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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Tyne88

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  1. Tyne88

    Weight Gain

    Hey everyone I have had my band for around 5 years noq my starting weight was 128 Kgs and got down to 78 kgs !! Im 30 years old female and from australia, My husband and I started trying for a baby we fell preganant so I went adn got 2.5mls taken out of my band I had 3.5mls in the start with in 6 weeks I put on 12 KGS !!!!! we lost our baby due to a misscarriage this was a hard time for me as it was my secoud in about 2 years, We are ok though I have awesome support from my husband which is great! My issue is that after 5 years and sitting on around 78-82 kgs I really thought in my mind I had it under control my eating.... as soon as I knew I could eat I did!! I was out of control I went to see my doctor today he put 2mls in so I now have 3 mls I need to get myself back into it and lose the 12kgs I pt on !! It actually freaks me out to think that this band is so important to me as I need it more than I thought I did ! Why do I always think of food? has anyone else felt this way ? A x

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