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Everything posted by Tai29

  1. WOW! Maybe a bit harsh?!?!?!? Congratulations for losing so much so quickly, but some people's bodies do everything they can to hold onto the weight. Good advice if they aren't adhering, but if they are - this could have felt like a kick in the teeth. This is what I find to be annoying ... people who take your words and try to make them inflammatory. I said repeatedly that I was not preaching or lecturing but simply speaking matter of factly and since we are all adults I didn't think I needed to talk down to her. Everyone's body is different but if you've had the Sleeve your surgeon has probably already ruled out thyroid issues and the fact of the matter is loosing weight is pretty much the same. Burn more calories and it will come off. Monitor what you eat and it will come off. People stall and so forth but at the end of the day if you aren't doing all you truly know what you can do then you can't expect your weight loss to be successful. The Sleeve is only a tool. It's doesn't lose the weight for you, you have to make lifelong changes in your diet .. of course everyone knows that, but some people who still struggle to lose weight may not always do that. It just really, really irks me when people instigate and that is what I feel like your comment does Mini. I didn't call names, or make accusations towards the author of this post, I simply asked a few questions and gave examples. Based on data regarding the sleeve most individuals lose 30% of their body weight within the first 3 months of surgery, so a year out would give me cause for alarm. Some people do things they aren't even aware of doing just from force of habit. That was my point. At any rate, I don't have to explain myself to you - if YOU were offended you could have kept that to yourself because my comments weren't really directed towards Mini.
  2. Leederz ... Omg I do NOT want to drink another Protein shake. I used to love, love sugary sweet things and no matter how little grams of sugar, I cannot find a Protein Shake that doesn't make my stomach turn or make me gag. I am trying to get my protein in with food these days. I'm so over those d*&@! shakes! Lol Thank you guys for all your suggestions. Quest & ISS wafers are on my list to look into!
  3. I would also say to do a 24 hr food recall on yourself.... look at the food selections you were making prior to utilizing the 1400 cal recommended by your Nut. Again, anything made with flour is not your friend. Bread, crackers, dumplings, Pasta, rice.. Even diet soda ... not necessary. Empty calories
  4. That seems awfully wrong that you're almost a year out and have not reached goal. My surgery was on Jan 23 and I've already lost close to 35 lbs. I don't want to sound like I'm lecturing but did you follow your post op dietary to the "t"? I will not deviate. People find a lot of ways to "sneak in goodies" like adding low fat ice cream to Protein shakes or having diet sodas, etc.. but if you think about it those are things that are absolutely not essential at all to your diet and why put yourself through major surgery if you're going to try to "cheat". Again, I don't want to seem preachy, or like I'm lecturing you ... but I know it definitely does not come easy to say no to the cravings but I am so strict with my diet. I won't eat bread, Pasta, rice, any caffeniated products which even includes iced tea. Your Nut is the professional but if I were a year out and needed to lose 50 lbs I would get pretty hardcore. A 1400 calorie diet will produce results if your calories are the RIGHT kind. My surgeon only required a 1400 calorie diet prior to surgery and I didn't do straight liquids and I lost 8 lbs in a week and a half. I would say no fat, no sugar... on my 1400 cal my favorite quick & easy lunch or dinner when I was tired was 3 oz of grilled chicken two handfuls of baby spinach and 2 tablespoons of low fat italian dressing. Drink Water when you feel hungry... sometimes it's not hunger, you're actually thirsty. Your Nut's plan sounds good. On days you aren't working out you don't need that many calories.. you're doing less work and weight loss is all about burning more calories than you take in. Best of Luck on your journey.
  5. Tai29

    Swallowing Pills Whole

    I was discharged from the hospital 1/25 and had surgery on 1/23... I never experienced trouble swallowing pills. I was actually swallowing pills whole on the 24th. Even now I can take my pills back to back and don't have a problem and my pills range in many different sizes. None of them small
  6. My surgeon also told me to avoid coffee any any othe caffinated products. I was told these will irritate your sleeve and on the off chance that it does not irritate your sleeve, caffeine is a stimulate which will often promote feelings of hunger even if your sleeve is satisfied and you're not hungry which can ultimately lead to over eating. That alone was enough for me to totally avoid anything with caffeine.
  7. SoS, You look absolutely amazing... isn't it just mind blowing the transformation that occurs. I was just sleeved 1/23 and can't wait until my 6 month mark to see my progress. I predicted that by then I should have lost a substantial amount of weight and planned a vacation at the 6 month & 2 week mark. Congratulations. You look so happy and I am so excited for you on your success and hard work.
  8. My surgeon told me to never eat that stuff. If you think about it, that's not a natural treatment of food. It's been basically bathed in salt to preserve it. Even sunflower seeds are better than beef jerky and 1 oz of roasted sunflower seeds has 14 gm of protein!
  9. Tai29

    We All Scream For Ice Cream :)

    Like someone else here, I too tried some yogurt and I ate a few spoonfuls very slowly. When I picked up the third spoonful PAIN gripped my entire stomach. I had debilitating, horrible stomach cramps and I broke out into a cold sweat. That pain was so horrible and just rocked me. I haven't eaten anything since that had more than 2gm of sugar naturally. I am very, very picky with what I eat. I don't even look at anything sweet or anything thats a treat. Especially this early in the game - this is just my opinion... when you start snacking on ice cream, and trying to find "small" indulgences you can stall quicker or may not reach your weight loss goals as quickly. Again, this is just my point of view. I was eating yogurt while out with friends and trying to be polite. But now I bring my food with me and I don't try to get creative. If I crave a snack I will eat fruit "in their own juices" ... And as a result I have lost 34 lbs and my surgery was on Jan 23.
  10. When I started my journey I started at 330, being 29 years old and desperate for a change because I knew that although I have the capability of eating healthy... I would still just eat too much. I thought, the Sleeve... yes. Perfect for me. This will restrict my intake and I will be able to manage my portions better. Not to mention I had high blood pressure and sleep apnea. My surgery was on Jan 23rd and today as of Feb 2 I have lost 27 lbs. That should be something to make me feel happy about but it does not. I feel so out of sorts. I feel the physical hunger pains, but I have no desire to eat. As a matter of fact I was not released after two days because I had been in the hospital for 3 days without eating a single thing post-operatively. I am just so depressed at this point. I am still on Stage 2, Puree diet currently and it is the worst thing ever. I never know when I'm full until my stomach feels bloated, I get horrible stomach cramps and diahrrea after having eaten anything, and especially after drinking Protein shakes. So at this point I am feel very lethargic and just horrible. I have no energy because the only time my stomach feels normal is when I don't eat. I am trying to work the Sleeve exactly the way I have been told but it is giving me the blues. My nut suggested drinking skim milk as "snacks" to get in protein and this gives me horrible, horrible gas. So I tried to trick myself and started putting skim milk in my hot Cereal, Protein shake, Soups, anything...and I am just feeling terrible. I don't know what to do besides go back to the all liquid diet. I feel frustrated and trapped in my body. Everyone is complimenting me on how quickly I'm shedding weight, and how great I look but the ugly truth is I would have NEVER done this had I known my experience would be this, and I can honestly say that if I had it to do over again, I wouldn't. Any helpful advice is greatly welcomed and needed.
  11. Congratulations on your weight loss Curvy Diva! I was having the same problem... I couldn't tell when I was full. I would just eat and then suddenly feel funny. I just got off the phone with my surgeons Nurse Pract...and she said EAT SLOWER...She said it should take you a very long time to even eat half a cup of anything ... doing this will help you notice when you get full. I'm so glad my surgeon's office is so helpful. Another thing, tuna has kind of become my best friend too because it's like the only thing that I can really eat that is decent. I would say that crackers, bread, rice (although I know you didn't have any) are probably not the best choices because those are common foods that can obstruct your sleeve. The dough doesn't digest the same in a sleeved stomach the way it does in ours. It sort of just sits in a lump until you can digest it and because of that it is easy for sleeve patients to obstruct if bread, pastas, rices, crackers ..become regular parts of our diets.Otherwise I think you're on a really good path to shedding more pounds and you're doing very well with your diet. I talked to my nut and she told me to try egg whites with baby spinach and feta cheese (reduced fat) and measure about a half to maybe 1 tablespoon of the cheese. I'm excited to try this one myself.
  12. We all have to keep in mind, no two sleeves are alike. And I believe there is some variation in bougie size used which will give some patients more less forgiving sleeves. Following my surgeons orders I was allowed IV liquids for the first 24 hrs preceeding surgery, after that clear liquids. Once I was shown to have tolerated those I was allowed a normal liquid diet which includes hot cereals like cream of wheat, as long as they are a soup like consistency, water, protein shakes and cream and broth soups. All of my soups have been a very clean puree and I have had no problems. However once I incorporated the creamy soups and soup bases into my diet I did notice that I feel fuller much quicker. I average 2-4 tablespoons before feeling full and this morning I ate two tablesppons of greek yogurt and felt stuffed.
  13. Just to give you an idea: I alternate between having at least 4 oz (at minimum) of skim milk, protein shake and water throughout the day, then for meals I am having broth or a pure soup and I have maybe 2-4 tablespoons... I got adventurous and made a tomato herbal cream soup and it was so good I ate the entire half cup and couldnt eat the rest of the day Lol.
  14. This seems a bit extreme. You aren't going to get a leak from too much Fluid intake. The staples used to suture your sleeve are a strong grade that wont rust or deteriorate. People get leaks from lifting more than they should, trying to exercise too soon before they are fully healed or improper technique on the surgeons behalf but not from drinking Water. The risk you run is stretching your sleeve BUT after just 2 - 3 days you're not going to do too much damage. You have to be habitual. It's typical to not feel restriction in the liquid stages especially, if , as someone else stated you aren't gulping. Gulping gives you horrible gas and makes you bloat which makes you feel restricted quicker. The worst thing would be to become dehydrated. That's grounds for hospitalization as far as my surgeon is concerned because that will cause a snowball effect on other body systems not to mention the horrible fatigue it will bring on.
  15. Don't fret! Totally, totally typical. My surgeon required a low calorie diet of 1400 calories about a week and a half before surgery and I lost 10 lbs doing that. I spent two days in the hospital and when I came home I was 8 lbs heavier and that's totally normal. Your only method of nutrition right now is fluids and most people still have a drain, there's some abdominal bloating, etc ... it's all normal. Give yourself a few weeks and you will be sitting on the loser's bench in no time.
  16. After all of the seminars, meetings, psych evals, etc I finally have my surgery date. Jan 23rd @ 7:30am. I thought I would be a lot more excited but now all I feel is nervousness. I was soo sure before and now I keep questioning myself. Will I be able to do it? Will I get enough Protein? Am I making shakes correctly???? What should I bring to the hospital with me? Ew I hate the thought of dealing with a drain! Lol. I thought I would be so excited to finally be on my way towards a healthier, more in shape version of myself. I really wanted to enjoy this moment leading up to this life changing event for me, but I just really can't. My stomach is all in knots over fear of the surgery. What if I don't wake up from the surgery?! What if the pain is intolerable?! I find that my mind has run amuck! I am finding things to worry about to ultimately talk myself out of it. Does anyone have any helpful advice? :crying: Thanks for listening to my rant ...I'm a newbie here but I always feel the love from everyone.
  17. Rosie I have promised myself to be very attentative to my diet. So many people become discourage easily, or hit stalls or say they can't seem to lose weight... it's these small things that we don't even think about that hinders us along the way. Happy shedding Rosiegirl!
  18. And to answer your question Syntha 6 is a good one as well.
  19. Dooter Try GNC Wheybolic Extreme. I dipped my finger in to taste test the powder only and it was pretty good. I'm using this in the vanilla and the BSN Lean Dessert in Whipper Vanilla and chocolate. They're super good and help me to tolerate the Protein. Seriously the Lean Dessert is like drinking a shake. And they are both Whey.
  20. Rosiegirl This is my newbie take on things. I would say the use of that Edy's addition to your shake depends on where you are in your weight loss. I personally wouldn't do that early on and probably wouldn't add that until way after when I have reached goal. I use GNC Wheybolic Extreme and the caloric intake with that alone is 260 calories. Without adding anything and I take it because its super high in Protein. I think the further you are away from goal the more textbook you should keep your stuff to maximize weight loss. Just my opinion.
  21. Thanks so much guys for the reassurance ... I really, really needed it. Even though my husband is the most supportive it always just feels better coming from someone who is going through exactly what you're going through. I know it may seem strange, but after reading every kind word I really am feeling a bit better. Islandmom! We start our journey together! We should definitely keep in touch and be motivational pen pals lol ... After finishing my Protein shake for tonight's dinner I'm thinking I am going to need that!
  22. Tai29

    Getting A Surgery Date

    Once my insurance approved my surgery the coordinator called. She asked me what time frame did I have in mind. She immediately started with the date that was the earlier available which was only 2 weeks out from now and then asked did I prefer something later. I had a lot of flexibility because my surgeon performs surgery 4 days a week and there is another surgeon within the practice who performs them 4 days a week as well, so obviously they are able to get in you in a lot quicker than most practices. It's always best to let them know you're trying to coordinate family members arrival with your surgery date so that they can help you find the date that best works for you. Best of Luck!
  23. How many surgeries per year does he perform Also his complication rate
  24. Tai29

    UHC covers Plastics...

    Thank you Kimmes ... you are absolutely right about plans picking and choosing. Sometimes I review a patient's benefits and think their HR people are real _____ holes ... I never cease to be amazed at what insurance companies can weasel out of adding saying it's not an "essential health benefit" Wishes ... I am happy I could help. I felt like I was rambling on a bit, but I also would hate for anyone to have the burden of huge medical bills to pay because they were under the impression something was "covered" and it really is not. Insurance jargon can be like a foreign language or double talk because it is "covered" but deemed not medically necessary so therefore DENIED! lol ... Patient's need a translator and that is where I come in! After WLS the last thing a patient should have to worry about is financial burden of paying medical bills. Personally speaking, I want to save all my money for skinny jeans! :whoo:
  25. I just wrote a really long dissertation like response about panniculectomy and coverage in the section where someone started a tab saying "UHC covers plastic surgery"... I would say to check that out, but if you can't find it (I can't remember which section it was under) to briefly recap, the panniculectomy are a tricky thing to have insurance pay for. If you can believe it, most insurance companies have a certain measurement where the excessive should hang for example "more than 3 inches belong pubis" and you have to have recurrent/chronic skin infections that have been treated with multiple courses of oral medication i.e., tetracycline, and continued use of said medication w/ no improvement. Because I know all of this... I'm planning on getting a good personal trainer to tone up as much as I can post op because panniculectomy coverage is a never ending roller coaster. Best of luck!

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