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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MeMeMEEE

  1. MeMeMEEE

    Post surgery concerns

    Have you asked your Dr what his guidelines are? Sometimes the NUT and Dr differ in thought. Also, ask him about this - is he flexible? My program has us on protein shakes on day 3. Liquids are hard to get in the beginning. The symptoms you describe - being sleepy, tired, needing to lay down? You will feel that way after surgery no matter what!
  2. I have this mostly with protein drinks, my NUT thinks it's all in my head.
  3. I was told any sugar free, non caffeinated, non carbonated beverages count for my fluids - I count soups, milk, water - all of it. You have to stay hydrated after surgery just like you do now before.
  4. MeMeMEEE

    Christmas Challenge!!!

    I'm in!! SN--- MeMeMEEE SW--170.6 GW--- 155 CW-- 170.6 lbs to goal--- 15.6 Excited to see others with this as a "birthday" challenge too - day after is my bday! I haven't hit a "stall" yet and I know it's coming now that my body is finally on the upswing so I am trying to be realistic on the goal.
  5. I am 4'11'' and at 130 was a size 8-10. I am looking to get around that again. This is about 5 lbs above top of BMI. I did get down to 124 which is in my BMI range and it didn't make any difference. I think you just have to have a flexible goal and firm it up as you get closer.
  6. MeMeMEEE

    Weight Watchers

    I plan to go back when I get closer to goal as I did make Lifetime and will be free.
  7. Number one - TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR! I just had an abscess found 2 weeks ago and symptoms I would not have considered were there and I never mentioned them.
  8. I am almost 3 months out. Up until last week I felt off, couldn't eat what my NUT wanted me to in calories or protein, even my vitamins started to make me sick. I kept wondering and asking when does it get better? I kept passing by when everyone said it got better for them and it didn't get better for me. Nothing terrible, just feeling off and thinking I was failing at the eating thing. Then they accidentally discovered I had an abscess in my abdomen. They were shocked I wasn't very ill from it and scheduled me for surgery last Friday. Well my body decided Thursday if they said I was supposed to be sick I would be and I woke up with pneumonia. It was a very scary day for me. They didn't do the surgery that day but did move me up several hours on Friday. I woke up with a feeding tube and drain. But I felt so much better by Friday afternoon. I have had some up and down days since then, I don't like being sick and have never been this sick in my life. On those down days? I was definitely regretting. But now I have been home 3 days and eating the foods I was before this - I can eat more, closer to where my NUT wants me calorie wise. I feel better in general (still lack the energy but I think that is because of the surgery). I don't think I have regrets. Things are beginning to be how they were supposed to. I am still scared, I have a drain hanging from my side that I empty infection from and a feeding tube I am using to give myself protein a few times a day. I don't like it. But I think the regrets are fading quickly.
  9. MeMeMEEE

    Oct 29th check in

    Hi guys! I am better this week, recovering well I think. Had a loss of 5 lbs over the last 2 weeks since I last officially weighed in. Down to 170.6. Getting there! I am able to eat more since my surgery last Friday, it would seem the abscess/infection really was causing my body alot of issues. I am sure hoping my sleeved life is on the upswing now!
  10. MeMeMEEE


    Congratulations! That is so awesome!
  11. well guess it's just firefox issues with the new layout. Guess I won't be here for a while since I can't read or post.

  12. when I click topics they never appear - new layout would be nice if it worked!

  13. MeMeMEEE

    Feeling pretty low

    Don't give up! I believe too that the restriction is there if you go back to protein first! You can do it! Come help me along now that my world might be a little more normal food wise!! My NUT tells me I need to be at 1000 calories so you aren't way off - you can do it!
  14. I'm home! Got out last night, came home with the feeding tube - I can put protein in it to keep up with my needs - how exciting! LOL Well haven't tried that yet, later today - kind of freaks me out - we'll see. 3 more weeks of antibiotics to take and the drain is still in getting the infection out. I can't remember if I said but I have pneumonia on top of it. So fun.
  15. Still in the hospital, they say they are "refeeding me" right now, that is the word of the day and my discharge depends on how it all goes. Today it was mentioned that they think I had a hematoma that got infected and not a leak at all. I would be so happy if there was never a leak, not sure it makes any difference as whatever it was has been playing havoc on my body! I am up and down, hoping that the healing of my body will help me all around, eating enough calories has been a real issue for me from day one and now it seems possible the infection had been pressing on my stomach and not allowing my sleeve to fill out with food but I also know some of it has been my own fear of eating too much and hurting my sleeve.
  16. Well I have been having severe shoulder pain off and on since surgery, this last 2 weeks being the worst. My iron panel came back funky with iron and saturation low and ferritin high so I was referred to a hematologist who did a chest CT - which caught a pocket of infection in my abdomen, He gives info to surgeons nurse and she calls me and says it needs drained and could be a from a leak in the staple line. So today I go for an appointment with the surgeon then get worked in at the hospital for a drain. I had no symptoms, only this shoulder pain which is apparently referred from the pressure the infection is putting on my diaphragm. No fever. I have no idea how long this has been going on. I haven't felt "good" since surgery, maybe 60% at the most. I have very high hopes for when this infection is drained. I am just shocked that it could be this with NO SIGNS!!!
  17. MeMeMEEE

    October 22 Check-In

    very bad week - see other posts on board - leak
  18. I had no idea - shoulder pain. Then after I found out the sickness from it hit me.
  19. MeMeMEEE

    2 1/2 months - leak?

    I have updated some other posts forgot this one sorry! I woke up Thursday sick, coughing up nasty plegm and went to er around noon was evemmtually admitted they talked about surgery that night but just moved me up on the schedule yesterday. I felt great yesterday not sure how I feel about today, the coughing phlegm from thursday is back and supposed to have a pulmonary consult. have a drain, feeding tube and picc line.
  20. I had my surgery today and I feel so much better already from yesterday. From what my Dr said it could be that it was a pin hole leak that didn't leak until the swelling went down. He also told me tonight that it was unusual to have it so far out - I think I must just be a freak! So far no gastric juices in the drain stuff which is good and would indicate there isn't still a leak, that it healed. Hoping for the best and I think things will be so much better now. Listen to your body! Push the Dr's if you feel something just isn't right. I didn't listen to my body or my friends telling me to! Thankful for a bad blood test that sent me down the path that found this!!
  21. MeMeMEEE

    Dull pain below left shoulder

    My Dr said today it is very unusual to have it this far out, I saw him wednesday and he said he was surprised I wasn't sick from it, that's why he scheduled my surgery for today. Yesterday I got sick from it, it was like bam, at 4:30am I was fine and at 6am I was sick!! They moved me up 5 hours on the schedule, I feel so much better already. Oh and my shoulder pain completely disappeared with the sick yesterday - weird. I understand about eating dense food, that causes me to have a stuck feeling in my back. I think if you can pin point it to that you are fine.
  22. MeMeMEEE

    Dull pain below left shoulder

    My shoulder pain was my only real symptom, I thought I pulled something from coughing. Turns out it is from the infection pushing on my diaphragm. It is worth mentioning to your surgeon.
  23. MeMeMEEE

    2 1/2 months - leak?

    It has come and gone since surgery, I knew it couldn't be from the surgery gas but I have also been coughing which we thought was from Acid Reflux and I figured I had pulled something from the coughing. Apparently they are both from my diaphragm.
  24. MeMeMEEE

    2 1/2 months - leak?

    Please don't get freaked out! If there was an easy leak it is me - I have had NO physical symptoms except this shoulder pain and I certainly never would have guessed a leak. He said it is most likely a pin hole, very small. Maybe (probably) not even leaking now. My Dr doesn't do a leak test per se but checks with the scope after he finishes the surgery. I don't know if even would have shown the day after surgery as from what I read it probably didn't leak until swelling went down, the swelling actually keeping it from leaking. I think things can just happen and that's that. I will be sending you prayers for a safe surgery and recovery yourself! Stay positive!!
  25. MeMeMEEE

    2 1/2 months - leak?

    Well no drain today, radiology can't do it because of where it is, they would have to go through diaphragm and that could cause an infection in my chest or around my spleen at the bottom and that isn't feasible either. So my surgeon will be doing surgery on Friday for me, don't know if it will be open or lap yet, it's a really tough place, right between my spleen and stomach I guess. I will be in the hospital at least overnight. Thankfully they wrote my FMLA so it starts tomorrow and I can be off work because no way can I concentrate! My surgeon will be out of town next week so any problems I have would be taken care of by his partner who I haven't met - I guess it's all ok, he is bariatric also but it's scary. Ready for it all to be done for sure.

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