So my surgeon and I agreed another fill would be good. Even though Ive lost 30 pounds, my appetite had picked up. I got the fill, did liquids 24 hours. I did mushies all day, then dinner I had a cup of chili. I cleared with the surgeon. I ate slow, chewed well. Two, three hours later my chest was on fire, I couldn't breathe nor get down water!I tried vomiting, mylanta, walking around, rubbing my chest,NOTHING WORKED!!! I did the same things over and over all night trying to get relief. So I was so anxious to get a unfill,that I was waiting in the parking lot when they opened. I got a unfill, felt 90% still some heartburn. How do you know what the best fit is? I lost three pounds in two days because of the bad being too tight. I don't want to have another dying episode and running back and forth to the office.