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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MeMeMEEE

  1. No real loss this week to report. I am bouncing around and this may be my first stall. I get my feeding tube out tomorrow and then can really jump on the exercise wagon!
  2. MeMeMEEE

    High Protein Snacks

    I love thinly sliced cheese - colby jack is my favorite! I was also told to use my shakes in place of snacks.
  3. MeMeMEEE

    B Complex (Blech!)

    Where did you find capsules? Brand?
  4. I try my best to tell people who aren't feeling right to speak with their Dr and push until they are satisfied with their answer and care - I listened to too many people - here, on facebook, even my NUT - say oh drink your Protein, take your Vitamins, it gets better soon, etc. I should have pushed harder a whole lot sooner, I knew something wasn't right but people made me feel like I was being a baby.
  5. I just keep praying your stent stays in place, works and works FAST!!!
  6. I agree about the vlog thing. I searched and searched for people with leaks who had vlogs and there are very few. I hadn't posted one since before surgery, all excited with my date, showing all the goodies I went and bought. Hard to follow that with how week and tired you are and then later to follow with the leak story. I finally did one just a few weeks ago I think. I don't know, maybe I will do another when I get to goal or something, just not feeling it right now. My leak is healed, no pains or problems, but every weird twinge or sound and I worry, is that a new leak? Is it back? Paranoid! Eek! You know what gets me? I didn't ask about leaks when I met my surgeon, I just wanted to know about death. I mean THAT is a serious complication right? Never occured to me a leak was so serious I guess, just didn't seem important to know at the time. Boy, wish I had!!
  7. I think they can be both?
  8. you hit the nail on the head there!!
  9. I am in a facebook group for all WLS and seems like all the complications are sleeve and bypass have alot of hernias but never leaks and such?
  10. I am in a facebook group for all WLS and seems like all the complications are sleeve and bypass have alot of hernias but never leaks and such?
  11. The referal implied you each had to order and then you got the $10? Because that would be like 4 orders just to get $20 free??
  12. MeMeMEEE

    What Is The "sleeve"

    To me it would be the same as saying I love my new tummy. It is an object to me, it is what is left of my stomach, a sleeve of what it was, if that makes sense. That being said I don't refer to it that way myself! LOL
  13. MeMeMEEE

    Should I Be Worried?

    You definitely need to try to get your fluids in - as close to 64 oz as you can, even sipping when you wake during the night. Have you tried many warm liquids? Warm tea, broth, sf apple cider packets all went down much better for me than cold liquids, even now they do. I could do unflavored protein mixed in with sf hot chocolate much easier than a full blown shake. Try you best to get in protein as well - your body needs it to heal!!! Also, if your pills are small, you shouldn't have to crush them. I was taking mine whole (PPI and a migraine med) right out of the hospital. I was also told I could take Tylenol whole.
  14. MeMeMEEE

    Can't Eat Or Drink From Nausea

    Thinking of you and sending prayers your way! The J-tube is a blessing for now, that you can get those fluids in some way is great, but trust me I do understand wanting it out! I am finally hoping to get mine out Tuesday! But they are uncomfortable and make you feel confined to your home. Do you have a machine to push fluids or do you just bolus them? I had a machine and could only bolus Water and meds. Do they have you taking some amount regularly through you tube or are they mosly wanting you to eat/drink?
  15. Darn, must have been just for yesterday I opened an account and no email. They have a refer a friend where you each get $10 off your second order..
  16. Just had my daughter pick another one up for me - they are $6.88 at our wal-mart. Could of swore it was more like $4.68
  17. YUCK! fast healing vibes!!
  18. No idea where I got protonix from - I see you are omperazole (sp). Does the stent cause more acid?
  19. Were you on the protonix before? Maybe that will help? Trying to remember what you said..
  20. Is there a chance that the pain will go away, that maybe it is raw from placing it? What do they say about the pain?
  21. I was talking to another sleever on facebook who had a leak and they went in and fixed hers after about 5 months of it not healing (she didn't have a stent either) but wouldn't before that because they said the tissue wouldn't hold. She said even at 5 months they weren't sure it would hold. They did exploratory surgery on me when my abscess was discovered to drain it but even then my leak didn't show, not sure if they would have closed it then or not. Each situation seems to be very unique and every doctor takes care of it a little differently. Hope the nausea meds help!!
  22. Maybe this will give you a good laugh - I actually wanted the stent when my surgeon mentioned it! It was always mentioned casually. Eventually the PA said "you don't want a stent, trust me" but didn't elaborate. I hope they get the stent figured out for you and you get to feeling better. I think the leak is supposed to heal quicker with the stent so hopefully you won't have to deal with it long. How often will they recheck the leak for you?
  23. MeMeMEEE

    Am I Being Hypochondriac?

    I was 9 weeks out when my abscess was discovered and 3 months when my leak was discovered. Check with your Dr for sure. I had the left side pain but they never confirmed it as a symptom. Left shoulder (they kept saying chest) pain was my only noticable symptom.
  24. I never had a point right after surgery where I felt well, I was just sure being exhausted and feeling sick after eating most Proteins and Vitamins was going to be the norm for me. I feel good now - in the last few weeks I have energy, I don't feel like I need to nap several times a day, and mostly I don't feel sick. That took almost 4 months from when my problems started. Cautiously optimistic - once in a while a Vitamin makes me nauseous (just now!!). Does your program have a social worker/psych? Mine stopped in a few times while I was in the hospital and that helped so much, she really helped me to figure out my emotions - frustration, anger, etc - and deal with them better. (((HUGS)))
  25. Thinking of you and sending prayers. I felt the same as I was going through everything - wanting to tell people don't do it! That has passed for now but I still am not encouraging anyone to do it either. What an ordeal, huh? And if you haven't experienced a major complication, nothing can prepare you for one, at least that is what I think!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
