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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MeMeMEEE

  1. I'm sad to see that she won't need to go through the insurance process or the major process required by most Dr's in the USA. Seeing a psych, nutritionist, physical therapist and UNDERSTANDING everything that will be required of you when you go through with the surgery. Maybe you can talk with her about doing that on her own, seeing some of those same people. Can you talk to her friend's husband, the surgeon? Maybe he can make some suggestions as well. It may be different to him as it is a friend of his wife, maybe he can help you and her both. This isn't a decision to go in to lightly, it is a very serious life altering step. I went in to it knowing I had done all the research, had 6 months of medically supervised weight loss behind me, my primary Dr as well as the whole surgeon's office and team behind me in it.
  2. I have a blender bottle from wal-mart it has a little wisk sort of ball inside and is great. I think they run about $5 or so. They are called Blender Bottle. You can see them by doing a google search - I can't figure out how to add a picture.
  3. What I am hearing here is that you are scared for her and also for yourself if something should happen to her. Have you told her this? I believe this is how my husband felt as he told me repeatedly how I was wanting this elective surgery and how extreme it was, etc. To bring the elective part in to perspective, I have had many other surgeries in my life - I was born cross-eyed and had my first surgery for that at about 18 months. I had about 4-5 through the years. I had tubes in my ears. 2 c-sections. My tubes tied. Every one of those surgeries could be considered elective or cosmetic in the case of the eye surgeries. Surgery was nothing new to me and I just KNEW that everything would go smooth. Everything did not go smooth for me. I was exhausted from about 2 weeks out and at 9 weeks an abscess was discovered and at 3 months a leak. I spent around a month in the hospital then as well as had a feeding tube. It was very scary. This is when it became evident to me that this was exactly why my husband didn't want me to have the surgery. This is what he was scared of. We got through this but I did question myself on why I had surgery a million times. I am healed now and basically back to as if I was 5 weeks out from surgery. Complications are rare but if that is what has you worried let her know. But don't only look at the bad. Her health will be improved and her energy as well. Do her family members have diabetes, heart disease and those sorts of things? Will the surgery help her avoid these things for herself? Also let me say I made goal and lost 75 lbs on weight watchers in 2004 but slowly gained that back plus another 35 lbs. I knew I could lose on my own but my issue is keeping it off. The restriction the sleeve provides is what I need to help me, it is a tool. Would it be possible for you to talk to her Dr about your concerns again? That may help you both. Best to you both.
  4. I was mostly worried where you mentioned you had 3 oz of Fluid the other day - you don't want to get dehydrated. Good that you are advancing
  5. Don't be afraid to ask them for IV fluids. Maybe they can give you a picc line for fluids until you don't feel so raw and are able to get them on your own. I know through it all with me everyone kept telling me "you'll feel better and forget all of this" and no way could I believe that. I felt the same, would rather be fat than go through everything I went through. I am still not happy by any means but I do feel better about my decision than I did 3 months ago. Thinking of you and sending prayers for healing, sooner rather than later!
  6. Places on International Drive can be very cheap and most have a shuttle, usually around $40 a night I think.
  7. MeMeMEEE

    Myfitnesspal Questions

    Yes you can set your goals - click on goals and at the bottom change goals, then custom and you can adjust it there. I use decimals also as for if I eat a 1/4 cup and normal serving is 1/2 cup I just do .5 also.
  8. MeMeMEEE

    January 28Th Check-In

    I had a great week! So glad I get to see the number dropping again! Down 3.6 lbs this week to 160.8
  9. MeMeMEEE

    Update..no More Picc Line!

    WOOOOHOOOO! I am so glad to hear this!!!
  10. MeMeMEEE

    I Have A Leak!

    Oh I am sending lots of prayers! Hang in there! KNOW that many people will try and say you did this to yourself, etc but that isn't the case! I know you have been taking care of yourself - these things happen, possibly was there from the beginning and the symptoms just took a while. Feel free to message me if you need to vent. I had no idea that yellow bile was a symptom of a leak - guess I had that one! No one seemed too concerned about it at the time. Ugh. I didn't have a stent, he did talk about it some, I think that was going to be the next step when I finally had a good upper GI showing my leak was healed. I wasn't offered the bypass - LOL honestly probably would have jumped on it at that point I was so freaked out. Glad they didn't give me the option. I probably would have went nuts with a roommate at that point. I highly recommend checking the difference in semi-private and private rooms - it cost me $180 for a week out of pocket my first stay, 2nd stay apparently I was sick enough to justify it and they paid 100% for private. (((((HUGS))))
  11. I am back on the losing side! I got the ok to go off my feeding tube Tuesday and also my drain taken out! YAY! I have lost a few lbs this week and am down to 164.4, just a smidge higher than my lowest weight at the beginning of December! I have about 40 lbs to goal, a little more than half way there. Ready to be back to normal and exercise!
  12. Glad you see your Dr today. Keep us posted. ((Hugs))
  13. I am sooo glad to hear your leak has closed also!! YAY!! I expect to get my feeding tube out next week as well, I have been on soft foods about 10 days now. It is definitely harded now than the beginning - I am having cravings and such and the Protein shakes are about to do me in for the bathroom. The weight isn't coming off like before and I really hoped it would. It still is but at a much slower weight. As soon as this darn feeding tube is gone I need to get to exercising.
  14. I was not a revision. My surgeon is Dr Max Hammer in Springfield, IL.
  15. Pookey - have you spoken to your doctor now that you are home? I also had a left side pain but it was very intermitent and never said to be a leak symptom - it was worse than the shoulder pain when it did come, hard to stand up straight and move at all. I don't know what it was, haven't had it since my abscess was drained - suppose it could have be related? No idea.
  16. HAHA! I didn't think of that! I just remember seing one of her first posts and she talked about having it and revising to VSG
  17. There is a lady on the boards whos name is former_vbg - maybe she can shed some light. My understanding is it is a completely different surgery.
  18. MeMeMEEE

    New Protein Shake So Yummy!

    I would say at least 5 weeks before I could have veggies. I would ask your nutritionist.
  19. MeMeMEEE

    Left Shoulder Pain

    My first upper GI came back fine as well but I had an abscess confirmed by the CT. My second upper GI had to be done while I was laying down because I got light headed - and when I rolled to my left side, they saw my leak - it NEVER showed when standing up! They told me it wasn't standard to do one laying down so if they haven't done one laying down, ask for it! There is someone else here on the boards who had the same thing happen - it only showed when laying down. Also? I never had a fever or was sick from it. Left shoulder pain was my only symptom.
  20. I would watch the calories - 200 plus 90 for your milk - almost 300 calories a shake. That's ok early out when you can't get in many calories but later could really put you over the top. It also looks like it is a protein compound that includes whey isolate but also others so not sure how much is the whey isolate. Best advice - take it to your nutritionist and ask them to review it with you!
  21. Where is the pain you are experiencing? I had severe left shoulder pain but it didn't start out severe. It came and went for a good month or 6 weeks before it got unbearable. I never vomitted or had a fever. I had a leak. It was discovered at 9 weeks out - I had complained to my Dr's about the shoulder pain for a good month. They said it was acid reflux. NOT.
  22. MeMeMEEE

    Severe Shoulder Pain

    They told me it was acid reflux for a good month - the leak was discovered by fluke when I had a CT scan of my chest for a hematologist due to a funky Iron lab. My abscess showed in the CT. Keep on them if the OTC doesn't help!
  23. My drain is OUT!! O-U-T OUT!!! YAY! Feeding tube to hopefully follow in 2 weeks :biggrin5:
  24. MeMeMEEE

    Should I Call And Ask My Insurance Again?

    there is a CPT code you can ask them to check 43775 they should be able to tell you if it is exculded

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
