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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by StawberryBlond

  1. StawberryBlond

    Georgia Sleevers

    I hope you do well! On the bright side, its so hot out today that its a perfect day to stay in and take it easy! Which doctor did you use? How much was your self pay? We are self pay and looking for a doc in Georgia, but we may end up having to go to Mexico due to cost.
  2. Has anyone used Titus Duncan in Atlanta?
  3. StawberryBlond

    Titus Duncan in Atlanta

    Thanks everyone! I thought that price seemed too good!
  4. StawberryBlond

    Titus Duncan in Atlanta

    When I look at their site from my smart phone they say they have a special for $9999. Gotta call and find out
  5. StawberryBlond

    Titus Duncan in Atlanta

    How much was self pay?
  6. RJ, What would be your recommendations for trying to prepare for the psychological issues that you mention?
  7. StawberryBlond

    Titus Duncan in Atlanta

    April are you self pay?
  8. StawberryBlond

    Titus Duncan in Atlanta

    April are you self pay or is insurance picking up the tab?
  9. Has anyone used a self pay doc in Georgia? Or Alabama since its close? Would love to hear cost, what's included and if you are happy. Thanks!
  10. StawberryBlond

    Georgia Sleevers

    Was anyone self pay in Georgia? Would love to gear cost, what you got for fee, and whether you are happy.
  11. StawberryBlond

    Pissed off and scared

    Oh no! That sounds miserable. When do you fly out? Who was ur doc?
  12. AtlantaRed - who are you using as self pay on ATL?
  13. StawberryBlond

    Atlanta, Georgia

    Who did you use?
  14. Lobblou- hope it went well. Keep us posted and know we are thinking about you.
  15. France - wow! How much is the self-pay there?
  16. I have been lurking on this board for a long time. Before this, I lurked on the Lapland board for at least a year. The years are slipping by and my body isn't changing, except to get older. My fears for moving forward is whether the surgery could/will negatively impact my life expectancy. I know of all the positives but I worry really long term. I am also the on living member of my immediate family - both of my parents died of cancer and all other maternal family members have cancer. The odds are not in my favor and I fear how the surgery could impact future cancer treatment, if needed. Is anyone familiar with post sleeved cancer survivors? I know there are no guarantees, but hoping some BTDT advice will help. I have amazing kids and a great hubby and I want to make sure I am around for as long as possible. I feel like this surgery could benefit my life, but its so hard to get past the fears.
  17. StawberryBlond

    1 year today!

    Can you share how much your self-pay was with Dr. Cirangle?
  18. Trying to research CANCUN doctors, prices, etc. and coming up with very little information. Can those sleeved in Cancun share doctor information, cost and whether you would recommend them again?
  19. StawberryBlond

    Plastics referral for Atlanta

    Dr Wynn Pound off Meridian Mark in Atlanta.
  20. I contacted Dr Perez's rep and there is not a hospital option. Wags-would you go to Perez if you had to Bo back to the Victoria clinic?
  21. I am self-pay and trying to decide on a doctor for the surgery. I go back and forth between going to Mexico with Ortiz and saving some $$$ or finding someone in Georgia and paying 2-3x as much so that I will have the security of a local doctor. How do I choose? Has anyone from Georgia used Ortiz? Does anyone from Georgia know a great surgeon with super self-pay rates?

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