. I bought the light soymilk, unflavored as I thought the vanilla was too sweet for me and still I am only able to do a shake every few days - they are so sweet and it takes me hours to get them down - working hard to drink it without tasting it. I did like unflavored with diet hot chocolate but the bad thing about unflavored is just not much Protein which is disappointing. I am on food now - thankfully I'm not hungry but it can be alot of work to take the time to eat - not being able to drink around it and all. A meal for me is 2 TBSP of tuna salad or a cheese stick. Not much protein in them. I did split pea soup and that was good. My daughters friends parents own a Chinese restaurant and her mom brought me a huge container of egg drop soup tonight - yum, I know whats for dinner!! Definitely don't compare - think of what you would have lost if you were doing this without the sleeve - I know I wouldn't have lost as much as I have!!!

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