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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MeMeMEEE

  1. My leak was detected at 3 months, suspected at 9 weeks. They say it was probably there from the beginning and when the swelling went down it started to leak. I complained of left shoulder pain for a month before they considered a leak. It is the top in the tricky part.
  2. It can happen. Mine was discovered at about 9 weeks out. Know the symptoms and if something doesn't feel right don't let them put you off. My ONLY symptom was left shoulder pain, from about one month out. They kept telling me it was acid reflux. Finally a bad lab made them look in to it further. It sounds like you had your band removed at the same time? It seems like there can be more damage to the stomach from that and more risk of leaks. If you look up Tiffykins she had complications and leak with her band to sleeve. Leaks are rare but they do happen. I had no idea I had one, was convinced I had no complications. Because I didn't have multiple symptoms the doctors didn't come to that conclusion either. Don't be paranoid but be aware of your body and if you do have any symptoms make sure your doctor checks everything to your satisfaction.
  3. Oh my gosh! I'm going through a leak right now and hate to think of a recurrence! I completely understand about just wanting to feel normal again. I pray for you it is all because of stress. On the bypass note, I was told it is a cure for acid reflux - that may be why they are suggesting it? I would be concerned also with being so far below goal already! Keep us posted.
  4. My program says 15 mins before and 30 mins after as a rule. However my NUT told me it was ok for me to do what I need to do - I was having alot of problems getting fluids in the more I ate because of the rule. I was told I was imposing too many rules on myself but was just trying to follow the written rules!
  5. I'm so glad they sent you for a CT!! Hope they figure out what you did soon!
  6. Just noticed you aren't tracking but are going to begin - I recommend myfitnesspal.com - lots of sleevers there and also if you have an android or iphone you can track that way too - including scanning bar codes!
  7. You are getting quite a bit of exercise and sounds like your calories are low. Maybe shake it up calorie wise? Also, keep in mind the 3 week stall everyone is mentioning.
  8. I haven't eaten out much since my sleeve but did ALLLL the time before. I have had some complications and not gotten out much, now on a feeding tube, nothing by mouth. I guess my biggest issue is trying to order something that will reheat well or my husband will eat. It is so pricey to waste it. On the flip side, my pocket book seems to be overflowing with money now!
  9. Oh so glad to hear! Sounds like you had a great but busy day! Congratulations on a great loss so far! And way to go on all the walking!! The first few stages you go through after the sleeve certainly seem a strange diet!! Can you have mayo or greek yogurt? If so you can make you hard boiled egg in to egg salad! If you can have broth, you could make homemade egg drop Soup...haha I found so many things to do with eggs! I guess when I start eating again I will get to go through all my stages again I am actually feeling really well but I don't go back to the Dr until after the first of the year. I am on my antibiotics until the 27th and then praying no more infections! So far I have had about a week in between antibiotics where I feel better then start to feel bad again. Thank you so much for the prayers!
  10. Checking in on you! How did your follow up go? Hoping to hear you were advanced on your diet and all is well!!
  11. MeMeMEEE

    Need Some Sleevers To Relate To!

    If you are on facebook, there are some great Sleeve groups - VSG For ME and Smart, Strong, and Sexy Sleevers! (4S) are two of my favorites. Another group I am in is WLS - there are members that have had all sorts of wls surgery but a fair amount of sleevers too - it is the largest group I am in. They are all closed groups so only members see your posts - still very private. My hospital doesn't have alot of sleeves either - when I began my journey it was around 12 I believe. Our support group doesn't usually have but 2-3 who have been sleeved and a few more that are in process. I find so much of my support online. I have heard BAD things about taking flintstones - in the WLS facebook group there is a very knowledgeable lady writing a book about Vitamins and WLS and it is great to get info from her. She had RNY and developed rickets taking flintstones which has made her really dive in to research. She recommends centrium (or the store brand equal to), 1 a day. I switched to them myself as the bariatric chewables began to make me sick. I haven't gotten results on my 3 month labs yet so not sure how it worked. I have since began dealing with a leak now and so unable to take anything by mouth so just getting my nutrients and vitamins from the osmolite.
  12. I had to get 64 oz down in a day before I left the hospital. It is tough in the beginning. Remember ALL fluids count, meds, water, protein, etc. Have you tried the sugar free Popsicles or sugar free jello? They count also. I could eat a popsicle in minutes but it would take 30 mins to get the same in water down. You don't want to get dehydrated!
  13. I had shoulder pain off and on from the beginning and I blamed it on sleeping it on it wrong. In the end it was my only symptom of a leak. Eventually it began to hurt all the time. I never had a temp. I also eventually had hiccups and I guess that is a leak symptom as well. Listen to your body
  14. I didn't think to ask and all they told me was to start taking Dry Vitamin D for 8 weeks then they take me off for 2 weeks and run blood work. This will put me in to the time where I am hoping my surgery will be scheduled - July/August. Anyone had low vitamin D before surgery?
  15. At 9 weeks is when all my restrictions were lifted.
  16. As for limits the 2nd 2 weeks on my diet - there was a limit - I could have a few of certain things and I thought it would be a challenge to limit. It didn't end up being - you get full so quick that what sounds like a little amount is more than you can eat. One egg? Are you kidding - I was a 2-3 egg person. Now I can't barely eat half of one! Yogurt that seemed like nothing before takes 2-3 sittings. I know the farther you are out you can eat more though. I still salivate over the food commercials and smells of foods - if I could eat right now I would be allowing myself small amounts of things I love or want. Sometimes they are as good as they smell but mostly they weren't the way I remembered or expected them to be. I lost my hunger so that is good but it doesn't stop the cravings
  17. Let me check with my husband on the program he uses - you can do it with CD's too. My hospital provided socks too but I just disliked them LOL
  18. I was not allowed to use gas-x per my Dr. Waste of money for me - when I finally could, it didn't help (gas from beans). Things I wish I had brought - deodorant, brush. You could always rip your DVD's and put it right on your laptop if you don't want to have to drag them along - my husband did that. Also, you can watch all CBS shows on their website the day after they air for free. Definitely take your own slippers if you have some already.
  19. Sounds like you are doing great! Congrats!!
  20. They seem to think it is a space between staples, maybe a missed staple. It is up high which I guess is the common spot for it to happen. My surgeon does a scope before you come out of anesthesia so no barium swallow before leaving the hospital. It doesn't sound like it would have showed at the point anyway if it opened when the swelling went down. My only pain was the left shoulder which wasn't mentioned as something to go to the ER about but I have since learned it is referred pain from the diaphragm (abscess was pushing on it). If I had been running a temp or sick they would have known leak from the beginning. My surgeon said he couldn't believe I wasn't sick from it but it would make me sick so they had to get in a drain it. My body took that to mean "You should be sick" and I woke up the next day with full blown pneumonia. What I had to do for the 2 leak tests after they discovered the abscess was swallow Gastrografin and have and xray sort of thing - I think that is the barium swallow thing but not sure. Nasty stuff. I've had to take it for 2 of the CT's too. They let me wash it down with Water with the last one - heaven since I hadn't had anything to drink in a month LOL Felt like I was cheating so bad. I was so upset at first, thinking I had somehow done it to myself - they insist I didn't but it's still hard to not blame me - after all I did this to myself, had this surgery so ultimately it is my fault - guilt ugh. Working on that. My big symptom is the shoulder pain - had it with the abscess, then had Fluid around my lungs and this last time a different infection from the abscess drain. I have learned to make them listen when the shoulder pain gets bad. I did have a very low grade fever with the fluid on my lungs - talking 1-2 degrees. I would say my abdomen was tender for several weeks, at least 3. I often think it's warmer than the rest of me too, usually what prompts me to check my temp. Then of course I remember I am sitting here with a laptop on my lap - of course it is warmer! haha. I'm pretty paranoid but they always remind me if my incisions aren't very red and hot to the touch it is ok. So far so good on no incision infections for me! Staying positive is the main thing through this journey - keep it up! It's ok to worry though too - it is your body and your health! Again wishing you a great visit Tuesday, may you be bumped up on your diet and assured that your abdomen is all normal!! Keep us posted!!
  21. Haha GI Jane! That would describe my Dr's nurse as well - on the phone the woman scares me but she is nice in person although still stern and scary. My office has two NUT's and unfortunately I have the stricter of the two but have learned that the program manager is also a NUT and so technically there are 3 - sometimes they conflict and that causes me so much frustration.Think crying fits. I'm a "by the book" person which has always worked for me but not with this - ugh! I'm telling you I have a pdf of my program and would diligently check it before I ate anything in the early days moving through the stages! I'm far enough out now that I can have anything - but guess what?? They discovered a leak when I was 3 months out - jokes on me, I am now on tube feedings and nothing by mouth. Thankfully I also lost my hunger otherwise I would be going a little nutty right now. I was so worried I did it to myself, my NUT was not happy that I didn't eat as much as I should and I pushed for her. In reality, it was the abscess from the leak (discovered 3 weeks before the leak) that was pressing on my sleeve and giving me even more restriction. Once they drained it I was able to eat much closer to where they wanted me to be. Then boom, the leak was discovered (didn't show on the first leak test, standing, only when I was laying down). Sorry no more food for you! They say it was there from the beginning, when the swelling went down it opened. The only symptom I had was left shoulder pain and they - including NUT, Surgeon, PA, nurse and primary - all said it was from acid reflux. I had no temp, wasn't sick with it. It was all found because of a bad Iron panel that sent me to the hematologist. Pfft. So over it all. Hoping next year is better. I am glad your appointment is Tuesday!! I'm worried about your abdomen being warm - tender is pretty standard I think though. Hang in there and keep drinking your flavored water! Isn't it weird how things taste so much stronger - sweeter or saltier now?? My smell is on overdrive as well. I can't do a whole flavor pack either! My husband thinks I am nuts. Some days I wonder myself.
  22. I have encountered very few people who attack but it is here - and other support places as well. That's life I guess!
  23. I tried whole wheat toast at about 3 1/2 months - it was fine for me but not really worth the space it takes in my sleeve. Good to know I can do it though!
  24. Rosy - I am sorry if you took what I said as "You should do this because my Nut said it was ok." My intention was just to say if you hadn't spoken with your Nutritionist at your Surgeon's office you should, as you hadn't mentioned speaking to anyone except your Surgeon. Believe me, my program is far from lenient and I have believed it to be one of the more stricter ones I have seen on this board so I would never suggest you not follow your own programs directions, just wanted to mention I had all the "papers" for mine and that wasn't the whole picture - in my case. Have a good Sunday.

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