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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MeMeMEEE

  1. 2nd test confirms leak is healed and also confirms fistula. Not sure where that will go. Expecting to hear I can start back on liquids soon.
  2. Mine I can pin with a safety pin to the dressing or shirt or whatever
  3. Update for the day - First test (sinogram) shows no more leak - will have a upper GI tomorrow to confirm that. BUT I do have a fistula between my abdominal cavity and lungs....no idea what will happen with that or even what it means. Dr said very unusual and he wants to consult someone on it.
  4. Remember all liquids count toward your intake so if you drink 16 oz water, 16 oz protein, 16 oz of broth, 16 oz of jello/popsicle/juice that equals your 64 oz of fluid for the day. Can you take one pill ever 3 oz of fluid you drink? That would get your 20 pills down. Hopefully you will be able to stop some pills as you lose weight.
  5. If you keep having shoulder pain keep on the doctor. My shoulder pain was from referred diaphragm pain - I had an abscess and leak. Any swelling in your abdominal area can push on the diaphragm and cause this pain. Eventually the vicodin didn't touch it. I also ended up with pneumonia and then fluid around my lungs which caused my lungs not to be able to expand all the way. I had 3 chest tubes placed and spent a total of 4 1/2 weeks in the hospital. If you have ANY trouble breathing even a little get to the hospital!
  6. Mine was intense when it was there but then would go away. Until it stayed for good - then when the abscess was drained it vanished. It has come back twice now when my drain starts to get thick and yucky, once was a change in infection and the antibiotic I was on wasn't the right one for that particular infection. I finished my antibiotics yesterday and sure hoping it all stays good from here on out. Still have drainage so pretty sure the leak is still there. I go back to the Dr tomorrow so we'll see!
  7. MeMeMEEE

    Abdominal & Chest Pain

    Keep bugging them if you need to - my only symptom was the shoulder and side pain, never a temp, able to eat and drink, no vomiting or nausea. My doctor was shocked I wasn't sick from it. My first test showed no leak (after they found the abscess). About 10 days later when I was still complaining they did another test lying down because I was dizzy and it showed the leak when I rolled to my left side. This was one day after my 3rd month.
  8. It started out here and there and eventually there all the time - was taking vicodin and eventually that didn't touch it. It was all referred pain from the abscess from the leak pushing on the diaphragm.
  9. My doctor checks with the scope before he closes. My leak only opened when the swelling went down. Then the first test didn't show it (standing up) but when they did the second one (laying down) it showed.
  10. MeMeMEEE

    Abdominal & Chest Pain

    I had left shoulder and side pain - my only indicator of my leak. Definitely speak to a surgeon - see if they can do a leak test for you, make sure they do it laying down so you roll to your sides.
  11. My only symptom was left shoulder pain which I had from almost the beginning - they told me it was probably acid reflux. I also could never eat how much they said I should. I probably had a fever but was on pain meds for shoulder. I got hiccups a few days before. My ferritin level was high but my saturation and Iron were low. That's what finally clued them in and the hematologist did a CT scan.
  12. I still have a ways to go but have had some of these problems as well: Only spending 15 minutes in Goodwill because there was 3 cute shirts in the size I needed right off the bat. Being able to sit up to get out of bed instead of rolling out. Sitting in the bath tub and not touching each side.
  13. My advice is also keep contacting your doctor!!! I took a month off as my dr recommends 2-4 weeks, at 4 weeks I still didn't feel well and it went down hill for me - until they discovered a leak around 9 weeks. I wish I had pressed harder about how I felt, they just poo-poo'd me and told me to get more calories, upped my ppi, etc. If you don't feel right make them understand it!! I listened to everyone on here say it got better at 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks, etc and it didn't for me. I decided maybe I was just a baby and this was the new normal for me. I am relieved they finally found the problem and am in the healing process now.
  14. MeMeMEEE

    Three Showers?

    same for me
  15. Do other liquids besides water go down ok? If so, drink what works - any liquids count for your fluid intake. I found warm liquids worked best for me - decaf coffee/tea, broth, hot chocolate, etc. I agree the diarrhea is normal at this stage.
  16. MeMeMEEE

    12/31/11 Last Check In Of 2011

    Didn't weigh today - no real loss showing while I am on this feeding tube getting 1200-1500 calories a day, up 4 lbs from my lowest but that is holding steady so it's ok by me. My new years wish is to heal and get rid of the tubes! Hoping that I will experience some nice loss when I do as the tube goes in to my intestine so nothing in my tummy for months should keep my restriction, right?
  17. I have to disagree as well, I followed my rules to a T, even to the point of my nutritionist telling me I was being too strict with myself. Low and behold, a leak discovered at 9 weeks out. They have assured me it was nothing I did.
  18. MeMeMEEE

    I *think* I'm Covered! Bcbs

    I made lifetime in 2003 on Weight Watchers, gained it all plus 37 lbs back... I would get that letter! I had to do a 6 month supervised diet per my insurance requirement (BCBSIL). I have heard some have been able to show WW books to get past that with BCBSIL but I was told specifically that I had to see my primary Dr for 6 months. Hopefully your insurance is straight forward - sounds like you have some back up with the other person you work with having such a quick turn around!! I work for BCBSIL (HCSC so also TX, NM and OK) so I pretty much knew what I had to do from the start but also my program is very familiar with our insurance so that was awesome! Lots of employees have had bariatric with my surgeon.
  19. MeMeMEEE

    I *think* I'm Covered! Bcbs

    I agree, seems pretty normal. I guess my worry would be how does it need to be proved? It doesn't specify so that kind of leaves it open. If you did weight watchers and have your weigh in records or tracked on line and can print a record I would take that to the surgeon, just in case! That is awesome that it sounds like you can have it done so quick! Best of luck - and I agree - STAY POSITIVE!
  20. MeMeMEEE

    I *think* I'm Covered! Bcbs

    Take a look at the general medical policy for Empire here. It doesn't have a 6 month diet listed BUT the 2nd bullet: The individual must have actively participated in non-surgical methods of weight reduction; these efforts must be fully appraised by the physician requesting authorization for surgery; That makes me think you will need to be very in depth with any weight programs you have tried when you speak with your surgeon. Note: Your employer may have a medical policy of their own so definitely double check and you can even ask Empire to send you a copy of it. Best of luck!!
  21. MeMeMEEE

    December 24 Check In

    Feeling a little sad seeing all of you moving ahead while I sit here with this leak I am hoping for good news in the new year, ready to be back on track.
  22. ask about the dosage of tylenol - they don't seem to want me to take more than 375 at a time - not sure if that is related to the sleeve or not. I did take tablets once - just one extra strength - and found taking the junior helped better - maybe because it doesn't have to digest as much?
  23. There is a liquid adult but it is nasty. I took junior chewables, 3 did the trick. My Dr says no more ibuprofen also, unless supervised by him. Pink and puffy is ok I believe, it is when it is red you need to worry.
  24. My bougie is 40 fr. They believe my leak was there from the beginning and only opened once the swelling went down. I think the leak tests before leaving the hospital are somewhat a false reassurance - you have to be hyper aware of your body and stay on top of any problems and insist on testing if you have a problem and don't get better.

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