My doctor does 3 weeks of full liquids . . . so that also includes cream soups, etc. Not just broth and jello. It may seem excessive to some . . . but he has performed thousands of lap-band surgeries and is VERY involved in the after-care of his patients. He gives us his personal email and checks it throughout the day and responds quickly to all questions. He used to recommend a 2 week full liquid diet (post-op), but has switched to 3 weeks because people have fewer problems and hello! the stomach is still trying to heal after being messed with during surgery. So I am going to follow his plan . . because this is my 1st lap-band and he has the combined experience of thousands. It is actually good - not just for healing, but also to slow down and learn about true hunger vs emotional hunger. Not a bad thing since I know we all didn't get chubby from eating only when we were truly hungry. Am I right?? Anyway . . I am really excited for this year. I know I just started and it won't always be easy . . but I have a feeling the end result will be awesome and totally worth it!