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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MeMeMEEE

  1. I would say pretty quick, within a 1/2 hour maybe. I didn't have any problem making it to the bathroom, I wasn't on a complete liquid diet, could have veggies and a few other things. I would say I was "done" long before bed, by 7-8pm. And after the initial affect, it was lighter from there on out. The stomach cramping gave me plenty warning to get to the bathroom.
  2. MeMeMEEE

    Need Some Encouragement

    The short answer is yes you will! Hang in there! I am almost 7 months out and eat pretty much what I want, focusing on protein first. I had a leak so I can't eat as much as most people at 7 months but here I am!
  3. You said yourself - you are on a clear liquid diet so there can't be much - My instructions were to take it at 3pm the night before, I did and was "cleaned out" within a few hours, and it wasn't bad since there was not much in there. Take it when you are suppose to, even at work. I wouldn't take it Monday unless your Dr ok's this.
  4. vitamins and your ppi are really important, vitamins will help with energy and such. What sorts of foods can you have at this stage in your plan? Have you tried unflavored protein in coffee or hot chocolate? That helped me alot in the beginning.
  5. You might read through jasleeve's thread in this forum called I definitely regret surgery...so far. It doesn't start with her leak but she talks about the leak alot and your heartburn sounds alot like the problems she had - I believe they told her it was acid.
  6. Hey Jamie - glad you found the forums! There aren't too many of us who have had leaks on here, outside of who has posted already I can think of peacequeen and tiffykins. I hope they make their way here also and give you some insight. It is rough, don't be afraid to ask about antidepressants if you need them - my doctor was willing to give me a temporary prescription. I tried to do some other things that made me happier, started reading books again, funny ones, no sad ones. And getting in to a routine as much as you can helps too. Are you working while this is going on? If not, even just getting out and meeting friends for a drink (water is everywhere) or walking around walmart and seeing other people helped me. If your program has a social worker/psychologist, see if you can talk to them or get a referral.
  7. MeMeMEEE

    Symptoms Of Leaks?

    I had extreme left shoulder pain. That was about it.
  8. MeMeMEEE

    February 25 Check In

    Well I just realized I actually did lose .4 this week so I am happy to have lost a tiny bit even if it was like in the 1st day of the week! I guess I lost it last Sunday and was thinking it was already included in my loss last week but last week I was 157.2 and now am 156,8 so YAY! LOL Every little bit, got to keep telling myself that!!
  9. MeMeMEEE

    How Long Does Hair Loss Last?

    Mine started very bad at about 3 months, I am just past 6 months and it has almost stopped.
  10. MeMeMEEE

    February 25 Check In

    No loss for me this week - that seems to be how it goes I lose every other week. Even though I still get between 800-1000 calories, sometimes I throw in a mini kit kat or a top of a cup cake for a snack. I always get my protein in and my fluids - each day - no matter what. Just frustrating that my loss is so slow. I burned up the early months with my leak and instructed not to lose during that time and here I am. I did better than this on weight watchers. Frustrating
  11. MeMeMEEE

    I Need Help...

    I have heard that as you lose weight your hormones go haywire because they are stored in fat so as you burn fat you burn hormones.
  12. I am 157.2 today, down 2.8 lbs from last week. YAY! I Think I am officially in the 150's. In the beginning I just KNEW I would be at goal by now. Maybe without my leak I would have been, who knows. I think I am still on target to hit it by summer - I hope! I changed my ticker to include my preop weight loss too - I lost that darn weight, I am claiming it haha!!
  13. Love the new picture - you look great and so happy! Glad to hear you can eat now!!
  14. MeMeMEEE

    Calcium Question

    yes you can take the calcium petite they are citrate - you have to take 6-8 a day.
  15. I pretty much went through the stages again - full liquids, soft/mushie food, fruits/veggies cooked, meat and now anything.
  16. MeMeMEEE

    Orange Juice

    I tasted diet caffeine free flat diet coke - YUCK! LOL
  17. MeMeMEEE

    Orange Juice

    Trop 50 is good! I tried just a little because I too was craving it. It was before my leak was discovered but I have had a sip of bloody mary since my leak healed and it was fine!
  18. I'm so glad!!!! I was worried since it was later - wasn't sure how long it would all take and such!
  19. Sending lots of prayers for your tomorrow!!
  20. MeMeMEEE

    Consultation In The Desert...

    I had a complication - a leak. Even though I read all the complication threads I still wasn't prepared with how it would affect my life. But it really is about being prepared. I think it is very important to know all the possible outcomes - pray you won't be the 1% but be prepared if you are.
  21. MeMeMEEE

    I Miss Gum!

    I was never told no gum - I will say I find myself chewing a 1/2 or 1/3 of a piece because it seems so sweet. I have always chewed sugar free gum though too.
  22. MeMeMEEE

    Caloric Intake

    My doctors goal for me is 800-1000 and I am 6 months out. You can adjust your goal on MFP by going to My Home, Goals, scroll down and Change Goals, Custom, then set your calories, % of protein (I set that first and then go by whatever MFP says for fat and carbs - and I don't pay alot of attention to those #'s). It will still give you a blub at the bottom when you complete your daily diary that you are eating too few calories but it will at least show a normal calorie and protein goal for you.
  23. MeMeMEEE

    Dear Favoredone.. Must Read!

    Aww how sweet!
  24. When I was in the hospital with the fluid on my lung, I had MASSIVE saliva - they brought me a suckie thing in, like the dentist uses. It was awesome haha! And I was NPO except chewing ice chips then sucking the water out! Not sure what caused it but it sucked bad!
  25. When you eat and drink otherwise do you usually do cold? If not sounds like your sleeve likes that! Can you make some smoothies at home and maybe even get in a little Protein with some unflavored powder? They sell that smoothie fruit in the freezer section.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
