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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MeMeMEEE

  1. MeMeMEEE


    I think they start everyone out at a baseline dose, I am on 1000 mcg a week. Just got my 6 month lab back and I am good so I assume no change to my dose. If I was low, they would up it at that point. I think the fact that I have been sick for 4 months of those 6 that's pretty good!
  2. It could be hereditary instead of dietary.
  3. juniors chewable tylenol worked well for me!
  4. Praying for you! That seems like a huge amount of contrast I was give 1-2 oz each time I had a test with my leak. I hope it's just a bug!
  5. MeMeMEEE

    February 11 Check-In

    I am 160 now, not sure how many pounds down from last check-in because I have been bouncing around alot. I go back to work tomorrow, been off for 4 months with my leak.
  6. I am so glad today seems to be going a little better. Sounds like still a little rough but any little bit better is good!
  7. Anyone? I have been told only one sleever goes to my local support group so hoping to find some of you nearby? I am in Central IL Springfield/Decatur area.
  8. MeMeMEEE

    Complications ;(

    Thinking of you and sending prayers. Complications are rough. I hope someone who has had a similar problem comments soon, it helps to have someone who has gone through it before to talk to. Is the kink like a stricture?
  9. I worry that the vomiting is just going to keep the leak open with it contracting the stomach. I hope not - I guess if the expert isn't worried maybe not.
  10. All I got to say? I am soooo glad there isn't a baskin robbins in my town anymore LOL But that darn magarita sure sounds awesome!! I really want a bloody mary though!
  11. I wish they would let you go TPN and be home with it and remove that stent!!
  12. MeMeMEEE

    General Funk

    I would say up your fluids - you need at least 64 oz. Worth a try!
  13. Kind of like your body doesn't like the foreign object - rejecting it or something!
  14. I used my lortab to sleep also, rest is a good thing for healing, although it sure would be better if you didn't feel so sick
  15. How are you today? I see you were up in the middle of the night posting
  16. Just take it day by day. I know that's hard when it seems so bleak. Know there are lots of us praying for you!
  17. I have had a leak. I did not get sick with it, just had very bad shoulder pain. After it was discovered, I ended up with pneumonia and fluid on my lungs. I don't believe they go in and restaple it. Mine was allowed to heal on it's own (NPO for 2 1/2 months). I have heard of them placing a stent (jasleeve is going through this right now) and also going in MONTHS later when it wouldn't heal on it's own and using surgical glue. Risks and complications can happen with any surgery. The lapband seems to have alot of long term complications where the sleeve seems to have them early out if you have them. They say 1% complication rate for the sleeve.
  18. I predict it will all get better next week! (hey, lets pray!!)
  19. Ok well glad you talked to her - wasn't sure if she was you primary dr's nurse or surgeons! I guess the good thing is you are half way through? Hard to be positive but that is good at least
  20. I am glad you aren't dehydrated!!! Is your surgeon here int the US? I can't remember? Who placed the stent? Seems like the bariatric surgeon should be helping you in some way? No idea how, just seems like it? I know I have seen others mention suppositories for nausea on other threads and on some facebook groups I am on? Have they tried that? (((HUGS)))
  21. MeMeMEEE

    I Wish Someone Had Told Me....

    My leak had been there for a while, which is what caused the abscess. The leak only showed on the test when they had me lay down, they didn't do that the first time. Most likely the leak opened when the swelling of the sleeve went down.
  22. I'm worried about you! Scared you are going to be dehydrated I hate hearing you are throwing up and it seems to be EVERYTHING! If you go to the hospital is there any chance they will give you fluids or admit you? It makes me so mad for you that they just keep sending you to one another!!!! GRRRR!
  23. MeMeMEEE

    I Wish Someone Had Told Me....

    I wish someone had told me that no matter the very slim chance of a complication, just how bad and life altering they can be. Go in to this praying you are a lucky one with no complication and that the initial time off and recoverey for the sleeve is all you have to go through. But also know if you have a leak you could be hospitalized again for additional time (1 month for me), that you may end up NPO (feeding tube for me but also TPN possibly), be prepared that you could be off work for several more months (4 for me), know that you may have a stent placed (jasleeve) and that is very uncomfortable and makes eating and drinking bad. I wasn't prepared for the possibility of complications - after all it is 1% right? Be prepared. I doubt it makes it any easier but just know it can happen and it is very serious if it does. One person explained it well by saying it is 1% until it is YOU then it is 100% you.
  24. Candice, I am so sorry you are "joining" our club. Sending lots of prayers and understanding! I too had lung issues from the leak (pneumnoia, fluid on my lungs, fistula between abdomen and lungs). It can be a very rough road. How are you doing with the TPN? I know the no eating can be very hard, I had a feeding tube but I believe Peacequeen was TPN. Be sure to share your story when you are ready, your symptoms and problems so others know what to watch for, etc.
  25. HAHA gotta put my 2 cents in about Lortab - it rocks when you can inject it directly in to your feeding tube - it takes no time to work! Sadly, I ran out about a week ago

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